
acad2018 2024-08-14 21:44:10



1. 大小便管理问题
护士:Have you had a bowel movement today? (你今天排便了吗?)
患者:No, I haven't. (没有)
护士:Are you experiencing any discomfort or pain? (有没有不适或疼痛?)
患者:Yes, I am. (是的)
护士:Okay, let's try to get you some relief. I will assist you to the bathroom or bring a commode chair if needed. (好的,让我帮助您缓解一下。如果需要,我可以帮您到洗手间或者拿一个便椅过来。)

2. 插尿管操作
护士:I am going to insert a urinary catheter. It may cause s

ome discomfort, but it shouldn't be very painful. (我要给您插尿管了。可能会有些不舒服,但是不会很痛。)
患者:Okay, I understand. (好的,我知道了。)
护士:Please try to relax and take slow, deep breaths. Let me know if you feel any pain. (请尽量放松,深呼吸。如果感到疼痛,请告诉我。)
患者:I will. (好的。)

3. 测量体温
护士:It's time to take your temperature. I will use an electronic thermometer, it will only take a few seconds. (该测量一下您的体温了。我将使用电子体温计,只需要几秒钟。)
患者:Okay, go ahead. (好的,可以。)
护士:Please open your mouth and place the thermometer under your tongue. Keep your mouth closed until I say it's done. (请张开嘴巴,将体温计放在舌头下面。保持口闭,直到我说完成。)
患者:Got it. (知道了。)

4. 静脉输液操作
护士:I am going to start an IV. I will clean the area with antiseptic, then insert the needle. It might sting a little, but it will be quick. (我要开始给您输液了。我将用消毒剂清洁皮肤,然后插入针头。可能会有点刺痛,但是很快就完成了。)
患者:Okay, I trust you. (好的,我相信您。)
护士:Please let me know if you feel any pain or discomfort. I will monitor the infusion closely. (如果感到疼痛或不适,请告诉我。我会密切监测输液。)
患者:Sure, I will. (好的,会的。)

5. 交流病情
护士:How are you feeling today? (今天身体怎么样?)
患者:Not so good. I have been experiencing some pain in my chest. (不太好。我一直有胸部的疼痛。)
护士:I'm sorry to hear that. Can you describe the pain? (听到这个消息我很抱歉。你能描述一下那种疼痛吗?)
患者:It's a sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes. (这是一种尖锐的刺痛,时而有时而无。)
护士:I will inform the doctor about your symptoms. In the meantime, I will get you some pain medication to help alleviate the discomfort. (我会把您的症状告诉医生。同时,我会给您提供一些止痛药物来帮助缓解不适。)
患者:Thank you. I appreciate your help. (谢谢您,我非常感谢您的帮助。)

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