
acad2018 2023-02-19 18:44:00


5,from mouth to mouth 口口相传

His good fame is from mouth to mouth 他的好名声来自于口口相传

6,from now on 今后,从今以后

From now on,I must study hard从今以后,我必须努力学习

7,from then on 从那时起

From then on ,I studied harder 从那时起,我学习更加的努力

8,from time to time 时常

I can find many new things from time to time 我时常能找到许多新的东西


along with 和睦相处

I can get along well with my friends 我能于我的朋友相处很好

10,get close to 接近

You can get close to your success ,if you work hard 如果你努力工作,你就能接近你的成功

11,get down to sth 开始认真做某事

You must get down to your work 你必须认真做你的工作

12,get hold of 抓住

You must get hold of the chance 你必须抓住这个机会

13,get in 进入,收获

You can get in a lot ,if you try 如果你努力,你可以收获很多

14,get on 上车

He is getting on the bus 他正在


15, get off 下车

He is getting off the bus 他正在下车

16,get rid of 摆脱

You can get rid of the problems 你可以摆脱这些问题

17,get through 通过,拨通(电话)

You can’t get through the test ,if you are lazy 如果你懒惰,你就不能通过这个考试

18,get up 起床

I can get up early 我能早起

19,get over 克服

I can get over my problem 我能克服我的问题

20,give away 捐赠

You can give away your old books 你能捐赠你的旧书

21,give in 让步

I never give in 我从不屈服

22,give up 放弃

Never give up 我从不放弃

23,give out 分发

You must give out the paper 你必须把这些试卷分发出去

24,go by 时间飞逝,经过(地点)

Time goes by 时光飞逝

25,go for 主张,

I must go for my dream 我必须为我的梦想主张。

26,go in for 参加

He is going in for a party 他正要去参加一个聚会

27, go on doing sth 继续做同一件事情

You must go on reading 你必须继续阅读

28,go on to do 继续去做另一件事

I go on to read 我继续去读书

29,go out 出去

They went out 他们出去了

30, go over 复习,检查

You must go over your paper carefully 你


31,go through 浏览

He is going through many websites 他正在浏览很多网站

32, be good at 擅长

He is good at speaking English 他很擅长说英语

33, do good to 对。。。有好处

Your sports do good to your health 你的运动对你的健康有好处。

34,hand in 上交

You must hand in your homework 你必须上交你的作业

35, hand out 分发

He is handing out the paper 他正在分发试卷

36,on one hand ,。。。 on the other hand 一方面,另一反面

On one hand ,he is a good boy ,on

the other hand ,he is a good student 一方面,他是一个好男孩,另一方面,他是一个好学生。

37,hang on 不挂断,

Please hang on 请稍等

38, hang up 挂断电话

He has hung up 他已经挂断电话了
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