2024考研英语作文写个人方面 创新的重要性

acad2018 2023-02-03 12:44:11





What is conspicuously presented in the drawing above is a humorous scene, in which two people are trapped in two large tanks respectively. The most striking feature of the cartoon is the fact that one man, with a swim ring on his neck, struggled to get out of the tank by swimming but failed, while another person on the right chose to break the tank to solve the problem finally. Given its profound social implication, the phenomenon is well worth our endeavor to explore.

By drawing this cartoon, the author reminds us that due attention should be paid to the significance of innovation, an element which plays an important role in our study and life. Looking around the world, what we are employing, experiencing, and desiring for are from those brilliant ideas. It’s the innovation that steers our society into progressive phases. Good innovators, instead of accepting the so-called only way, will search for alternate courses. Numerous instances can be given to illustrate the importance of this spirit, from the discovery of Penicillin to the presumption of Universal Gravitation, even from the invention of one appliance to the launch of a spacecraft.

As a consequence, innovation consciousness is badly needed in every aspect of our society. In order to bring out this potential ability, our education system is supposed to be reformed fundamentally, focusing on cultivating inventive mind among elementary students. In addition, relevant departments should form a range of reasonable premium

systems and other incentives to stimulate more people to put their wisdom into reality. In brief, it should be born in mind that only the spirit of innovation can ensure the best prosperity, if one person or nation would like to make continuous improvement,




因此,在我们当今社会的各个方面都非常需要创新意识。为了激发这一潜在的能力,我们的教育体系应该在根本上进行改革,注重培养小学生的创造性思维。此外,相关部门应该推行一系列优质的体系和其他积极政策去鼓励和激励更多的人把他们的智慧付诸于实际当中。简言之,如果一个人或者一个国家想要得到持续的提升, 他们应该牢记只有创新精神才能保证幸福繁荣。

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