简单实用技巧,有效提高英语口语能力 spoken English skills

acad2018 2022-11-22 12:44:07


Hi, this is Keith from IELTS Speaking Success and today in this video, I'm going to show you how the WIP method can really radically improve your spoken English.

It's a method I've taught for years; it's one that I have used and it's helped improve my spoken French, spoken Spanish, and spoken Chinese.

嗨,我是来自 IELTS Speaking Success 的基思,今天在这段视频中,我将向你展现 WIP 法子若何真正从底子上提高你的英语白话。这是我教了不少年的一种法子,也是我用过的一种法子,它有助于提高我的法语白话、西班牙语白话和汉语白话。

Let me show you how to do it. So, what is the WIP method?

让我教你怎样做。那末,甚么是 WIP 法子?

It stands for Watch, Imitate, and Practice, three simple steps but they make a huge difference. So, let me show you how we do each one.


The first one is "watch". Now, whilst it's great having a teacher, and teachers will explain to you bits of language and how you say something and when you should use it.


But until you actually see it in action, it's really hard to grasp it and absorb it and make it yours. But once you see it or hear it, you go "Oh, that's when they use it; oh, that's how it's used."


It's really important to see the language in action and so the watch part is, at the same time you have a teacher teaching you language, is to expose yourself to as much English as possible, through films, podcasts, TV programs, YouTube videos, listen and listen and listen, and notice the language.?That's the first most important thing — watch.


,播客,电视节目,YouTube 视频,多听,察看这类说话的利用。这是第一件最首要的事——察看。

The second point is imitate. Now, if you have a teacher or you've been to a class, I'm sure your teacher does what we call "controlled practice" or "drilling" where they get you to repeat a phrase or a sentence: I have been to Africa, I have been to America, I have been to, I've been, to I've been to, I've been to Africa, I've been to America.


And what's happening? The teacher is teaching you how to use this muscle, the mouth. They're teaching you the pronunciation, maybe the contraction, the intonation. "I've been to Africa, I've been to Manchester".


And it's a drill, and it's this imitation that is so important,

because if you can imitate and get it right in the class or at home, it's much easier to use it in real life, not that your class is not real life, but in the other real life when you're out and using English. So imitation. Getting it really as good as you can is the second most important thing.


The third point is "practice", and this is where you go out into the world and you start practicing. Because it's all well and good sitting at home and in your classroom practicing with other students, but to really push yourself and put you on the spot, it's when you start to process the language in real interaction that you really start learning and hardwiring this language up here.



So that practice is essential to really help you make that connection and get the language into you, make it yours, so you can also produce it. So, practice is essential and that is it, three really simple steps: watch, imitate, and practice.


Do that every day at the rest of your life, well at least until you've done your IELTS speaking test, and I guarantee it will make a huge difference to your spoken English. If you like this video, please do subscribe below, somewhere, and leave a message, give me a co妹妹ent, tell me what you think.


Look forward to hearing to you, look forward to hear, look forward to hearing from you.

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