齐文玉 高考英语作文太难了 必备高考读后续写高分技巧二

acad2018 2023-05-14 15:44:00















He wept bitterly when it was time for us to leave.He could feel tears springing up behind his eyes but he was determined that he wouldn't allow them to appear. He stood silently, tears rolling/running/streaming down his cheeks/face, while the music was playing.


He looked around the room without fully lifting his eyes up from the ground.As I picked a glance/look at the performer,I was astonished to see Jack.My father winkled his brow and gazed at me, confused and worried.


She wandered aimlessly around the streets.As he slowly inched his way toward the crossroads, he finally saw the car accident that was blocking traffic.


I squeezed a smile trying to conceal my nervousness.It was such a good comedy that when it finished, he was still rowing with laughter.


He settled himself comfortably in his usual chair.She popped up to a sitting position and looked hastily around.

三、上期读后续写 1 范文与解析




Paragraph1的开头是"我后来问她怎么知道是我的“,由此可推测本段主要从姐姐认出作者的方式上入手。文章第一段的"She always said she loved my laughter and it's the most impressive sound for her”。以及倒数第二段的" I was laughing at something my friend just said"暗示了原因,因此本段可续写作者笑声的影响力,对家人的意义以及姐妹之间的寒暄等。



Paragraph 1:

I later asked how she'd known it was me. She said it was my laugh, the impressive and unforgettable sound. My laugh is not all that unusual, but I guess to a family member it's infectious. It hits her heart and resonates in her mind. I asked her what she was doing in New York, and she said she had come for an opera showing and was there for only a week. Neither of us has ever returned to New York, and both our visits were spontaneous trips planned just a week earlier.

Paragraph 2:

Since that time, my sister and I have never been separate. We both moved back to Wisconsin. We talked and joked daily like before. Many years have passed, and my sister and I are now both in our 50s. I see the chance of meeting as more of a lesson, a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones. After our sister-to-sister miracle, I don't plan to let that happen again. Also, I know the secret to connect each other.

四、读后续写写作训练 2


It was New Year's Eve. I was 15 and feeling sad because there was not enough money to buy the dress I wanted.We did the chores(家庭杂务 )early that night, so I figured Dad wanted extra time for us to spend together. Instead,he dressed himself again and went outside. "Come on, Elizabeth, "he said."Dress yourself warmly.it 's cold out."

Outside, I became even more upset. Not only wasn't I getting the dress; now Dad was dragging me out in the cold. Whatever we were going to do wasn't going to be a quick job. I unwillingly climbed up beside Dad, the cold already biting me. We pulled in front of the woodshed(柴棚), and started loading wood. Finally, I asked,"dad, what are you doing? Have you been by Mrs. Clark's

lately?" he asked.

Mrs. Clark lived about two miles down the road from us. Her husband had passed away the year before, leaving her and three children to raise on her own.”Yeah," I said. "Why?"" I rode by just today,” Dad said. Little Jake was out digging around in the woodpile, trying to find a few pieces of wood. They're out of wood Elizabeth.

That was all he said. Dad then went to the smokehouse and took down a side of bacon, telling me to go load it. He returned carrying a large bag of flour over his right shoulder and a smaller bag of something in his left hand. "What's in the little bag?" I asked. "Shoes. They're out of shoes. I got the children a little candy too. It just wouldn't be New Year without some candy. I tried to think through what Dad was doing. We did have big woodpile, meat, and flour, so we could spare some, but

I knew we didn't have any money. Mrs. Clark had closer neighbors than us. Why was it our concern?

We unloaded the wood behind the Clarks' house and knocked on the door. It opened crack(缝隙), and fearful voice said, "Who is it?" James Cotton, ma'am, and my daughter, Elizabeth. Could we come in for a bit?"

Paragraph 1:

Mrs. Clark opened the door of the house where the three children were wrapped in a


Paragraph 2:

I understood very well that Dad had given me a gift much greater than a dress.






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