
acad2018 2022-11-25 15:44:03


He neither smoker nor drink.他既不吸烟也不饮酒

He ran his horse up the hill.他策马跑上山

He reminds me of his brother 他使我想起他的兄弟

He was efficient in his work.他事情效力高

He will do anything but work.只要不是干活,他干甚么都行

I have something to tell you.我有些事变要奉告你

I smelled a smell of cooking。我闻到了烧菜做饭的味道

I want to see the film again.我真想再看一遍

I've got too much work to do.我要做的事情太多了

Let's go for a walk,shall we?我们出去逛逛号码

Plenty of sleep is healthful.充沛的睡眠有利于康健

The sun comes up in the east.太阳从东方升起

This is because we fell pain.这是由于咱们能感触痛苦悲伤

What do you desire me to do?你想要我做甚么

What you said was quite true.你说的彻底合适究竟

You can either stay or leave.你可以留下或分开

Your life is your own affair.你的糊口是你本身的事

All that glitters is not gold.发光的不满是金子

Are you going to have a party?你要举办集会吗

Aren't you concerned about it?莫非你不担忧吗

Don't forget to keep in touch.别忘了连结接洽

He broke his word once again.他又一次违反了信誉

He is in his everyday clothes.他穿戴泛泛的衣服

He is taller than i by a head.他比我高一头

He led them down the mountain.他带他们下山

He was trained to be a lawyer.他被培育成一位状师

I am afraid that i have to go.我要走了

I don't have any cash with me.我身上没有带现金

I have been putting on weight.我起头发胖了

I have just finished the book.我方才读完这本书

I was late for work yesterday.我昨天上班迟到了

It appears to be a true story.这故事彷佛是真的

I've got to start working out.我必需起头做健身活动了

Japan is to the east of China.日


John asked Grance to marry him.约翰请格蕾丝嫁给他

My watch is faster than yours.我的表比你的表快

New China was founed in 1949.新中国建立于1949年

Thanks for your flattering me.多谢你的嘉奖

They charged the fault on him.他们把差错归罪于他

This car is in good condition.这车机能很好

This work itself is very easy.这件事情自己很轻易

Truth is the daughter of time.时候见真谛

We look forward to your visit.等待你的到临

What do you think of this one?您感觉这个怎样样

What's the weather like today?

A red tie will watch that suit.红领带会配那件衣服

A wet road is usually slippery.湿润的路常常是滑的

Example is better than precept.身教胜于言传

Go right back to beginning.直接回到肇端位置

He does everything without aim.他左石漫无目标

He is respectful to his elders.他对尊长很尊重

He knows English better than I.他比我懂英语

He resolved to give up smoking.他刻意戒烟

His talk covered many subjects.他的陈述触及不少课题

I have my hair cut every month.我每一个月都剃头

I want to have a part-time job.我想去兼职

I'm sorry to have

bothered you.我很抱愧打搅你了

It is not so easy as you think.这事没有你想的那末简略

Keep your temper under control.不要发脾性

Lying and stealing are i妹妹oral.扯谎和偷盗不品德

My efforts resulted in nothing.我的尽力毫无成果

My false teeth are stuck to it.我的假牙还在上边呢

She is a composer for the harp.她是一名竖琴作曲家

Take me to the air port ,please.请送我去机场

Talking with you is a pleasure.和你谈话很舒畅

The eggs are sold by the dozen.鸡蛋按打卖

The price just covers the cost.代价恰好抵消本钱

The sweater is of good quality.这件毛衣质地很好

The teacher got a little angry.教员有点儿朝气

Think carefully before you act.三思尔后行

Walt invented the steam engine.瓦特发现了蒸汽机

We are divided in our opinions.咱们定见不同

What ever i said,he'd disagree.不管我说甚么他都分歧意

Who ever comes will be welcomed.来的人咱们都接待

You look as if you didn't care.你看上去仿佛不在意//若是从句暗示与如今究竟相反,谓语动词一般用曩昔时

You should look at it yourself.你应当亲身看看它

Draw your chair up to the table.把你的椅子拉到桌子阁下来

He covered himself with a


He found my lecture interesting.他感觉我授课有趣

He had a good many friends here.他在这儿有不少朋侪

He is only about five feet high.他大要只有五英尺高

I don't think much of the movie.我认为那片子不怎样样

I feel like eating an ice-cream.我想吃一个冰淇淋

I found him seated on the bench.我发明他在椅子上坐着

I gave much time to the old car.我在这辆破车上花了很多时候

I lost the door key about here. 我在这四周掉了钥匙

I'm not guessing, i really know.我不是在猜测,我真的晓得

It's time to tell her the truth.是时辰奉告她原形了

Lets watch TV with a candle on.我们点上烛炬看电视吧

Most games cost about that much.大部门游戏差未几都是这个价格

My parents want me to go abroad.我怙恃想让我出国

She has been collecting stamps.她一向采集邮票

Ther are many stars in the sky.天上有不少星星

We get to London this afternoon.咱们在下战书到伦敦

What about having a pizza first.先吃点披萨怎样样
下一篇:英孚教育要出售中国业务 毒外教、培训贷等使口碑受重创
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