空中课堂笔记及课后一练,北京版小学英语,三年级下册-Unit 2

acad2018 2023-04-14 18:44:11


1. 学生听懂三个对话大意,并能正确、流利地朗读课文,简单复述对话内容。

2. 学生能梳理出描述人物的思维导图(年龄、外貌、生日、爱好等),并以口头和笔头的形式,描述一个身边的人。

3. 学生能读懂 Now I can read 中的语篇,并能根据上下文内容猜测词义,提取出关键信息。

4. 学生能通过阅读课,了解到世界有不同肤色的人种,能说出不同肤色产生的原因。


课堂笔记Unit 2-lesson 5


例句:Look !The butterfly i dancing.看!这只蝴蝶正在跳舞②look是不

及物动词,看某人/某物时,look 要与at连用,然后再接某人/某物。例句:She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。③look作为连系动词,看上去,后接形容词。例句:You look fine today.你今天看上去起色不错。

④look 作为名词,表情。She had a sad look on her face.她脸上露出悲伤的表情。⑤look 还可以与其他词构成短语。例句look up 查阅 look for 寻找 look after 照顾

常用的感官动词,它们后面要接形容词。look 看起来 feel 摸起来 smell 闻起来 sound 听起来 taste 尝起来 例句:It sounds good.它听起来不错。

It's also a rectangle. 它也是一个长方形的。

also 也,而且,同样,通常用于肯定句中,位于be动词,情态动词或者助动词之后,实义动词之前。

too 和also的辨析:too 和also都可以表示也,用在肯定句中,但是它们在句子中的位置是不同的。too通常位于句末,而also 通常位于be(动词)、情态动词或者助动词之后,实义动词之前。too多用于口语,而also多用于书面语。

例句:I know the answer,too. 我也知道答案。

I also know the answer.我也知道答案。

课后一练Unit 2-lesson 5


1.B 2. A

课堂笔记Unit 2-lesson 6

课后一练Unit 2-lesson 6


课堂笔记Unit 2-lesson 7

课后一练Unit 2-lesson 7


课堂笔记Unit 2-lesson 8

课后一练Unit 2-lesson 8

1. 请你自己动手拼一拼,并使用以下语言描述自己的作品,再尝试写下来。

I have_____


I put _______ on _______ tomake _______.

_________ and ________ make a________.

2. 请你根据故事的storymap尝试复述故事。


In the beginning, three mice are running from the ______. They hide indifferent ___________.

Then they make seven things with the shapes. They make _________,__________, _________, ________, ________, ________ and _________.

At last, the real cat comes again. Three clever mice make ________ ________________ to scare

the cat. The cat runs away fast.


1. I have triangles andsquares.

I put threecircles on a rectangle to make a tree.

Six triangles, twodiamonds, and arectangle make a flower.

2. In thebeginning, three mice are running from the cat. They hide in different shapes.

Then they make seven things with the shapes. They make a house, atree, a sun, a wagon, a book, a fish and acat.

At last, the real cat comes again. Three clever mice make three bigmice to scare the cat. The cat runs away fast.
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