
acad2018 2023-11-18 06:44:35




A: Good morning! How can I help you?
B: Good morning! I have a meeting with Mr. Smith at 9:00. Is he in?
A: Yes, he is. Please

have a seat. I will inform him of your arrival.

A: 早上好!有什么我可以帮助的吗?
B: 早上好!我九点有个会议要和 Smith先生开,他在吗?
A: 是的,他在。请坐,我会通知他您已到。

对话二:Making Appointments(约定时间)

A: Hello, this is Peter. I would like to schedule a meeting with you.
B: Sure, what time would work for you?
A: How about next Thursday at 3:00 pm?
B: That works for me. See you then!

A: 你好,我是 Peter。我想和你约个会。
B: 当然可以,哪个时间对你来说比较好?
A: 下周四下午3点怎么样?
B: 那个时间对我来说可以。到时见!

对话三:Presenting Ideas(提出想法)

A: I have an idea that might improve our sales. How about organizing a promotional event?
B: That sounds interesting. Can you provide more details?
A: We could offer discounts on our products and invite potential customers to try them out.
B: That's a great idea! Let's discuss it further in the next meeting.

A: 我有个想法可以提高我们的销售。我们可以组织一个促销活动,你认为怎么样?
B: 听起来很有趣。你能提供更多细节吗?
A: 我们可以给产品提供折扣,并邀请潜在客户来试用。
B: 这个想法很棒!我们可以在下次会议上进一步讨论。


A: We believe the price is too high. Is there any room for negotiation?
B: I understand your concern. Let me discuss it with my team and get back to you.
A: Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
B: You're welcome. I will get back to you by the end of the day.

A: 我们觉得这个价格太高了。是否有谈判的余地?
B: 我理解你的担忧。让我和我的团队讨论一下,然后再回复你。
A: 谢谢。我们期待尽快听到你的消息。
B: 不客气。我会在今天结束之前给你回复。

对话五:Closing a Deal(达成交易)

A: I'm pleased to inform you that we have reached an agreement.
B: That's great news! We are excited about this collaboration.
A: Thank you for your trust and cooperation. Let's work together to achieve success.
B: Absolutely! Looking forward to a fruitful partnership.

A: 我很高兴地告诉你们,我们已经达成了一项协议。
B: 那太好了!我们对这次合作感到兴奋。
A: 感谢你们的信任和合作。让我们一起努力取得成功。
B: 当然!期待着一个富有成效的合作伙伴关系。

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