
acad2018 2023-03-19 21:44:06





English grammar deals with structures and functions of the words and sentences of the English language.


English grammar is usually divided into two parts:Morphology and Syntax.


In morphology, we study the different classes of English words, and their inflexion, that is, the forms of number and case of nouns and pronouns, the forms of tense, voice, mood, etc. of verbs and the forms of the three degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.


In Syntax, we study the arrangement of words, that is, how words of different classes are combined into sentences, and also different types and kinds of sentences, their structures, functions, meanings, etc.

4.英语的十大词类:①名词 ②冠词 ③代词 ④形容词 ⑤数词 ⑥动词 ⑦副词 ⑧介词 ⑨连接词 ⑩感叹词

The ten parts of speech in the English language:

①the Noun ②the Article ③the Pronoun ④the Adjective ⑤the Numeral ⑥the Verb ⑦the Adverb ⑧the Preposition ⑨the Conjunction ⑩the Interjection


Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs and adverbs have their independent meaning and also their independent parts to play in the sentence. They are called notional words.


Articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections have no independent meanings and do not serve as a part in the sentence, so they are called form words.


In English language, when two nouns appear together, the first one is always used as an attribute to modifying the second one.


In the English language, when two or more actions occur together, there must be only one action which is of the first importance, the other actions are just of the secondary importance.The verb that represents the actions of first importance must appear in the predicate form ,while the verb that denote the actions of the secondary importance must appear in the non-predicate form.


When we read a sentence ,we must not only pay attention to its lexical meaning but also to its contextual meaning.


What is a sentence? A sentence is a word or a group of words that can make complete sense.


Making a concrete analysis of each concrete problem is the essential of Marxism.


The world“study” can be used both as a noun and as the verb.When it is used as the verb, it can be used both transitively and intransitively. When it used transitively, it must have an object to follow so as to make complete sense.

13.英语的名词分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词。物质名词和抽象名词如果跟在不定冠词后面,就变成个体名词,例如:玻璃(物质名词)glass,民主(抽象名词)democracy,但是a glass(一只玻璃杯),a democracy(一个民主国家)。

English nouns are classified into individual nouns, collective nouns, material nouns and abstract nouns. Yet, when a material noun or an abstract noun directly follows an indefinite article, it turns to an individual noun. For example,:

glass (玻璃) a glass (一只玻璃杯) democracy (民主) a democracy (一个民主国家).


A nice sentence should be grammatically correct, logically right ,of good structure and easy to say.


English nouns can also be divided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns.


A countable noun has two forms:singular and plural.

17.名词作定语时,通常以单数形式出现,例如,五颗星(five stars),但是五星红旗应该说the Five Star Red Flag;三条腿(three legs),而三条腿的桌子应该说a three-leg table。

When a noun is used as an attribute, it must appear in the singular form. For example, 五颗星(five stars), yet China’s national flag should be said “the Five Star Red Flag”, and for the same reason, 三条腿(three legs), but a table supported by three legs should be said “a three-leg table”.

18.复合名词变成复数时,只将主体名词变成复数。例如,an evening school→evening schools,a paper tiger→paper tigers,a story-teller→story-tellers,an editor-in-chief→editors-in-chief。

The plural of compound nouns written separately or with hyphens is formed by making the principal word plural.

For example:

an evening school→evening schools,

a paper tiger→paper tigers,



an editor-in-chief→editors-in-chief.


The verbal nouns ending in ”ing” are another point we must pay attention to .

For example:



There are also differentiated plurals.

For example:





①人称代词 ②物主代词 ③自身代词 ④相互代词 ⑤指示代词

⑥疑问代词 ⑦关系代词 ⑧连接代词 ⑨不定代词

A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun, an adjective or a numeral. Pronouns are divided into:

①Personal pronouns (人称代词)

②Possessive pronouns (物主代词)

③Self-pronouns (自身代词)

④Reciprocal pronouns (相互代词)

⑤Demonstrative pronouns (指示代词)

⑥Interrogative pronouns (疑问代词)

⑦Relative pronouns (关系代词)

⑧Conjunctive pronouns (连接代词)


pronouns (不定代词)


When the word “it” is used as a personal pronoun, it is not generally applied to a person but to a thing or animal just mentioned.


When the word ”it” is used as an impersonal pronounce,it's great generally used as a subject in impression of time,weather,state and things.


An anticipatory ”it” may play a function as either a formal subject or a formal object. The main purpose of using an anticipatory ”it” is to the sentence well balanced.


这是我的书(This is my book)这里的my相当于形容词。

这书是我的(This book is mine)这里的mine相当于名词。

There are two sets of possessive pronouns: conjoin forms and absolute forms.A possessive pronoun in

conjoint form is like an adjective while a possessive pronoun in absolute form is like a noun.For example:

This is my book(这是我的书)Here in this sentence the word “my”is like an adjective.This book is mine(这书是我的)Here in this sentence the word “mine”is like a noun.
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