北京版小学英语 四下 Unit 6单元 单元知识总结

acad2018 2023-03-01 12:44:01


1. fly your kite 放风筝 2. Why not 为什么不行

3. those wires那些电线 4. at the square 在广场 5.in front of the museum 在博物馆前面

6.cross the street 过马路 7.walk your dog遛狗 8.No swimming禁止游泳9. No littering / Don’t litter 禁止乱扔垃圾 10. Keep off the grass请勿践踏草坪 11. Don’t pick flowers 不要摘花


1. ---Please don’t fly your kite here.


---Why not? --- It’s not safe. / It’s dangerous.

为什么? 这里不安全。/ 这儿很危险。

2. ---Please don’t cross the streethere.

3. ---Please don’t walk your doghere.

4. ---Please don’t swimhere.


1. Don’t后面+动词原形,表示“不要做某事”

2. No + 动词ing形式,语气更强烈,表示“请勿/禁止做某事”;No+名词,如No dogs/ food and drink, 禁止宠物入内/ 禁止携带食物饮料。

3.反义词safe—dangerous; safety--- danger(名词)

Lesson 20

1. thick 厚的 2. enough足够的 21. safety安全


1.fall into the water落水 2.get warm变暖 3. not thick enough不够厚 4. skate on thin ice在薄冰上滑冰5.watch out for your safety注意安全

6.go roller-skating 滑轮滑 7.fall and hurt

yourself 摔伤你自己 8. get hit by a car被车撞到

9.play in the car park 在停车场玩10. No fire 禁止烟火11. It’s dangerous to do sth.做某事很危险

1. ---Can I skate here? 我可以在这滑冰吗?

---I’m afraid not. You may fall into the water.


2. ---Can I go roller-skating here?

---I’m afraid not. You may fall and hurt yourself.

3. ---Can I cross the streethere?

---I’m afraid not. You may get hit by a car.

1. 情态动词can(能), may(可能)后加动词原形

2. It’s dangerous to + 动词原形,表示做某事危险

3. 反义词 thick --- thin, fat ---thin

Lesson 21

1. crowd人群 2.push 推 3.slowly缓慢地

1. look atthe thick crowd 看拥挤的人群 2.It’s always like this总是这样 3.during the Spring Festival 春节期间 4.walk slowly 慢点走

5. be careful小心 6.push in the crowd 在人群中推挤 7. step onyour foot 猜到你的脚

8. talk in the reading room在阅览室交谈

9.pick flowers摘花

10. No pushing/ No talking / No running

禁止推挤/禁止交谈/ 禁止乱跑


push in the crowd.


--- No, I won’t. 好的,我不会的。

2.---Don’t play in the car park.

--- No, I won’t.

3.---Don’t talk in the reading room.

4.---Don’t pick flowers.

1. 反义词slowly—quickly / fast,push --- pull 拉

2. 否定祈使句Don’t …的回答方式No.解为是的

3. ouch哎呦,突然疼痛发出的声音;wow哇,表示极大的惊喜或钦佩。
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