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How to Learn English Grammar with Simple Steps 如何用简单的步骤学习英语语法

Tips for learning English grammar! Just because nobody taught you English and grammar in school at whatever learning level, it does not mean there is not much you can do to solve the problem. Here are some steps to learning this language and its grammar rules on your own. With these steps, you can easily rival the language and grammar skills experienced users of this language have.

学习英语语法的技巧! 仅仅因为没有人在学校的任何学习水平上教你英语和语法,这并不意味着你无法解决问题。 以下是自己学习这门语言及其语法规则的一些步骤。 通过这些步骤,您可以轻松地与该语言的有经验的用户所具有的语言和语法技能相媲美。

How to Learn English Grammar 如何学习英语语法

Learn Parts of Speech 学习词性

Each English

word can be categorized into one part of speech. Therefore, understanding parts of speech is one of the key steps to learning grammar. The good thing about learning parts of speech is that you will be in a position to describe how each word in the English language can be used. 每一个英语单词都可以分为一个词类。因此,理解词性是学习语法的关键步骤之一。学习词性的好处是你可以描述英语中每个单词的用法。

Here are different parts of speech. 这里是不同的词性。

1. Noun– a word that describes a place, thing or person, for instance, “bank”. 名词——描述一个地方、事物或人的词,例如“银行”。

2. Article– they precede nouns in a sentence. They are “a”, “the”, “an”. 冠词-它们在句子中位于名词之前。它们是“a”,“the”,“an”。

3. Verb– a word that describes an action, for instance, “write”. 动词——描述一个动作的词,例如“写”。

4. Pronoun– a word that can take the place of a noun, for instance, “she”. 代词——一个可以代替名词的词,例如“她”。

5. Adjective– modifies/describes a noun/pronoun,

for instance, “black”. 形容词-修饰/描述名词/代词,例如,“black”。

6. Adverb– modifies a verb or an adjective, for instance, “clearly”. 副词修饰动词或形容词,例如,“clear”。

7. Conjunction– joins to parts of a sentence, for example “and”. 连词-连接到句子的各个部分,例如“and”。

8. Preposition– used with noun/pronoun to create a phrase that modifies other parts of speech, for example, “down”. 介词-与名词/代词一起使用,创造一个短语来修饰词性的其他部分,例如“down”。

9. Interjection– words that illustrate an emotional state, for instance, “ouch”. 感叹词——描述一种情绪状态的词,例如“哎哟”。

9 parts of speech in English grammar 英语语法中的9个词类

Learn Verb Tenses 学习动词时态

There are three kinds of tenses– past, present and future. The past tenses describe things that happened before the time of reporting, while present tenses describe what is happening as the thing is happening. Finally, the future tense describes what will happen after

the time the statement is being made. 有三种时态——过去时态、现在时态和将来时态。过去时态描述的是在报告之前发生的事情,而现在时态描述的是事情发生时正在发生的事情。最后,将来时态描述陈述完成后将发生什么。

Learn all (12) tenses in English with useful grammar rules, examples and ESL worksheets. 用有用的语法规则,例子和ESL工作表学习英语中的所有时态。

Present Simple Tense. 一般现在时时态。Present Continuous Tense. 现在进行时。Present Perfect Tense. 现在完成时态。Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 现在完成进行时。Past Simple Tense. 一般过去时态。Past Continuous Tense. 过去进行时。Past Perfect Tense. 过去完成时。Past Perfect Continuous Tense. 过去完成进行时。Simple Future Tense. 简单的将来时态。Future Continuous Tense. 将来进行时。Future Perfect Tense. 将来完成时。Future Perfect Continuous. 未来完美的连续。Verb tenses in English grammar 英语语法中的动词时态

Sentences, Phrases, and Clauses 句子、短语和从句


While studying English words is great, you have to learn how to put these words together into sentences. Sentences

express your complete thoughts. In general, a sentence shows someone/something doing/being something, and it consists of a subject and a verb at its most basic level. Without one of these two parts, that sentence is considered improper.


For instance, “Dogs can bite.” is a complete sentence, while “The excited children.” is not a proper sentence. 例如,“狗会咬人。是一个完整的句子,而“兴奋的孩子”。这句话不太合适。

After learning basic sentences, you can go on to learn more complex sentences, for instance, compound sentences. With compound sentences, you join what would have been two sentences into one sentence using a conjunction. 在学习了基本的句子之后,你可以继续学习更复杂的句子,例如,复合句。对于复合句,你可以用连词把原本是两个句子的东西连成一个句子。

For instance, instead of having two sentences, “The doctor entered the room.” and “The doctor took the file.”, you can write, “The doctor entered the room and took the file.” 例如,“医生进了房间”,而不是用两句话。和“医生拿了文件。”,你可以这样写:“医生进了房间,拿起卷子。”


You can think of phrases as units of language. They are a group of words, but usually not enough to form a complete sentence. There are different kinds of phrases, each of which is described based on what part of speech it helps to describe. 你可以把短语看作是语言的单位。它们是一组单词,但通常不足以构成一个完整的句子。有不同种类的短语,每一种都是根据它有助于描述的词性来描述的。

Noun Phrase 名词短语Gives more information about a noun, for instance, “the tall” building. 给出关于名词的更多信息,例如,“the tall”building。

Adjective Phrase 形容词短语Provides more information about an adjective, for instance, “very” intelligent. 提供有关形容词的更多信息,例如,“非常”智能。

Verb Phrase 动词词组Offers additional information about a verb. These phrases are very complex. For instance, in the sentence, she will eventually have her own car, “will have” is the verb phrase. 提供有关动词的附加信息。这些短语非常复杂。例如,在句子中,她最终会有自己的车,“will have”是动词短语。

Adverb Phrase 副词短语Gives more information about an adverb, for instance, “going” quickly. 提供有关副词的更多信息,例如,快速“前进”。

Prepositional Phrase 介词短语Provides additional information about a preposition, for instance, “after” the exercise. 提供有关介词的其他信息,例如,“练习之后”。


Like phrases, clauses are also units of language. All clauses have a subject and a verb, and some are independent while others are dependent. 和短语一样,从句也是语言的单位。所有从句都有主语和动词,有些是独立的,有些是从属的。

Dependent clauses act like parts of speech, as phrases do, and they cannot stand on their own as complete sentences. 从属分句和短语一样,都是词性成分,不能作为完整的句子独立存在。

For instance, “Although the package came, he could not open the door.” The part “he could not open the door” is an independent clause, but “although the package came’ cannot stand as a sentence and is, therefore, a dependent clause. 例如,“虽然包裹来了,他却打不开门。”“he couldn’t open The door”是一个独立的从句,但是“although The package came”不能作为一个句子来使用,因此是一个从属从句。

Generally, clauses are used when forming compound sentences. 一般情况下,从句用于构成复合句。

Conditionals, Reported speech, Passive voice, Quantifiers and Determiners 条件句,间接引语,被动语态,量词和限定词


The English language has many types of sentences. For instance, a conditional sentence demonstrates that one part of a sentence is true if the other part is true. For instance, “if it rains, the crops will grow.” 英语有很多类型的句子。例如,条件句表明如果一个句子的一部分为真,那么另一部分为真。例如,“如果下雨,庄稼就会生长。”

Reported Speech 间接引语

Reported speech is a way of writing or speaking where instead of quoting what the speaker said, you use your own words to convey their message. For instance, if the person said, “I will come”, the reported speech would be “he/she said she would come.” 间接引语是一种写作或说话的方式,你用自己的语言来传达信息,而不是引用说话人所说的话。例如,如果这个人说,“I will come”,那么这个人的间接引语就是“he/she said she would come”。

Passive Voice 被动语态

In passive voice, the subject receives the action rather than performing it as is the case with active voice. For instance, “the cat poured the milk” is active, while “the milk was poured by the cat” is passive.

Generally, active voice is much preferable as it uses fewer words and makes statements less complicated and more powerful. 在被动语态中,主语接受动作,而不是像主动语态那样执行动作。例如,“the cat pour the milk”是主动语态,而“the milk was pour by the cat”是被动语态。


Quantifiers 量词

Quantifiers are used when providing information about a number relating to something. For instance, most people change jobs by age “thirty.” 量词用于提供与某物有关的数字的信息。例如,大多数人在“30岁”之前就换了工作。

Determiners 限定词

Determiners are words or phrases that come before a noun or a noun phrase. Their role is to demonstrate its reference. For instance. There were “a few” cookies left. 限定词是出现在名词或名词短语之前的单词或短语。它们的作用是证明其参考价值。例如。还剩“几块”饼干。

Learn to Write Numbers and Punctuation Marks 学会写数字和标点符号

When writing, there are certain rules you should follow. For instance, one-digit numbersshould be spelled out, for instance, “two.” However, numbers greater than 9 should be written numerically. 写作时,你应该遵循一些规则。例如,一个数字应该拼写出来,例如,“two”。然而,大于9的数字应该写成数字形式。

Still, you should never mix up spelled and numerically written numbers within a sentence. For instance, “they were 10 girls and two boys” is incorrect, while “they were 10 girls and 2 boys” is correct. 尽管如此,你不应该在一个句子里混淆拼写和数字。例如,“they were 10 girls and two boys”是不正确的,而“they were 10 girls and two boys”是正确的。

Additionally, you should not start sentences with a numerically written number. 此外,你不应该用数字开头的句子。

Also, as you write fractions, you should use hyphens, for instance, “two-thirds”. Also, decimals should always be written numerically, as well as days of the month, for instance, “0.6” and “August 10”. 同样,当你写分数时,你应该使用连字符,例如“三分之二”。此外,小数也应该用数字来表示,比如“0.6”和“8月10日”。

Learn more with useful lessons on punctuation marks in the English language. 学习更多有用的英语标点符号课程。

There is obviously more to knowing English grammar than the steps shown above, but these basics should help you make significant progress in this important learning journey. By keeping these simple rules in mind, and trying to learn as much as possible with following grammar lessons, you can easily become a very proficient user of this language.

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