
acad2018 2023-01-28 18:44:00


start up = v.突然站起,突然出现,发动,开动The girl started up from her seat.这女孩一惊,从椅子上跳起身来.

startle = v.惊吓,使吃惊The articulate man's artistic cartoon startled the charterer.发音清晰者的艺术卡通使包租人大吃一惊.

starvation = n.饥饿(starve使饿死)


starve = v.(使)

饿死,饿得慌,挨饿--"What a marvelous carving!" the starving harvester in vest said."好一件神奇的雕刻!"挨饿的穿着背心的收割者说.

starveling = n.饥饿的人(starve饿死)


state = n.状态,情况;国,州v.陈述,说明At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况.n.国家;状态[st,sta,stat,stan,stant,stin=stand,表示"站,立"]

stateliness = n.庄严;雄伟(state国家+li[=ly]+ness→国家状态→庄严)


statement = n.声明,陈述Clearness of statement is very important for you.叙述清楚对你来说很重要.n.声明;陈述(state+ment→站着说话→声明立场)


statesman = n.政治家,国务活动家At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况.

static = a.(statical)

静态的,静力的Civilization does not remain static, but changes constantly.文明不会停滞不动, 而会不断改变.a.静止的[st,sta,stat,stan,stant,stin=stand,表示"站,立"]a.静态的(stat站+ic)


station = n.车站;所,站,局;身份,地位v.安置,驻扎At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况.

stationary = a.静止的,固定的Wait until the bus is stationary before you get off.你要等公共汽车停稳了再下车.a.不动的;稳定的(station站+ary→站着的→不动的)



stationery = n.文具The shop that sells stationery is called a stationer's.卖文具的商店叫文具商店.n.文具(station+ery)


statistical = a.统计的,统计学的They provided some useful statistical information.他们提供了一些有用的统计信息.

statistics = n.统计学(stat+istics学科→站着去计算数据的学科→统计学)


statue = n.塑像,雕像At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况.n.雕像(stat+ue→站着的[雕像])


statuesque = a.如雕像般的(statue雕像)


statuette = n.小雕像(statue雕像)


stature = n.身长;身材(stat+ure)


status = n.地位,身份;情形,状况At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况.n.状态;情况(stat+us)


statute = n.成文法,法令,法规;章程,规则,条

例We have many statutes in our law books which should be repealed.n.法令,法规(stat+ure→站着不动的东西→法令)


stay = vi.逗留;保持vt.停止,延缓n.逗留,停留The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.被耽搁的运动员代表团停留在操场上.

stay up = v.不睡觉I will have to stay up late to work out a new plan.我要熬夜写个计划.

steadfast = a.坚定的;固定的(stead[=stand]+fast稳固的)


steady = a.稳定的,不变的;坚定的v.(使)

稳固/稳定Is the table steady?桌子平稳吗?

steak = n.牛排;大块肉(或鱼)

片At the breakfast, the steak leaked from the break.早餐时,肉片从缺口处漏出来.

steal = v.偷,窃取;偷偷地做,巧取He conceals the fact that he is jealous of my seal and wants to steal it.他隐瞒了他嫉妒我的印章并想偷的事实.

stealth = n.偷偷摸摸(steal偷)


steam = n.水汽,蒸汽,水蒸气v.蒸发;蒸;用蒸汽开动The football team stopped the steam stream with beams.足球队用横杆堵住了蒸汽流.

steamer = n.汽船,轮船The

bad weather delayed the departure of the steamer.坏天气延误了轮船的起程.

steel = n.钢It's acertained that the certificate is behind the curtain of the stainless steel container.经查实证书在不锈钢容器的帘子后面.

steellike = a.钢铁般的(steel钢)


steep = a.陡峭的;险峻的;急剧升降的vt.浸泡,沉浸After a deep sleep, the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep.酣睡之后,哭泣的清扫者继续窥视峭壁上的羊.

steer = vt.驾驶,为...操舵;引导vi.驾驶The feeble man feels an ache on his heels and knees when he kneels on the steel steering wheel.当虚弱男子跪在钢舵轮上时他的脚跟和双膝感到疼痛.

stellar = a.星的[stell=star,表示"星星"]

stelliform = a.星形的(stelli+form形状)


stellify = stellify v 使成明星(stell+ify)

stell=star,表示”星星” stellar a 星的interstellar a 星际的(inter在之间+stellar星星的)

constellate v 形成星座,群集(con一起+stell+ate=星星到一起=形成星座)

constellation n 星座stellify v 使成明星(stell+ify)

tstelliform a


stem = n.茎,干,船首vt.堵(挡)

住vi.起源于,由...造成The systematic items stem from the walker's talk about the chalk.这些系统的条款来源于步行者关于粉笔的谈话.

stenographer = n.速记员(steno狭小+graph写+er→缩小了写→速记)


stenographern = 速记员(steno狭小+graph写+er→缩小了写→速记)


step = n.步;台阶,梯级;步骤,措施v.踏,走,举步Step by step, the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.昏昏欲睡的爬虫一步一步爬进我的袖子里睡觉.

step by step = adv.逐步地You'd better learn how to swim step by step.你最好循序渐进地学游泳.

step in = v.走进,插手帮助,作短时间的非正式访问Step in,please.请进.

step up = v.走近,逐步增加,提升,提高Ask comrade Liu to step up;the office is on the second floor.请刘同志上来,办公室在三楼.

stepbrother = stepbrother异父(母)

兄弟 step-表示”后,继或前夫(妻)




stepdaughter = stepdaughter前夫(妻)

之女 step-表示”后,继或前夫(妻)





stepfather = stepfather继父 step-表示”后,继或前夫(妻)




stereo = n.立体声音响;立体声装置n./a.立体声(的)

I like the stereo music program of FM 97.4.我喜欢调频97.4的立体声音乐节目.

stereogram = 立体图(stereo+gram写,图→立体图)


stereograph = 立体照片(stereo+graph写,照片;)


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