
acad2018 2022-10-01 18:44:03


1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!

2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 清晨(下战书/晚上)好!

3. I'm Anna. 我是安娜。

4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史姑娘吗?

5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

6. How are you? 你好吗?

7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,感谢,你呢?

8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。

9. How is Tony / your wife / your husband? 托尼好吗?/你老婆好吗?/你丈夫好吗?

10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,感谢。

11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。

12. Good-bye, Mike. 再会,迈克。

13. See you tomorrow. 来日诰日见。

14. See you later. 待会儿见。

15. I have to go now. 我必需走了。

16. May I come in? 我能进来吗?

17. Come in, please. 请进。

18. Sit down, please. 请坐。

19. It's time for class. 上课时候到了。

20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。

21.I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。

22. Here! 到!

23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每小我都拿到质料了吗?

24. Any different opinion? 有分歧定见吗?

25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗?

26. Have I made myself clear? 我批注白了吗?

27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?

28. Any questions? 有甚么问题吗?

29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。

30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在分开前将论文交上。

31. What's this? 这是甚么?

32. It's a pen. 是支笔。

33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?

34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。

35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔?

36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。

37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?

38. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是一辆大众汽车。

39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎样说?

40. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是甚么色彩的?

41. How big is your house? 你的屋子有多大?

42. How long is the street? 这条街有多长?

43. What's the name of the cat? 这猫叫甚么名字?

44. Where's the company? 阿谁公司在哪儿?

45. Which is the right size? 哪一个尺码是对的?

46. What's this? 这是甚么?

47. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。

48. Is this yours? 这是你的吗?

49. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。

50. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?

51. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你晓得我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?

52. Over there. 在何处。

53. On the desk. 在桌上。

54. Is this your pen? I

found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。

55. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。

56. Which is your bag? 哪一个是你的包?

57. The bigger one. 大些的阿谁。

58. The one on your right. 你右侧的阿谁。

59. Are these books all yours? 这些书满是你的吗?

60. Some of them are mine. 一部门是我的。

61. Who are you? 你是谁?

62. I'm Jim. 我是吉姆。

63. Who is the guy over there? 何处那小我是谁?

64. He's Bob. 他是鲍勃。

65. Is that girl a student? 阿谁女孩是学生吗?

66. No, she isn't. 不,她不是。

67. What do you do? 你是做甚么的?

68. I'm a farmer. 我是个农夫。

69. What does he do? 他是干甚么的?

70. He's a manager. 他是个司理。

71. She must be a model, isn't? 她必定是个模特,不是吗?

72. I really don't known. 我真不晓得。

73. I have no idea about it. 我一点都不晓得。

74. Can she be a driver? 她多是个司机吗?

75. Yes, I think so. 是的,我认为是。

76. What's your name? 你叫甚么名字?

77. May I have your name? 能奉告我你的名字吗?

78. My name is Thomas. 我叫汤姆斯。

79. Just call me

Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧。

80. What's your family name? 你姓甚么?

81. My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思华斯。

82. How do you spell it? 怎样拼?

83. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位蜜斯是谁?

84. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我先容给她吗?

85. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我先容一下我的朋侪。

86. This is Tom. He's my classmate. 这是汤姆。我的同窗。

87. Nice to meet you. 很欢快熟悉你。

88. Nice to meet you, too. 熟悉你我也很欢快。

89. Let me introduce myself. 让我自我先容一下。

90. How do you do? 你好!

91. What day is it today? 今天礼拜几?

92. It's Monday today. 今天是礼拜一。

93. What's the date today? 今天是几号?

94. It's January the 15th, 1999. 今天是1999年1月15日。

95. What month is this? 如今是几月?

96. It's December. 如今是十仲春。

97. What year is this? 本年是哪一年?

98. It's the year of 1999. 本年是1999年。

99. What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干甚么?

100. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 这家店常日是早上9点开门吗?

101. It opens at 8 am on weekdays, but at 9 at weekends.

102. What will you do the day after on next? 后天你干甚么?

103. What did you do the week before last? 上上礼拜你干了甚么?

104. I'll work for the next 5 days. 我要事情5天(从来日诰日算起)

105. It's been 5 years since I last saw you. 我已5年没见你了。

106. Do you have a computer? 你有计较机吗?

107. Yes, I do. 是的,我有。

108. He has that book, doesn't he? 他有那本书,是吗?

109. No, he doesn't. 不,他没有。

110. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟或姐妹吗?

111. No, I'm a single son. 没有,我是独生子。

112. Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?

113. Do you have shampoo here? 这儿有香波卖吗?

114. What a beautiful garden you have! 你的花圃真标致。

115. Any tickets left? 有剩票吗?

116. Do you have glue? I need some here. 你有胶水吗?我这里必要一点。

117. I have some left. 我剩下一些。

118. If you have more, please give me some. 若是你有多的,请给我。

119. Do you have my pencil? 你拿了我的铅笔吗?

120. Yes, I have your eraser, too. 是的,我还拿了你的橡皮。

121. Well done! 干得好!

122. You are so smart! 你真聪慧!

123. How clever you are! 你真是太聪慧了!

124. Wash your face/hands/foot. 洗脸/手/脚。

125. Let's have a rest.(take a break) 咱们苏息一下。

126. Comb your hair. 梳头。

127. It's time to go to bed. 该睡觉了。

128. Brush your teeth. 刷牙。

129. It's time to get up. (Wake up, please。) 该起床了(醒醒)

130. Comb your hair. 梳头。

131. Brush your teeth. 刷牙。

132. Come on. Let's play together. 过来,咱们一块儿玩。

133. Let's play a game. 咱们来玩个游戏。

134. You are getting better and better. 你愈来愈棒了。

135. You're making progress everyday. 你天天都在前进。

136. You're always the best. 你老是最佳的。

137. You speak English very well. 你英语说的很是好。

138. Do you like English? (I like English very much) 你喜好英语吗?(我太喜好英语了)

139. I'm pleased with your spoken English. 你的白话真令我得意。What time is it now? 如今几点?

140. When were you born? 你何时诞生的?

141. I was born on September 1st, 1976. 我诞生在1976年9月1日。

142. What time? 何时?

143. You name the time. 你按时间吧。

144. I'll meet you tomorrow. 咱们来日诰日碰头。

145. Do you know the exact date? 你晓得切当日期吗?

146. Please check the date. 请核实一下日期。

147. What were you doing this time last year? 客岁这时辰你在干甚么?

148. How long will the sale last? 折价贩卖多久?

149. Only three days. 仅三天。

150. I'll be back in 5 days. 我五天以后回来。

151. Hello. Can I see Mr. Green? 你好,我能见格林师长教师吗?

152. Do you have an appointment? 你有预约吗?

153. Sorry, I don't. 对不起,我没有。

154. Yes. At 3 pm. 是的,约的是下战书3点。

155. Sorry, Mr. Green can't see you now. 对不起,格林师长教师如今不克不及见您。

156. He's on the phone. 他在打德律风。

157. Would you wait here for a minute? 您能在这里等一下吗?

158. Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点甚么吗?

159. Tea, please. 我喝点茶吧。

160. Mr. Green, Mr. Smith is here. 格林师长教师,史姑娘师长教师在这里。

161. You may go in now. 您可以进去了。

162. Nice to see you, my old friend. 真欢快见到你,我的老朋侪。

163. How have you been these years? 这些年你怎样样?

164. You've changed little. 你一点也没变。

165. Do you still remember that Christmas? 你仍记得阿谁圣诞节吗?

166. Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?

167. Yes, a little. 会讲一点。

168. How long have you studied English? 你学英语多久了?

169. He speaks English fluently. 他讲英语很流畅。

170. Your English is very good. 你的英语很好。

171. You speak English pretty well. 你的英语讲的很好。

172. Are you a native speaker of English? 你的母语是英语吗?

173. My native language is Chinese. 我的母语是汉语。

174. He speaks with London accent. 他带点伦敦口音。

175. He has a strong accent. 他口音很重。

176. I have some difficulty in expressing myself. 我表达起来有点坚苦。

177. I'm always confused with "s" and "th". 我常把s和th搞混。

178. Can you write in English? 你能用英文写文章吗?

179. Your pronunciation is excellent. 你的发音很好。

180. How can I improve my spoken English? 我该怎么才能提高白话程度?

181. What are you doing? 你在干甚么?

182. I'm reading a book. 我在看书。

183. I'm cooking. 我在做饭。

184. Are you watching TV now? 你在看电视吗?

185. Yes, I'm watching Channel 5. 是的,我在看5频道。

186. No, I'm listening to the radio. 没有,我在听收音机。

187. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?

188. I'm going to work. 我去上班。

189. Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?

190. I'm writing to an old friend. 给一个老朋侪。

191. What will you do this weekend? 这周末你将干甚么?

192. I'll go to a concert. 我要去听音乐会。

193. I'll go on an outing with some friends. 我与朋侪去远足。

194. Do you like traveling? 你喜好远足吗?

195. Yes, I like it a great deal/it very much. 是的,我很喜好。

196. How old are you? 你多大了?

197. I'm twenty-two (years old). 我二十二了。

198. Mr. Smith is still in his forties. 史姑娘师长教师才四十几岁。

199. I'm two years younger than my sister. 我比我姐小两岁。

200. My elder sister is one year older than her husband. 我姐比他丈夫大一岁。

201. He's the youngest in the family. 他是一家中最小的。

202. He looks much younger than he is. 他看起来比他现实上年青很多。

203. I came here when I was 20. 我二十岁来这儿。

204. I started school at the age of 6. 我六岁起头上学。

205. My father is over 60 years old. 我父亲已年过六十了。

206. Most of them are less than 30. 他们中大大都不到30岁。

207. I guess he's about 30. 我猜他大要30岁。

208. She's going to be 15 next month. 下个月她就满15了。

209. They'll have a party for their 10th wedding anniversary.他们将为成婚十周年开个晚会。

210. He's still a boy after all. 他究竟结果还只是个孩子。

211. When do you get up everyday? 天天你几点起床?

212. I usually get up at 8 o'clock. 我凡是8点起床。

213. Where do you have your lunch? 你在哪儿吃午餐?

214. I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby. 我在四周一家快餐店吃午餐。

215. What did you have for lunch? 你午时吃些甚么?

216. I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg? 我吃一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。

217. What time do you start work? 你何时起头事情?

218. I start work at 8 o'clock. 我八点起头事情。

219. What do you do at work? 你上班干些甚么?

220. I answer telephones and do some typing. 我接德律风和打字。

221. What time do you finish your work? 你何时放工?

222. At 6 o'clock sharp. 6点。

223. What do you do in your spare time? 闲暇时,你干些甚么?

224. I like listening to pop music. 我喜好听风行音乐。

225. I like playing football. 我喜好踢足球。

226. When did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上几点起床?

227. At about seven. 七点摆布。

228. I heard the clock, but I didn't get up until 9. 我听见闹钟了,但我捱到九点才起。

229. I woke up seven and got up right away. 我七点醒了,然后顿时起床了。

230. I hurried to my office. 我慌忙赶到办公室。

231. I had my breakfast on the way. 我在路上吃的早餐。

232. I was just on time. 我恰好遇上。

233. I was 10 minutes late. 我迟到了五分钟。

234. I had lunch with a friend of mine. 我和我的一个朋侪一块吃了午餐。

235. I finished my work at 6 p.m. 下战书6点我放工了。

236. I stayed and did some extra work. 我留下加了一下子班。

237. The TV programs were really boring, so I went to bed very early.电视节目很无聊,以是我早早睡了。

238. I read a magazine in bed. 我躺在床上看杂志。

239. I didn't sleep well. 我没睡好。

240. I slept soundly all night. 我整夜睡的很熟。

241. Hi, Joe, is it really you? 乔,你好,真是你吗?

242. Hi, Ann. Nice to see you again. 安,你好。真欢快再次见到你。

243. It's been a whole year since I last saw you. 我整整一年没见你了。

244. Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then. 但你看起来仍是那末标致。

245. Oh, thank you. How have you been these days? 欧,感谢。这段时候你好吗?

246. Not too bad. 不太糟。

247. But you sound so sad. 但听起来你很哀痛。

248. Yes, I lost my pet cat yesterday. 是啊,昨天我的宠物猫丢了。

249. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这动静我很遗憾。

250. That's all right. 没事儿。

251. Have you seen Kate lately? 近来你瞥见凯特了吗?

252. No, I have no contact with her. 没有。我和她没有一点儿接洽。

253. I heard she got married last week. 我据说她上礼拜成婚了。

254. Oh, how nice. Sorry, I've got to go now. 那真好。对不起,我必需得走了。

255. So do I. See you later. Keep in touch. 我也是,再会。记得接洽哦。

256. I used to take a walk in the early morning. 我曩昔常一大早出去溜达。

257. He used to live in my neighborhood. 他曾与我是邻人。

258. Did you use to go fishing with friends? 曩昔你常和朋侪垂纶吗?

259. We have known each other for 6 years. 咱们熟悉有六年了。

260. It has been a long time since last came here. 自从我前次来这里已有很长时候了。

261. It's bad for you.这对你欠好。

262. I have told you many times not to do that.我已奉告你好几遍了不要那样做。

263. Don't sit too close to the TV.不要坐的离电视太近。

264. It's nothing. It’s just a little cut.没关系,只是小伤口。

265. Don't touch the electrical outlets.不要碰电源插座。

266. Don't try to plug/put anything in the outlet.不要试图拔或放任何工具在插座里。

267. Don't touch anything on the stove.不要碰炉子。

268. The oven is very hot; you could burn yourself.炉子很烫,你会烫着本身。

269. Those tools are too sharp; they're only for grownups.那些东西太尖锐了,只有大人能用。

270. Don't use others cup; you could catch his cold/germs that way。不要用他人的杯子,那样会沾染病菌。

271. Dont play with fire; it's dangerous。不要玩火,伤害。

272. Wait for the green light before you cross the street.等绿灯亮了再过马路。

273. Always look both side before crossing the street.过马路前必定看双方。

274. Yes, she lives just across the street. 是的,她就住在街对面。

275. How long have you stayed there? 你在那儿住多久了?

276. Just a few months. 才几个月。

277. How about Mary? How long has she lived there? 玛丽怎样样?她在那儿住多久了?

278. She's been living there since her birth. 她生下来就住那儿。

279. Will you stay there for long? 你会在那儿待很长时候吗?

280. No, I'll move to Hollywood next month. 不,我下个月搬到好莱坞去。

281. Oh, really? I'm moving there too. 真的?我也会搬到那儿去。

282. Great. Then we can drink beer together. 棒极了,咱们可以一块儿喝啤酒了。

283. Yes, and you may stay there longer. 对,并且你或许会在那儿住久一些。

284. I hope so. 但愿如斯。

285. I'm sure we'll have a good time. 我信赖咱们会很高兴的。

286. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?

287. Where did you go for dinner yesterday? 你们昨天去哪儿吃的饭?

288. When will he come to see you? 他何时来看你?

289. When did you buy the car? 你何时买的车?

290. Who told you? 谁奉告你的?

291. Who will accompany you to the airport? 谁将陪你去机场?

292. Why don't you agree? 你为甚么分歧意?

293. Why not go out for a walk? 干嘛不出去溜达?

294. How did you doing spend your holiday? 你假期怎样过的?

295. How are you doing these days? 这些日子你怎样样?

296. What did he say in the letter? 他在信里说甚么了?

297. What are you going to do with the books? 你筹算拿这些书怎样办?

298. What were you doing when I called? 我打德律风给你时你在干嘛?

299. I was about to leave. 我正要出门。

300. Can you guess what I was doing this morning? 你能猜到今天上午我在做甚么吗?
上一篇:「实用口语」你们赠送小样吗 我在买化妆品时用到的英语
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