每天一套 高中英语听力专项训练(28),适用所有版本!

acad2018 2022-12-19 18:44:00




听下面5 段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.Where does Bob come from?




2.What is the woman going to do first?

A.Go to the cinema.

B.Attend a party.

C.Go to the post office.

3.What do we know about Jim?

A.He has lost his job.

B.He is very lazy.

C.He has got a new job.

4.How many postcards will the two speakers probably buy in total?




5.Why does Jimmy stay up late?

A.Because his mother wants him to do his homework.

B.Because he has to finish his homework.

C.Because he is too tired to sleep at this hour.




6.What will the man most probably do locally?

A.Have a sightseeing tour.

B.Attend a conference.

C.Have a business talk.

7.What do we know about the man’s booking?

A.From the 17th to 20th.

B.A double room with a private bathroom.

C.Check-in around 7:30 a.m.Friday.


8.What does the man like to do after work?

A.Play table tennis and golf,and go for a run.

B.Play tennis and golf,and go fishing.

C.Play tennis and golf,and go for a run.

9.How often does the man play golf?

A.About once a week.

B.About once a month.

C.About once a year.

10.What time will the two speakers meet at the clubhouse?

A.At 1:30.

B.At 1:13.

C.At 2:30.


11.What does Jane think of her trip to the West Coast?

A.It was wonderful.

B.It was terrible.

C.It was tiresome.

12.What’s the disadvantage of Los Angeles?

A.It is noisy and highly polluted.

B.The weather is hot and humid.

C.There is no subway and the bus service is bad.

13.What’s the weather like in San Francisco?

A.Warm and nice.

B.Cool but comfortable.

C.A little cold.

14.Why is it easy to go around in San Francisco?

A.Because of the small size and good transportation.

B.Because of the extensive subways.

C.Because of the small population.


15.How many credits should the man get for a master degree in education?




16.Why does the man want a lighter program at the beginning?

A.Because he doesn’t want to fail any classes.

B.Because he wants to have time for social experience.

C.Because he doesn’t need to take more courses.

17.What do we know about the man?

A.He has got a Bachelor of Science.

B.He can get 3.5 credits for each course.

C.He has taken English Literature.


18.Where can one probably see a spider?

A.23,000 feet above sea level.

B.2,200 feet below the earth’s surface.

C.On Mount Qomolangma.

19.What can we conclude from the talk?

A.Spiders deserve more respect of us.

B.Spiders are dying out of the earth.

C.People should raise spiders to destroy insects.

20.Why would human life be in danger if there’s no spider?

A.Because spiders catch and eat insects.

B.Because spiders can protect our environment.

C.Because spiders can help reduce air pollution.


Text 1

M:Please allow me to introduce myself.I am Tony Burton from the United States.And I am a new student here in the Biology Department.

W:I’m glad to meet you,Tony.My name is Lucy.I’m from Paris.I’m studying physics in the university.

M:And this is my roommate,Bob.He’s also my town fellow.

Text 2

M:Mary,how about going to the cinema tonight?

W:I’d love to,but I have to go to the post office and then my sister and I must attend my aunt’s birthday party tonight.

M:What a pity!It’s really a good film.

Text 3

W:Why did Jim lose his job?

M:I didn’t say he had lost his job.All I said was that if he was as lazy as he used to be,he might find himself looking for a new job soon.

Text 4

W:Oh,so many postcards here!

M:This one is really beautiful and the one with a mouse is also very nice.

W:Yes.Let’s each buy four,shall we?

M:I think I will buy ten myself.

Text 5

W:Why don’t you go to bed,Jimmy? You look so tired.

M:I have to finish the exercises.It’s giving me a hard time.

W:They are not as important as sleep at this hour.

Text 6

W:The Four Seasons.Can I help you?

M:Yes,I’d like to book a room for next week,in the name of Johnson.

W:Fine.Could you give me the exact dates,sir?

M:Friday the 17th to Sunday the 19th.

W:OK.Single or double room,sir?

M:Double—my wife will be with me.We’d like a private bathroom,too,if possible.

W:I’ll have to check that,sir.What time will you be here on Friday?

M:Around 7:30 p.m.Can we book a table for dinner?


M:Do you book things like theatre tickets and local tours?

W:We can do that.

M:Thank you.

W:Thanks for calling.

Text 7

W:Hi,Mark,haven’t seen you for ages.How are you doing?

M:I’m busy with my experiments in the lab,but after work I often play some sports.

W:Like what?

M:Like tennis,running and golf.

W:Gol f?That’s my favorite sport.How often do you play it?

M:I usually play it about once a month.What about you?

W:I play every Sunday.

M:Where do you go?

W:The Country Club.Do you know it?

M:Yes,I went there once.You’re going to play next Sunday,I suppose.

W:Certainly.Listen,why don’t you come with me?We can play together.

M:I’d love to.What time shall we meet?

W:Let’s meet at the clubhouse at 1:30.

M:Sounds good.See you then.

Text 8

M:Hi,Jane.Welcome back.How was the West Coast?

W:Terrific.I had a wonderful time.It was really nice to get away from the city for a while.

M:What did you think of Los Angeles?

W:It was all right.I liked it better than I thought I would.It’s very clean and spacious,and it’s got a lot of trees.The problem is transportation.The bus service is terrible,and of course,they don’t have any subway,so it’s a little difficult to get around.We had to rent a car.

M:And was the weather good?

W:Oh,yes.It was nice and warm in Los Angeles and cool but comfortable in San Francisco.

M:Cool in San Francisco? That’s surprising.

W:Yeah,it surprised me a bit,too.We didn’t take any sweaters or anything,and they say it’s always like that in August.Anyway,I love it.It’s probably the most beautiful city in the US—all those hills,the bay,and those charming old Victorian houses.

M:So,you like it better than Los Angeles?

W:Oh.Yes.There’s much more to see and do.And because it’s smaller than Los Angeles,it’s a bit easier to get around.There are lots of buses and streetcars,and of course,the cable cars,too.

Text 9

W:Take a seat,please.

M:Thank you.

W:You have got your Bachelor of Arts in English and now you want to get your Master’s in education,is that right?

M:That’s right.

W:You’ll need 30 credits,15 from the English Department and 15 from the Education Department.

M:I have no idea about it.Could you explain it in more detail?

W:Well,since you have had English Literature,you should also take American Literature.Your tran indicates that your English background is strong,so I don’t think you will have any problem with it.

M:How many credits can I get for each course?

W:Three credits for each course.

M:Frankly speaking,I don’t want to fail any classes,so I prefer a somewhat lighter program at the beginning.

W:You are quite right.In fact,you must maintain a“B”average to earn your Master’s Degree.

M:What happens if I get a“C”?

W:You will need an “A” to balance it.

M:I’d better go slowly but surely.

W:That’s a good idea.

Text 10

Most people hate spiders.But few consider that spiders are intelligent,inventive and good friends to people.

Spiders have highly developed nervous systems.Their brains are capable of remembering,and they are remarkable engineers.They can be found living anywhere from 22,000 feet above sea level,on Mount Qomolangma,to 2000 feet below the earth’s surface,in caves.The silk that spiders spin for their webs has a stretching strength superior to most flexible products made by people.These webs have been known to catch and hold animals as large as mice.Any insect that gets stuck to the swinging web becomes the spider’s next meal.

Many scientists feel that without the spider,human life would be in danger.You see,most of a spider’s energies are devoted to catching and eating insects.Without spiders,insects would multiply and cover the earth,destroying the vegetation.It has been estimated that each year spiders in England destroy an amount of insects equal in weight to the human population of the country.


1~5 BCBCB 6~10 ABCBA 11~15 ACBAB 16~20 ACCAA




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