
acad2018 2022-10-13 09:44:00





Welcome to Guide Dogs Training Center, boys and girls!

First, let me tell you something about guide dogs.

In 1918 a doctor and his pet dog walked with a soldier who was blind. The doctor went in the hospital for a short time. When he came out, he saw his pet dog had guided the blind soldier to the other side of the hospital safely. So he taught a dog to guide a blind person and it worked out well.


A: Mike, how old are you?

B: Seven.

A: How long have you played tennis?

B: Since I was three.

A: Who taught you how to play?

B: My father.

A: How many days a week do you play?

B: About three or four.


话题:Personal information (小我环境)


( 1 ) Are you interested in English?

( 2 ) Who speaks English best in your class?

( 3 ) Do you like sports?

( 4 ) What is your favorite sport? Why?

B卷 (西席用卷)




One day a shop owner closed his shop and went home. Just as he was going to bed, the telephone rang. A young man asked, “What time do you open your shop?” He was unhappy. So he put down his phone without answering and went back to bed. A few minutes later the telephone rang again. He became very angry and shouted, “You needn’t ask me when I will open the shop, for I won’t let you in.” “Oh, no. I don’t want to get in,” the young man said, “I want to get out.”


A: Hi! How are you today?

B: Not very well.

A: What’s up?

B: I got up late this morning and missed the early bus.

A: Oh, bad luck! You were late for school, weren’t you?

B: Yes. And I lost my school bag.

A: How?

B: I left it in the bus.


话题: School life(黉舍糊口)


( 1 ) Do you live near your school?

( 2 ) How do you usually go to school?

( 3 ) Do you have sports after school?

( 4 ) What do you think of your school? Why?





Once there was a famous film star called Alice Brown in England. She was in a lot of films. People could easily remember a film if she was in it. However nobody knew how old she was. Then in a film magazine, someone guessed that her age was 42. The next week, one of her fans wrote a letter and said that she was at least 50. Alice was very angry and wrote a letter to the magazine herself. It said: “ I am 39 years old and have been for several years.


A: Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?

B: Yes. I need an English dictionary.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you. Are there any new ones?

A: This one is new and it sells well.

B: How much is it?

A: Ten dollars.

B: OK. I’ll take it.


话题: Family, friends and people around(家庭、朋侪与四周的人)


( 1 ) Are you the only child in your family?

( 2 ) Do you have any friends?

( 3 ) What do you usually do when you stay with your friends?

( 4 ) Are you happy when you stay with your family members? Why?





OK. Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you know, you are going to stay with a family for two weeks. Now, the most important thing is money. You should take about 530 dollars with you. I think that will be enough for everyone. Then, when you arrive you’ll be met by your new family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. They’ve been told you all wear red shirts.


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I am looking for a present for my mother.

A: Maybe you can buy her some flowers.

B: Great! But what kind of flowers shall I buy? Rose?

A: I think these flowers are better. They are for mothers.

B: How much are they?

A: 80 yuan.

B: OK. I’ll take it.


话题: Daily routines(平常勾当)


( 1 ) Do you watch TV every day?

( 2 ) What time do you usually go to school?

( 3 ) What do you usually do on weekend?

( 4 ) Do you like go shopping? Why?





Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves. For example, if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer. This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing.


A: Excuse me, is this seat free?

B: Yes. You can take it.

A: Thanks. Are you Japanese?

B: No, I’m Chinese.

A: May I know your name?

B: Sure. My name is Li Juan.

A: You look young and beautiful.

B: Thank you.


话题: Personal environments(四周的情况)


(1)Is there a park near your home?

(2)How often do you go to the park?

(3)Do you think your hometown is beautiful?

(4)Who cleans your classroom every day?

(5)How to keep our environments nice and clean?





I quite enjoy going to school. I don’t mean I like study. In fact, I like the time riding on my way.

I go to school by bike every day. It’s only five minutes’ ride, but I try to make it longer if I get up not too late. I don’t really do anything then. I’m just relaxing myself. No teachers, no parents, no classmates. I am a free bird-only on my way to or from school.


A: What are

you going to do when you grow up?

B: I think I’ll go to teach.

A: Why do you like teaching?

B: Because teachers get long holidays.

A: Yes. But teachers make less money than office workers.

B: Well, I think things are changing.

A: OK. Wish you success.

B: Thank you.


话题:Interests and hobbies (乐趣与快乐喜爱)


(1)Do you like singing?

(2)Who is your favorite singer?

(3)Are you interested in playing computer games?

(4)What do you usually do when you are free?

(5)What’s your hobby?





One day, Jack saw an advertisement in a window. It said, “Wanted. The best salesman in the world. Top pay.”

Jack thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. “I am the best salesman in the world,” he said to the manager.

“Give me the job.”

“You must prove you’re the best.” The manager said.

“OK, I will!” Jack answered.


A: It’s a beautiful day today.

B: Yes, it is.

A: How about going for a trip to the country?

B: That sounds good. What shall we do there?

A: I don’t know.

B: What about lunch? I think we should buy something nice to eat there.

A: Yes. That’s a good idea.

B: OK. Let’s go.


话题:Emotions (小我豪情)


( 1 ) Do you love your teacher?

( 2 ) How are you getting on with your classmates?

( 3 ) What do you think of your school life?

( 4 ) Do you think you are a happy boy/girl? Why?





Jim is talking about his school life:

I like the ten minutes’ breaks at school. They are very important to me. I’m always tired after

each class. The ten minutes’ break gives me a good rest. During the ten minutes, we talk, laugh, sing, dance and do what we like to do. That is my happiest time at school. I’m sure every student likes the ten minutes’ break.

Do you agree with him?


A: Where were you born?

B: I was born in London.

A: Do you still live in London?

B: No, I’m living in Beijing now.

A: Oh, really? How long have you been there?

B: Since last spring.

A: Are you happy there?

B: Yes. The Chinese people are very friendly.


话题:Interpersonal relationships (人际瓜葛)


( 1 ) Do you have any brothers/sisters?

( 2 ) What do you think of your parents?

( 3 ) Who is your best friend?

( 4 ) Are you happy at school? Why?
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