中考英语复习 九年级英语unit7基础知识点20题讲解,学习很简单

acad2018 2023-02-17 06:44:02



1.He speaks __English__French .Instead ,he speaks German.

A. neither; nor

B. not only; but also

C. both; and

D. either; or


…nor 既不……也不……;not only…but also…不仅……而且……;both…and… …和……两者都;either…or 或者……或者…….根据句意可知,他说的是德语,不是英语,也不是法语.故选A.

2.Could you tell me__a meeting in Guangzhou next week?

A.whether is there going to be

B. whether there is going to have

C.if there was going to be

D. if there is going to be

【解答】你能告诉我下周在广州是否会举行会议?本题考查的是宾语从句,从句中应该用陈述语序,所以可以先排除A;根据句意可知,这里说的是下周的事情,应该用将来时,故C不对;B选项中there is going to have 这个句型不对.故选D.

3.Not only Mr. and Mrs. Green but also their daughter__abroad twice.

A. have gone B. have been

C. has gone D. has been

【解答】不仅Green夫妇而且他们的女儿都出国两次了.这句话的主语是not only Mr. and Mrs. Green but also their daughter,当not only…but also连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要根据就近原则,和离它最近的一致.故这里应该用单数形式.选D.has gone 是去了,还没有回来,不符合句意.

4.Tom, you__play football in the street. ---Sorry, I__do it again.

A. needn’t; won’t

B. mustn’t; won’t

C. can’t;


D. won’t; can’t

【解答】-Tom,你不要在街道上踢足球.-对不起,我不会再那样做了.needn’t 不需要,没有必要;mustn’t 禁止,不要;can’t不会,不能;won’t 是will not 的缩写,意思是以后将不会了.根据句意可知选B.

5.It’s quite clever__you__out the problem.

A. for; working B. for; to work

C. of; working D. of; to work

【解答】能做出这道题来你真是太聪明了.本句中使用的句型是It is +形容词+of/for sb. to do sth.对于某人来说做某事是…的.当形容词是表示人的品质的时候,句型中用介词of.这句话中clever 是聪明的,形容人,故应该用介词of;第二个空用动词不定式的形式.故选D.

6.You look__. What's up, sir?

I can't find my ticket, but it's time to check in.

A. sleepy B. hungry

C. excited D. worried

【解答】你看起来很焦虑.怎么啦,先生?我不能找到我的票,但该检票啦.Sleepy困倦的;hungry 饥饿的; excited兴奋的;worried焦虑的.根据答语可知该选D.

7.I'll go to the museum with you. Tell me__.

Shall we leave at the school gate?

A. where to meet

B. what to do

C. how to go

D. when to meet

【解答】我会带你去博物馆.告诉我在哪里集合.我们在学校门口动身吗?tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事.结合答语可知该选A.


do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei?

Wonderful. I think it's__than the other films about youth in recent years.

A. the best B. the worst

C. much better D. much worse


9.I think__ask Tim for some advice.

__. Last time when I turned to him, he refused to help.

A. you'd rather; I think so

B. you'd better; I'd rather not

C. you have to; I'd rather not

D. you'd better; I think so

【解答】我想你最好向蒂姆征求一些建议.__.上一次我转向他,他拒绝帮助.Had better do sth最好做某事;would rather宁愿, 宁可;have to必须,不得不;I think so我认为是这样.根据语境可知该选B.

10.May I speak to Daniel Brown?

I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. There is__called Daniel Brown here.

A. anybody B. somebody

C. everybody D. nobody

【解答】我可以跟丹尼尔布朗通话吗?我恐怕你打错电话了.这里没有叫丹尼尔布朗的.anybody 任何人

;somebody某人;everybod每个人;nobody没有人.根据I'm afraid you've got the wrong number可知此处为否定形式.所以选D.

11.Do you know the young man was charged__shoplifting?

But I don't think he is guilty__that crime.

A. for; of B. with; of

C. of; with D. with; for

【解答】你知道这个年轻人被控入店行窃吗?但我认为他是有罪的犯罪.Be charged with被指控;be guilty of有罪.本题选B.

12.I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, bu t now we__just fine together.

A. get away B. get up

C. get along D. get off

【解答】我过去常和父母争吵,但现在我们一起相处得很好.get away离开,脱身; 逃掉; 抽身; 拔身; get up起床; get along相处;get off下车.本题选C.

13.Very few people devoted as much time Audrey Hepburn did__for charities.

A. like; to work

B. as; to working

C. as; into work

D. like; working

【解答】很少有人像奥黛丽·赫本一样花这么多时间做慈善的事.As…as表示前者和后者在某一方面一样;devote....to(doing) sth. 将……奉献于(做)某事,是一个固定结构,所以选B.

14.It’s dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.

You’re right. We can’t be__careful while crossing the street.

A. soB. veryC. tooD. more

【解答】过马路的时候粗心是危险的.-你是对的.当过马路的时候我们再小心也不为过.so 因此,所以;very 很,非常;too 太;more 更….这里can’t be too…后跟形容词,表示再…也不为过.故选C。

15.The kind teacher devoted all her time she had__her students.

A. help B. to help

C. helping D. to helping

【解答】这个善良的老师把她所有的时间都奉献出来帮助她的学生们.这句话中使用的短语是devote oneself/time/money to doing sth.,意思是奉献某人的一生、时间、钱去做某事.短语中的to 是一个介词,后跟动名词的形式.故选D。

16.She has finished typing but she doesn’t know__next.

A. what to do

B. how to do

C. what should she do

D. how she should do

【解答】她已经打完了字,但是她不知道接下来该做什么.what to do 做什么;how to do 怎样做,do 后确实宾语,所以这个选项不对;C 和D选项是宾语从句,从句中应该用陈述语序,故C不对;D选项中的引导词how不对,应该改为what.故选A.
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