
acad2018 2023-01-29 15:44:09


Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than jobholders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment.

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy away from loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. (79)Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people come into with each other. By collective activity they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him ill.

Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Word makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words.

(80)From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be. Let us work hard and study and live a happy and healthy life.

1. The underlined word “average” in Paragraph I means ______.C

A. healthyB. lazyC. ordinary D. poor

2. The reason why housewives are not as healthy as career women is that ______.C

A.housewives are poorer than career women

B.housewives have more children than career women

D.housewives eat less food than career women

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?D

A.Busy people have nothing to do at home.

B.High achievers don’t care about their families.

C.There is no friendship and warmth at home.

D.A satisfying job helps to keep one healthy.

4. We can infer from the passage that those who do not work _____.A

B.will lose everything at home

C.can live as long as those who work

D.have more time to make new friends

5. The best title for this passage may be _____.B

A.People Should Find a Job

C.People Should Make More Friends by Work

D.The Loss of Word Means the Loss of Everything

A study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture than is possible to learn in general history classes. Most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics and war. But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also religious beliefs, emotions and psychology. In addition, information about the daily activities of our ancestors can be provided by art. (78) In short, art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place, and a study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books.

In history books, objective information about the political life of a country is presented; that is, facts about politics are given, but opinions are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective(主观的): it reflects emotions and opinions. The great Spanish painter Francisco Goya was perhaps the first truly “political” artist. In his well-known painting The Third of May, 1808, he criticized the Spanish government for its abuse (滥用) of power over people.

In the same way, art can reflect a culture’s religious beliefs. For hundreds of years in Europe, religious art had been almost the only type of art that existed. Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that described people and stories from the Bible. Although most people couldn’t read, they could still understand the Bible stories in the pictures on church walls. By contrast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was (and still is) its absence of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that statues (雕像) are not holy.

6. More can be learned about a culture from a study of art history than general history because ___. C

A. art history shows us nothing but the political values

B. general history only focuses on politics

C. art history gives us an insight (洞察力) into the essential qualities of a time and a place

D. general history concerns only religious beliefs, emotions and psychology

7. Art is subjective in that _____.A

A. a personal and emotional view of history is presented through it

B. it only reflects people’s anger or sadness about social problems

C. it can easily arouse people’s anger about their government

D. artists were or are religious, who reflect only the religious aspect of the society

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?C

A. In history books political views of people are entirely presented.

B. Francisco Goya expressed his religious belief in his painting The Third of May, 1808

C. In the Middle East, you can hardly find animal or human figures on palaces or other building.

D. For centuries in Europe, painters had only painted on walls of churches or other religious buildings.

9 The passage mainly discusses _____.B

A. the development of art history

B. he difference between general history and art history

C. what we can learn from art

D. the influence of artists on art history

10. It can be concluded from the passage that _____.C

A. Islamic artists only paint images of plants, flowers or objects in their paintings

B. it is more difficult to study art history than general history

C. a history teacher must be quite objective

D. artists painted people or stories from the Bible to hide their political beliefs

Blind people can “see” things by using other parts of their bodies. This fact may help us to understand our feelings about color. If blind people can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected by color unconsciously(无意识地)。

(76)Manufacturers(生产商)have discovered by experience that sugar sells. Badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered unpleasant, and that cosmetics(化妆品) should never be packaged in brown. These discoveries have grown into a branch of color psychology.

Color psychology now finds application in everything from fashion to decoration. Some of our preferences are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore associated with calm, while yellow is a day color with associations of energy and incentive(刺激). For a primitive man, activity during the day meant hunting and attacking, while he soon saw red as the color of blood and anger and the heat that came with effort. And green is associated with passive defense and self-protection.

(77)Experiments have shown that colors, partly because of their psychological associations, also have a direct psychological effect.People exposed to bring red show an increase in breath, in heartbeat and in blood pressure; red is exciting. Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming color. Because of its exciting meaning, red is chosen as the signal for danger, but closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm. So fire engines and ambulances in some advanced communities are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop the traffic dead.

11. Our preferences for certain colors are _______ according to the passage.A

A. associated with the time of the day

B. dependent on our personalities

C. are linked with our ancestors

D. partly due to psychological factors

12. If people are exposed to bright red, which of the following things does NOT happen?B

A. They breathe faster.

B. They feel satisfied.

C. Their blood pressure rises.

D. Their hearts beat faster.

13. Which of the following statements if NOT true according to the passage?B

A. Color probably has an effect on us which we are not conscious of.

B. Yellow fire engines have caused many bad accidents in some advanced communities.

C. People exposed to pure blue start to breathe more slowly.

D. The psychology of color is of some practical use.

14. Which of the following statements if TRUE according to the passage?C

A. Manufacturers often sell sugar in green wrapping.

B. Dark blue bring people the feeling of being energetic.

C. Primitive people associated heat and anger with red.

D. Green and yellow are associated with calm and passive defense.

15. Which of the following could be the most suitable title for the passage?D

A. The Branch of Color Psychology

B. Color and Its Meanings

C. The

Practical Use of Color Psychology

D. Color and Feelings.









在历史书中,讲述了一个国家政治生活的客观信息;也就是说,只给出了政治事实,但是并没有表达观点。另一方面,艺术是主观的:它反映了情绪和观点。伟大的西班牙画家弗朗西斯科戈雅恐怕是第一个真正地政治艺术家。在他1808年著名的画作“The Third

of May”中,他批评西班牙政府对人们滥用武力。








16. When I mention the problem, I’m not ______ all of you.

A. talking aboutB. referring toC. listening toD. carrying out

B 考察动词短语的用法


Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _____.

A. practicalB. possibleC. plentifulD. precious

A 考察形容词的用法

18. We were tired and nervous _____ the constant tension.

A. fromB. forC. with D. off

C 考察介词的用法

19. “Which do you want, the red one or the black one?”

“_____. How about showing me another?”

A. EitherB. BothC. Neither D. None

C 考察不定代词的用法

20. “what makes her so unhappy?”

“____ one of her favorite books.”

A. Because she lostB. Because of her losing

C. She lostD. Her losing


21. “I usually sleep with the windows closed at night, even in summer.”

“You can never be ____ careful.”

A. veryB. much

C. tooD. so

C 考察副词的用法

22. “_____ is your nationality, Miss Green?”


A. WhatB. Where

C. WhichD. Who

A 考察疑问词的用法

23. I hope the stove will _____ enough heat to warm the room.

A. get overB. give inC. get outD. give off

D 考察词组固定搭配。

24.You look tired. Do you ______ a rest?

A. like havingB. feel like having C. like haveD. feel like to have

B 考察词组固定搭配。

25. _____ the price is, they are prepared to pay.

A. HoweverB. whicheverC. whateverD. wherever

C 考察让步状语从句及其引导词

26. Wait a moment, please. Richard will be back _____.

A. in no time B. at no timeC. at timesD. at a time

A 考察介词短语

27 _____ I accept that the plan is not perfect, I do actually like it.

A. WhenB. SinceC. whileC. Unless

C 考察状语从句引导词

28. She says she’d rather he _____ tomorrow instead of today.

A. leaves B. leftC. leave D. would leave

B 考察虚拟语气,would rather后面宾语从句要用过去时,表示虚拟语气,此句描述将来。

29. I don’t think Mary understood what you said, _____?

A. do IB. didn’t sheC. did youD. did she

D 考察反意疑问句的用法

30. You _____ not have seen her yesterday, for she was abroad.

A. mustB. shouldC. couldD. would

C 情态动词的用法,表示对过去发生事情可能性的判断

31. Alice trusts you; only you can _____ her to give up the foolish idea.

A. suggestB. attractC. temptD. persuade

D 考察动词用法

32. The Internet has brought _____ big changes in the way we work.

A. aboutB. outC. backD. up

A 考察动词短语,bring about表示“带来”,“产生”

33. He is a man who is always _____ fault with other people.

A. puttingB. seeking C. findingD. looking for

B 考察固定搭配

34. I am sure David will be able to find the library because he has a pretty good _____ of direction.

A. ideaB. feelingC. experienceD. sense

D 考察固定搭配

35. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _____.

A. spare B. catchC. leaveD. make

A 考察动词的用法

36. The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and _____ only thirty minutes.

A. keepsB. continuesC. finishesD. lasts

D 考察动词的用法

37. The factory had to _____ a number of employees because of the economic crisis in the country.

A. lay outB. lay offC. lay asideD. lay down

B 考察动词短语的用法

38. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _____, she is a great musician.

A. After all B. As a resultC. In other wordsD. As usual

A 考察介词短语的用法

39. They had a pleasant chat _____ a cup of coffee.

A. forB. withC. duringD. over

D 考察介词的用法

40. Was it in 1969 _____ the American astronaut succeed _____ landing on the moon?

A. when; onB. that; onC. which; inD that; in

D 考察强调句和动词短语的用法

41. The comments which he made _____ marketing bothered his boss greatly.

A. being concernedB. concernedC. be concerned D. concerning

D 考察介词的用法

42. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _____ the film stars had left.

A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told

B 考察不定式做结果状语时的用法

43. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She _____ for twenty years by next summer.

A. will teachB. would have taughtC. has been teachingD. will have been teaching

D 考察将来完成时

44. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _____ cars in 2002 as the year before.

A. as many twiceB. as twice manyC. twice many as D. twice as many

D 考察倍数的表达方法

45. There were dirty marks on her trousers _____ she had wiped her hands.

A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what

A 考察定语引导词


46 Have you noticed her coat is wet? She must be caughtin the rain.


C 考察情态动词的用法,must have done sth表示对过去的一种肯定的判断

47 Teenagers always long for the time which they are able to be independent.


B 考察定语从句引导词

48. Since the injury is bad, the doctors will operate him immediately.


C 考察动词短语的用法,operate on

49. Let’s hurry up and try to get to the railway station in time, can we?


D 考查反意疑问句的用法

50.He refusedjoining us last Saturday night. Don’t you think it strange?


B 考察动词的用法,refuse to do sth

51. Some old beautiful Italian oil paintings are beingdisplayed in the exhibition hall.


A 考察形容词的词序

52. If you had been there, I’m sure you would have enjoyedto see the Chinese Team win.


C 考察动名词

53. On seeing the boy fell into the river, she sprang to her feet and went to the rescue.


B 考察动词see的用法

54. Traditionally, work determines our way of life. But if 98 percent of us don’t need to work,


what are we going to do with oneself?


D 考察反身代词的用法

55. Only by practice will you be able to improve your speaking English and gradually speak fluently.


C 考察倒装句 改成spoken English 口语


A king once _56__ seriously ill. His doctors and wise men tried cure __57_ cure. But nothing __58_. They were ready to _59__ hope when the king’s old servant spoke up. He said, “If you can find a happy man ,take the shirt from his back and _60__ it on the king, then he will _61__.” So the king’s officials rode _62__ throughout the kingdom, yet nowhere _63__ a happy man. No one seemed _64__; everyone had some complaints. If a man was rich, he never had enough. If he was not rich, it was someone else’s _65__. If he was _66__, he had a bad mother-in-law. If he had a good mother-in-law, he was catching a cold. Everyone had something to complain about. _67__, one night the king’s own son was passing a small cottage _68__ he heard someone say, “Thank you ”. I’ve finished my daily labor, and helped my fellow man. My family and I have eaten our fill, and now we can _69__ and sleep in peace. _70__ more could I want?”the prince was very happy _71__ a happy man at last. He gave __72_ to take the man’s shirt to the king, and pay the __73__ as much money as he _74__. But when the king’s officials went into the cottage to take the happy man’s shirt __75_ his back, they found he had no shirt at all.

A56. A. fellB. feltC. feelD. Fall

D57. A. toB. byC. forD.after

B 58. A.playedB. workedC. operatedD. affected

C59. A. give offB. give outC. give upD. give in

B60. A. placeB. putC. dressD. wear

A61. A. recoverB. relaxC. relieveD. remove

D62. A. off and onB. back and forthC. up and downD. far and wide

C63. A. had they foundB. should they find

C. could they findD. did they find

A64. A. contentB. contraryC. concreteD. complete

B65. A. faultB.mistakeC. error D. shortage

C66. A. helpfulB. heavyC. healthy D. high

B67. A. ConsequentlyB. FinallyC. LatelyD. Fortunately

D68. A. whileB.whichC. wheneverD. when

B69. A. layB. lieC. laidC. lain

D70. A. WhichB. WhoC. WhenD. What

C71. A. to having foundB. to have been found

C. to have foundD. to find

A72. A. ordersB.messagesC. wordsD. letters

B 73. A. officialB. ownerC. servantD. master

C74. A. advisedB. saidC. askedD. wished

C75. A. fromB. out ofC. offD. down


76. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people come into with each other.


77. From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be.


78. In short, art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place, and a study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books.


79. Manufacturers(生产商)have discovered by experience that sugar sells. Badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered unpleasant, and that cosmetics(化妆品) should never be packaged in brown.


80. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because of their psychological associations, also have a direct psychological effect.


81. 每个人都喜欢受表扬而不是批评。

Everyone likes to be praised rather than be criticized.

82. 人们抱怨当地政府在处理污染问题上力度不够。

People complain that the local government didn’t try its best to deal with the issue of pollution.


As long as you do what you can, no one will accuse you even if you fail it in the future.

84. 他告诉我要慢慢来,没有必要提前完成这项工作。

He told me to take it easy, because it was no necessary to finish this work in advance.

85. 我们推迟了这个会议,以便能够更好地应付紧张的局势。

We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation.
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