面试英语口语900句 关于会计职务

acad2018 2023-05-10 12:44:09



面试英语口语Lesson34:About the Job of an Accountant


64Excuse me,sir.May I apply for the position of accountant?


64Sure.Please sit down.


64What university did you graduate from?


64I graduated from Beijing College of Commerce.


64What was your major at college?


64My major was accounting.


64Can you name some of the courses you completed in relation toaccounting?


64Sure.I took such courses as accounting principles,commercialaccounting,cost accounting,industrical accounting,electronic data processingaccounting,and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises.


650.What was your favorite course?


65My favorite course was electronic data processing account-ing.


65What kind of work are you doing now?


65I'm engaged in accounting.


65What are you responsibilites at your present work unit?


65My work involves various routine bookkeeping and basic ac-counting tasksincluding journal entries,verifying data and reconciling discrepancies,preparingdetailed reports from raw data,and checking accounting documents forcompleteness,mathematical accuracy and consistency.


65Are you familiar with PRC Financial and Tax Regulations?


65I think so.


65Can you tell me something about this balance sheet now?


65Of course.This balance sheet contains three major sec-tions,thatis,assets,liabilities and owner's equity.So,you see,the total currentliabilities of your company are $2,372,000,and the owner's equity is $5,400,000.That means that the total assets,which is equal to the sum of thecreditor's and the owner's equities,are $ 7,772,000.


660.What's the creditor's equity?


66The creditor's equity is the same as liabilities.



Dialogue A

(I=Interviewer主试人 A=Applicant受试人)

(knocking at the door gently)

I: Come in,please.

A: Good afternoon,sir.My name is Wang Ling.

I: Good afternoon,Miss Wang.According to your application form,you are auniversity graduate in accounting and have al-ready got 2 year's work experiencein a manufacturing factory.Now,can you tell me what made you decide to leaveyour former factory and apply for the vacancy here?

A: Well,my former working unit is a medium-sized enterprise.Though I amfamiliar with computerized accounting systems,I can find no applicationthere.That's the reason why I want to come here to face the new challenge.

I: What are your responsibilities at you present work unit?

A: My work involves various routine bookkeeping and basic ac-counting tasksincluding journal entries,verifying data and reconciling discrepancies,preparingdetailed reports from raw data,and checking accounting documents forcompleteness,mathematical accuracy and consistency.

I: Are you

familiar with PRC Financial Accounting and Tax Regulations?

A: Sure.

I: OK.Can you tell me something about this balance sheet now?

A: Of course.This balance sheet contains three major sections,thatis,assets,liabilities and owner's equity.So,you see,the total current1iabilities of your company are $2,372,000,and owner's equity is $5,400,000.That means that the total assets,which is equal to the sum of thecreditor's and the owner's equities,are $ 7,772,000.

I: Just a moment.What is the creditor's equity?

A: The creditor's equity is the same as liabilities.

I: How much are accrued salaries payable?

A: They are $ 15,000.

I: Could you tell me something about cash control?

A: Yes,of course.In accounting,cash means all items that are acceptable fordeposit in a bank.

I: What are they?

A: Such as paper money,coins,checks,money

orders,bank deposits and soon.

I: What should we do when dealing with cash?

A: As a rule,we should control the handling and recording of cash.Cashshould be handled separately from the recording of cash transactions so thaterrors can be readily disclosed and the possibility of irregularities isreduced.

I: How does it work,then?

A: That means all cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and allmajor payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cashdisbursements.

I: So you mean that we can have a double record of cash transactions.

A: Yes.One record is made by the company's recordkeeping procedures,andanother is furnished by the bank.

I: Did you get a good record in English?

A: Yes,I obtained nearly full marks each term.I like English verymuch.Besides,I was aware of the importance of learning

English well.Nowadaysevery enterprise would prefer to hire a man who has a good command of English.SoI worked hard at college on English.

I: Are you familiar with America-styled accounting?

A: I think so.When I was at college,I worked as an assistant account withAmerican General Electric China Inc.for two summers.

I: That's very good.You seem to have the right kind of experience.I'll letyou know the result of this interview next week.

A: Thank you.Good-Bye.

Notes 注释:

According to your application form,you are a university graduate inaccounting and have already got 2 year's experience in a manufacturingfactory.


Well,my former working unit is a medium-sized enterprise.Though I amfamiliar with computerized accounting systems,I can find no applicationthere.


How much are accrued salaries payable?


In accounting,cash means all items that are acceptable for de-posit in abank.


Such as paper money,coins,checks,money orders,bank deposits and so on.


As a rule,we should control the handling and recording of cash.Cash shouldbe handled separately from the recording of cash transactions so that errors canbe readily disclosed and the possibility of irregularities is reduced.


How does it work,then?


That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and majorpayments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cashdisbursements.


So you mean that we can have a double record of cash transactions.


Words and Expressions:

balance sheet n.资产负债(平衡)表

常见的其他报表还有 financial statement(财务报表), income statement(收益表)等。

assets n.资产

流动资产为 current assets

固定资产为 fix assets

流动资金可包括现金(cash)、应付账款(accounts receivable)、预付保险金(prepaidinsurance)、在用物料(supplies on hand)等。

liabilities n.负债 流动负债为 current liability,它可以包括应付票据(notespayable)、应付账款(accounts payable)、应付未付工资(accrued salaries payable)等项。

owner's equity n.所有者权益

cash control n.现金控制

paper money n.纸币

coin n.硬币

check n.支票

money order n.汇票

bank deposit n.银行存款

handle v.处理

cash transaction n.现金交易

irregularity n.不法行为

cash receipt n.现金收入

imprest n.预付款 a.预付的,预借的

petty 零用资金

disbursement n.支付

record keeping n.簿记

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