
acad2018 2023-01-28 18:44:06


13. send up 使上升,发射 dentist

14. be patient with sb. 对…...有耐心

15. treat sb to dinner 请某人吃饭

16. operate on sb. 给某人做手术

17. cut across 抄近路

18. cut down 砍到;削减

19. cut off 切除,剪下;切断,隔绝

20. cut up 切碎;齐根割断

21. ger injured 受伤

22. get hurt 受伤

23. make up one’s mind下决心

24. bear/keep in mind记住

25. change one’s mind 改变主意

26. never mind 没关系

27. make a decision做决定

28. with the aim of目的是

29. aim at 瞄准;旨在,目的是

30. in memory of 为纪念…

31. remind sb. of 使某人想起…

32. remind sb. to do 提醒某人做…

33. arrive at/ in 到达;达到(vi)

34. arrive at/ come to /draw a conclusion得出结论

35. reach out伸出/for伸手去拿

36. within / out of one’s reach够得到的/够不到的

37. beyond one’s reach 够不到的

38. leave alone不理, 不管〔惹〕

39. leave behind 遗漏、忘带

40. leave…for…动身去某地

41. leave out 省去、遗漏

42. be (far) away from 远离

43. right away 立刻,马上

44. come across 偶然遇到

45. come along 抵达;跟随,跟着来;进展

46. come on 来吧;进行,进步

47. come out 出来;出版

48. come up with 提出,想出

49. come to an end结束

50. come true成为现实

51. go about (doing) sth 着手做,处理,忙于

52. go after 追赶,追求

53. go against 反对,违背;对---不利

54. go ahead 开始;进行

55. go along 进行,进展;(with)赞同

56. go around(round) 流传;四处走动,到处活动;足够分配

57. go at 攻击;着手做,努力做

58. go away 离开

59. go back 回去

60. go by 经过,过去

61. go out 出去; (灯)熄灭

62. go over 检查,复习

63. go through 浏览, 翻阅,通过

64. go up 上升,增长

65. go without 没有…也行; 勉强凑合

66. go wrong出毛病,发生故障

67. fall asleep 入睡

68. fall ill 生病

69. go to bed 上床睡觉

70. in bed 卧床

71. make the bed 铺床

72. wake sb up唤醒某人

73. take/have a break 休息一下

74. break down (机器)损坏,;(谈判)破裂;(健康等)垮掉,崩溃; 分解

75. break up 分解,解散;(婚姻)破裂

76. break in 闯入,打断

77. break into…闯入…, 突然…

78. break out (战争,灾难等)突然发生

79. break through 突破

80. break away 逃走;逃脱

81. break away from 从…中逃脱

82. day off休假

83. ask for a leave请假

84. living room客厅,起居室

85. waiting room等候室,候诊室,候车室

86. take /have a bath洗澡

87. do some washing 洗东西

88. at table 在吃饭

89. at the table 在桌旁

90. lay/set the table 摆饭桌

91. be equipped with 用…装备

92. build up增进, 增强(体质等),树立(信心等);积累

93. build up one’s body 增强体质

94. build up one’s confidence 增强信心

95. pay attention to注意

96. catch/ draw one’

s attention 吸引…注意

97. attend to看护,照料; 处理

98. attend school上学

99. care about 担心

100. care for 关心,照顾;喜欢

101. take care 保重,小心

102. take care of 照顾

103. look after 照顾

104. be concerned about 关心,挂念

105. a couple of两个, 几个

106. marry sb 和某人结婚

107. marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人

108. be/get married to 与某人结婚

109. have/show respect for 尊敬某人

110. be crowded with 挤满

111. do away with废除,去掉

112. do without 没有…也行

113. a shopping bag 购物袋

114. at school 在上学,在求学

115. go to school去上学

116. leave school退学,离校

117. primary school 小学

118. middle school 中学

119. high school 中学

120. go to university/ college上大学

121. teach oneself自学

122. learn from….向…学习

123. hold the line 别挂上电话

124. wait in line 排队等候

125. make a list of列出…的清单

126. concentrate on (doing) sth 专心致志(做)

127. have a look at 看一看

128. look about 环顾四周

129. look after 照顾;看管

130. look at 看着…

131. look back 回头看,回顾

132. look down upon 瞧不起

133. look for 寻找

134. look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事

135. look into 向…窥视;调查

136. look out 当心

137. look over 眺望,检查

138. look through 浏览

139. look up to尊敬

140. find out 查清,弄明白

141. find sb doing 发现某人正在做某事


2. in search of 寻找

143. search for寻找

144. see off 送行,送别

145. see through 看透,识破

146. see to 负责,照顾

147. take notice of注意,理会

148. watch one’s step 走路小心

149. hear about 听说有关…情况

150. hear from 收到…来信

151. hear of 听说

152. make oneself heard让别人听到

153. figure out 算出; 想出

154. be crazy about/on/over 对…着迷

155. be strict with sb in sth 在..方面对某人要求严格

156. make progress 取得进步/进展

157. be / feel proud of 以…自豪

158. take pride in 以…自豪

159. out of work = lose one’s job 失业

160. work at从事, 研习

161. work on继续工作,从事

162. work out 计算出; 制定出,结果是

163. on business 出差

164. of one’s own 属于某人自己的

165. on one’s own 独自地

166. on fire 着火

167. catch fire着火

168. play with fire 玩火

169. set…on fire 把…点燃

170. set fire to…放火烧

171. kind of 有点

172. a kind of 一种

173. all kinds of 各种各样的

174. be kind to 对…友好

175. sort of 有点

176. a sort of一种

177. all sorts of 各种各样的

178. sort out 整理;解决(问题);理清(细节)

179. a variety of各种各样的

180. be short of 缺乏

181. in short总之

182. mix…with…. 把…与….混合起来

183. drink drive 酒驾

184. drunk driving 醉驾

185. eat out 下馆子

186. eat up 吃光了

187. eat one’s words 收回前言;认错道歉

188. set about(doing)sth开始着手做某事

189. set aside 储蓄,留出,把放在一边; 忽视

190. set foot in/on 登上,涉足

191. set free 释放

192. set off 出发,动身

193. set out 出发,开始着手

194. set up 建立,成立;支起来;创纪录

195. at the end of sth 在某事结束的时候

196. by the end of 到…末为止

197. in the end 最终

198. bring /put an end to 结束某事

199. come to an end 某事结束

200. end up with 以…结束

201. succeed in doing 成功做…

202. a bit 一点,稍微

203. a little/little小的,少的(a)

204. a few/few不多;少数; 不多的; 少数的(pron)

205. only a few只有几个

206. quite a few 许多

207. a great /good many许多

208. many a 许多

209. as much as尽……那样多

210. how much…? 多少?

211. too much 太过分,对…太难

212. more or less差不多;或多或少

213. more than 超过,不仅仅

214. no more 不再有

215. no more than 仅仅,不过(=only)

216. not more than不多于,不超过(=at most)

217. nothing more than 只不过是,和…完全一样

218. what’s more 而且,此外

219. the more…the more越……越……

220. not in the least(=not at all) 一点也不,毫不

221. think much of 高度评价

222. compare … to…把… 比作..

223. compare… with… 把 …与…作比较

224. a lot of/lots of 许多,好些

225. deal with 对付,应付

226. a great (good) deal of 大量的

227. It’s a deal. 成交;一言为定

228. plenty of 大量的

229. follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议

230. as follows 如下

231. in the following days 在接下来的日子里

232. heavy rain大雨

233. drop in (on sb/ at sp) 顺道拜访(某人/某地)

234. drop off让...下车;减少

235. drop out 辍学

236. catch /take/get hold of 得到,抓住

237. hold back 阻止,抑制(眼泪;隐瞒(消息)

238. hold on 继续 ;(to)抓住…不放;(打电话)不挂断

239. hold out 伸出,提供;坚持,维持

240. hold up 抬起,举起,撑起;阻滞,使停顿

241. be busy with sth. 忙于某事

242. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 f

243. (be)free from (of) 免受….,无….的

244. for free 免费

245. free of charge 免费

246. set free 使自由,释放

247. in one’s free time 在业余时间

248. in one’s spare time 在业余时间

249. get rid of the habit of 克服---的习惯

250. fall /get into the habit of 养成---的习惯

251. have the habit of 有---的习惯

252. go camping去露营

253. go hiking 去远足

254. go picnicking 去野炊

255. swimming pool 游泳池

256. swimming suit 游泳衣

257. at a loss 不知所措

258. join in=take part in 参加

259. a green hand 生手

260. dress up 盛装打扮

261. be dressed in 穿着…衣服

262. get dressed 穿衣服

263. be worn out筋疲力尽

264. put on

265. put up

266. put away

267. put off

268. sell well 畅销

269. for sale 待售的

270. on sale 在销售,大甩卖

271. pay back 偿还;回报,报复

272. pay for 付……的钱;为…...付出代价

273. pay off 还清

274. check in办住宿手续

275. check out结账离开

276. earn one’s living 谋生

277. be rich in…充足

278. be generous with 对…慷慨

279. go shopping

280. department store 百货商店

281. put on / gain weight体重增加

282. lose weight 减肥

283. go on a diet

284. be fit for 适合

285. be fit to do 适合做

286. fit sb well 大小尺寸适合某人

287. be suited for适合做…;对….适宜

288. be suited to do适合做…;对….适宜

289. a suit of一套

290. be suitable for适合…

291. be suitable to do适合做…

292. be certain of/about对…有把握

293. be certain to do 一定会

294. make certain 弄清楚,确保

295. It is certain that 确信

296. a certain magazine 某本杂志

297. of course 当然

298. be sure to do一定要;千万(用于祈使句)

299. be sure of/ about/that…对…有把握

300. for sure/certain肯定地

301. make sure (of…)肯定;确保

302. That’s OK.=That’s all right.没关系,不用谢!

303. change ...into 把...变成

304. for a change为了改变一下, 换个口味

305. change my mind

306. free of charge 免费

307. in charge(of)管理,负责:具有对…的控制或责任的

308. in the charge of 由…负责; 在…管理下

309. take charge (of) 负责,管理

310. charge sb. with sth. 控告某人某事

311. charge a battery 给电池充电

312. cover sth. with sth. / (be covered with/by) 覆盖…

313. fill…with… (be filled with) 装满

314. fill in填(写);填补

315. be full of 充满…的

316. as a whole 作为整体

317. on the whole 总的来说

318. play a part in…扮演角色,起作用,参与

319. take (an active) part in…(积极)参加

320. participate in 参加,参与

321. a piece of一块(片、张、件……)(n) 52. 不同的;有差异的(a)

322. be different from

323. all the same 一样,照样,仍然

324. the same ….as 和…一样

325. be similar to 与 … 相似

326. depend on 依靠,依赖,指望,取决于

327. rely on 依靠,指望

328. make an effort to do sth努力做某事

329. try on试穿

330. try one’s best to do努力做

331. try out试用;试验;参加选拔

332. try to do努力做

333. try doing试着做

334. have a try试一试

335. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做

336. enjoy yourself 玩的开心

337. have a good time 玩的开心

338. have fun 玩得高兴

339. for fun 开玩笑地

340. make fun of 取笑

341. play tricks on sb开某人玩笑;耍手腕

342. excuse me! 打扰了

343. I’m sorry! 对不起

344. I’m sorry to hear that! 听到这个我很难过/很遗憾.

345. be sorry for为某事感到抱歉

346. be sorry to do sth遗憾去做某事

347. feel ashamed惭愧的,羞耻的

348. pardon pardon 原谅,宽恕,对不起n & v

349. I beg your pardon 请某人原谅;请再说一遍

350. What a pity! 真遗憾;多么可惜;真糟糕

351. make friends (with) 与…交朋友

352. be friendly to 对…友好

353. shake hands with 握手

354. shake off  摆脱;抖落

355. shake one’s head摇头

356. wave sb good-bye 挥手道别

357. be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某事

358. be familiar to sb 某物为某人熟悉

359. common sense 常识

360. in common 共同,共有

361. an average student普通学生

362. on ( an/the) average 平均

363. in particular 特别

364. be particular about/ over 对......挑剔,讲究

365. be typical of 典型的

366. get in touch with取得联系

367. be/keep/stay in touch (with…)保持联系

368. be out of touch with失去联系

369. in fact 事实上,实际上

370. as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上

371. for example

372. follow sb’s example 仿效某人

373. such as例如

374. such…that…如此…以至于

375. so ... that…如此…以至于

376. hang on 抓住;不挂断(电话)

377. hang up 挂断电话

378. pull into驶入停靠

379. put aside把...放在一边;撇开

380. put away 放好,把…收起来;储存

381. put down 放下; 记下; 镇压

382. put forward 提出

383. put off 推迟

384. put on 穿上; 上演; 增加

385. put through 接通(电话); 使通过

386. put up 举起; 搭起; 供给...住宿; 张贴

387. put up with 忍受

388. sit down坐下

389. sit up使坐起,迟睡,熬夜

390. take/have a seat 坐下

391. take one’s seat 就座,坐在自己的位子上

392. be seated/ seat oneself 就座,坐下

393. stand by 站在旁边,和…站在一起

394. stand for 代表,表示

395. stand out 突出,引人注目

396. stand up 站立,站起来

397. tell a lie说谎

398. lay aside 放在一边

399. lay off 下岗,解雇

400. lay eggs 下蛋

401. lay the table 摆桌子(准备吃饭)

402. How about…?... 怎么样?

403. How come? 怎么回事?

404. How do you like…? 你觉得…怎么样?

405. What about…?...怎么样?

406. What for? 为何?为什么?

407. What if…?如果…是什么样? 即使…又有什么关系?

408. What is…like?...是什么样?

409. how often 多长时间一次

410. how many 多少

411. how much 多少

412. how long 多长时间

413. how far 多远

414. no matter what …..

415. What’s the matter?

416. What really matters

417. It’s none of your business

418. in a hurry 匆匆忙忙

419. hurry up 快点,使赶快

420. in a hurry 匆匆忙忙

421. take one’s time 慢慢来;不慌不忙

422. take it easy 别紧张;放松点

423. if necessary 如果有必要

424. when necessary 必要时

425. keep away from 避开,不接近

426. keep ..from…阻止….做某事

427. keep on doing sth 继续

428. keep up with 跟上

429. keep sth a secret 把…保密

430. let alone 更不用说

431. let down使失望,辜负

432. be made from 用..来制造

433. be made of 用…制造

434. be made up of 由…组成、构成

435. make out填写(表格); 开出(支票、账单);辨认出、看出、理解、了解

436. make up编造; 弥补; 化装, 打扮; 组成

437. make up for 补偿、弥补

438. cheer leader 啦啦队队长

439. by means of 用,依靠

440. by all means 尽一切办法

441. by no means 决不;丝毫不;一点儿也不

442. the way to do/of doing sth 做…方法

443. by way of 经由,通过…方法

444. in no way 决不

445. on one’s way to 去往…的路上

446. in a way 在某种程度上

447. (get, stand) in the /one’s way 挡道

448. by the way 顺便问一下

449. make one’s way 前进

450. make way for 让位于…

451. good manners有礼貌

452. table manners 餐桌礼节,用餐的规矩

453. no wonder 难怪

454. be worth doing很值得做…
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