
acad2018 2023-07-02 12:44:08


Back (n.) - the posterior part of the human body from the shoulders to the hipbones or the

corresponding part in other vertebrates

Example sentence: He always slouches, causing tension in his back muscles.

Backbone (n.) - the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine

Example sentence: She has a strong backbone and can handle any challenge that comes her


Backward (adj.) - directed toward the back or past; opposed to forward or progressive

Example sentence: Some traditional cultures are very backward when it comes to the treatment of women.

Backpedal (v.) - to reverse one's previous actions or statements

Example sentence: When the politician realized his comments were controversial, he quickly backpedaled and clarified his position.

Backfire (v.) - to have the opposite or unexpected effect

Example sentence: The company's attempt to calm customers backfired when people became even more upset about the situation.

Backwardness (n.) - the state or condition of being behind in knowledge or development

Example sentence: The country's backwardness in technology is preventing it from advancing economically.
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