2015考研英语 复试口语个性化介绍模板

acad2018 2022-09-22 06:44:03




Good morning, respected professors. I'm very glad to be here for this interview. My name is xxx, xxx years old. I come from xxx, the capital city of xxx Province. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in xxx Department of xxx University in June, 2015. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you. So I just feel a little bit excited。

I'm open-minded, quick

in thought and very fond of learning. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially those about economics and management. In addition, during my collage years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a comparative good co妹妹and of network application. I’m able to operate the computer well. I’m skillful in searching for information on internet. I like accounting profession very much and I am willing to take it as my life career. So, I’m trying my best for obtaining a key to Shandong University. I'll continue my effort stably for the goal whatever the result. I'll never regret. Thanks for your listening。

提示大师注重:自我先容一般包含:姓名,黉舍,春秋,故乡,进修环境,性情特色,乐趣快乐喜爱等。考生可以按照本身分歧环境,写出合适本身的自我先容,万万不成照抄照搬。最佳请相干的专业英语教员看一下,帮手点窜并改正发音,调解语速节拍,这是很是有需要的!此外,还必要注重常见的英语发音习气,好比说有一些连读、爆破、省音在内里。若是呈现思绪断片,可以插入如许一类词:well, and, actually, you know, I guess.。.以增长思虑的时候,做到顺畅过渡。



competent能胜任的 constructive扶植性的

cooperative有互助精力的 creative富缔造力的

dependable靠得住的 efficient有效力的

frank坦直的,朴拙的 generous宽弘大量的

intelligent理解力强的 logical层次分明的

punctual严守时刻的 responsible卖力的


turning point迁移转变点

material/spiritual life物资/精力糊口

material/spiritual pursuit物资/精力寻求 outlook on life人生观

in pursuit of sth。寻求(某物) to live in vain虚度一辈子

to realize self-worth实现自我价值

to set a goal肯定方针

promoting to a higher position步步高升

Contentment makes happiness满足常乐

最后,教员预祝2015考研的考生顺遂经由过程复试,进入抱负的大学!We are always here to support and encourage you along the way。
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