
acad2018 2022-10-28 06:44:00



1、经常使用的外贸函电英语白话:execute an order履行定单

execute a contract履行合同

registered capital 注册本钱,注册资金。

capital investment 投资本钱,投资资金。

in answer to your leter of ...复兴你的...来信。

we have received your letter of ... 咱们收到你 ...的来信。

we acknowledge receipt of your letter of ...咱们确认收到你的信...

referring to your letter of ...关于你...来信

thank you for your letter of ... 感谢你 ...的来信


please oblige us by offering your lowest price.请供给咱们你最低的报价。

we should be obliged if you would reply to us soon.若是你能顿时复兴咱们将不堪感谢感动。

we are obliged to close our Hongkong office because of heavy loss.由于紧张吃亏咱们不能不封闭香港处事处。

we shall inform you of the market

situation later.咱们过一些时辰奉告你市场环境。

they inform us that the L/C has been opened.他们通知咱们信誉证已开出。

please keep us informed of the market position.请随时陈述咱们市场行情。

you may approach our agents for your requriements.关于你的请求你可以接触咱们的代办署理。

you have approached the shipping company for booking the space.关于订舱问题你已接洽船务公司了。

the time of shipment is approaching.装船时候顿时就要到了。


we thank in advance.预称谢意。

you must make payment in advance.你必要提早付款。

we cannot make a promise in advance.咱们不克不及做事前许诺。

we are in the line of machine tools.机床是咱们的营业范畴。

their line of business is light industrial products.他们的营业是轻工业产物。

our price is in line with the market.咱们的代价合适市场行情。

the case is lined with tin-plate.箱子内里衬套锡板。

you must keep your engagement.你必需信守许诺。

we cannot accept any fresh orders because we are fully engaged.咱们的定单已满,不克不及接新定单了。

we have been engaged in machine tools for more than ten years.咱们十年多一向从事机床行业。

we should appreciate it if you would reply to us at an early date.若是你们能及早复兴咱们将不堪感谢感动。


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