家具与日用品常用英语词汇,FurnituresandDailyNecessitie s

acad2018 2022-12-22 09:44:41



English Common Vocabularies of Furnitures and Daily Necessities

1. furniture家具

2. sofa. settee沙发


4. folding chair折叠椅

5. swivel chair转椅

6.rocking chair摇椅


8. bench条凳

9. tea table茶桌

10. night table床头柜

11. orange橙子

12. mandarin orange桔子

13. lemon柠檬

14. pomelo柚子

15. peach桃子

16. pear梨

17. apricot杏

18. plum李子

19. red plum李子

20. cherry樱桃

21. carpet大地毯

22. single bed单人床

23. double bed双人床

24. twin beds两张床

25 bedstead床架

26. camp bed行军床

27. bed-clothing床上用品

28. bedding床上用品

29. mattress褥子被

30.quilt 被

31. pineapple菠萝

32. persimmon柿子

33. crab apple山楂

34. pomegrantate石榴

35. lichee荔枝

36. lungan龙眼

37. sugar cane甘蔗

38. olive橄榄



40. grape葡萄

41. bathroom浴室

42. bath tub浴盆

43. shower bath; shower淋浴

44. water tap自来水龙头

45. nozzle; shower nozzle喷头

46. dressing-table梳妆台

47. mirror镜子

48. wash-basin洗脸盆

49. towel毛巾

50. water closet抽水马桶

51. strawberry草莓

52. Chinese strawberry杨莓

53. lotus seed莲子

54. water caltrop菱角

55. papaya木瓜

56. water melon西瓜

57. musk melon香瓜

58. hami melon哈密瓜

59. lanchou melon白兰瓜

60. mango芒果

61. curtain窗帘

62. window-sill窗台

63. air condition空调

64. air-conditioned有冷气设备的

65. radiator暖气片

66. central heating暖气;中心暖气

67. spittoon痰盂

68. ashtray烟灰缸

69. smoking set烟具

70. electric fan电扇

71. fig无花果

72. guava番石榴

73. coconut椰子

74. peanut花生

75. chestnut 栗子

76. walnut核桃

77. pine kernel松子仁

78. melon seed瓜子

79. sunflower seed葵花子

80. pumpkin seed白瓜子

81. bayonet-type bulb卡口灯泡

82. frosted bulb磨砂灯泡

83. opal bulb乳白灯泡

84. switch电源开关

85. socket插座

86. plug插头

87. telephone电话

88. electric iron电熨斗

89. peg; hook衣钩

90. clothes-hanger衣架

91. ginkgo白果

92. raisins葡萄干

93. dried dates红枣

94. persimmon cake柿饼

95. sweet olive甜橄榄

96. salty olive咸橄榄

97. dried plum酸梅

98. orange cake桔饼

99. copra干椰肉

100. sweet meat蜜饯

101. porcelain瓷器

102. lacquer ware漆器

103. thermos flask热水瓶

l04. clock 钟

105. watch表

106. fan扇子

107. umbrella雨伞

108. needle针

109. scissors剪刀

110. cotton thread棉线

111. honey date蜜枣

112. preserved apricot杏脯

113. preserved apple苹果脯

114. popcorn玉米花

115. razor剃刀

116. shaving brush修面刷

117. shaving cream修面霜

118. tooth paste牙膏

119. tooth brush牙刷

120. hairtonic发油

121. hair brilliantine发油

122. perfume香水

123. perfume spray喷雾香水

124. cold cream冷霜

125. vanishing cream雪花膏

126. nail clipper指甲刀

127. grindstone磨刀石

128. pincers钳子

129. duster掸子

130. dust-pan畚箕

131. broom扫帚

132. mop拖把


. clothes-line晒衣绳

134. string bag网兜

135. traveller‘s water bottle旅行水壶

136. lunch box饭盒

137. button钮扣

138. zipper拉链

139. key ring钥匙环

140. torch手电

141. battery电池

142. satchel书包

143. knapsack背包

144. handbag女手提包

145. brief case文包

146. travelling bag旅行包

147. suitcase手提箱

148. trunk大衣箱

149. magnifying glasses放大镜

150. field glass望远镜

151. binoculars望远镜

152. hot water bottle (bag)热水瓶(袋)

153. lighter打火机

154. flint火石

155. desk办公桌

156. bookcase书柜

157. bookshelf书架

158. wardrobe衣柜

159. closet壁橱

160. chest of drawers五斗柜

161. screen屏风

162. cupboard碗柜

163. hat rack帽架

164. rug小地毯

165. blanket毯子

166. sheet床单

167. bedspread床罩

168. cotton terry blanket毛巾被

169. pillow枕头



171. mat席

172. cushion垫子

173. mosquito net蚊帐

174. mosquito incense蚊香

175. toilet paper手纸

176. bath towel浴巾

177. towel rack毛巾架

178. sponge海绵

179. waste-paper basket废纸篓

180. thermometer温度计

181. balcony阳台

182. sash window 吊窗;上下拉动的窗

183. shutters百叶窗

184. transom气窗

185. pendant lamp吊灯

186. fluorecent lamp日光灯

187. desk lamp台灯

188. bedside lamp床头灯

189. floor lamp落地灯

190. wall lamp壁灯

191. lamp shade灯罩

192. bulb holder灯头

193. bulb灯泡

194. screw-type bulb罗丝灯泡

195. door-mat门前的擦脚垫

196. washing machine洗衣机

197. vacuum cleaner吸尘器

198.desk fan台扇

199. ceiling fan吊扇

200. candle蜡烛

201. lock锁

202. key钥匙

203. lock out关在门外

204. glassware料器;玻璃器皿

205. laundry soap洗衣皂

206. detergent洗衣粉

207. comb梳子

208. hair pin发夹


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