新外研版 42篇短文巧记高考英语3500词(25-B5U1) 永远的小王子

acad2018 2023-04-04 09:44:04


(25-Book5 Unit1)Lifelong Little Prince永远的小王子

In most countries, turning 18 marks stepping from childhood to adulthood. Reach this milestone, the legal minimum age of majority, means you can get a driving licence,

a suitable loan for your very own apartmentand theright to vote in the general?election. Meanwhile, you must obey traffic rules when behind the wheel, ?earn a?steady wage?to pay the deposit and?taxes, get mature enough to understand politics.


However, after seeing intimately a great manyselfish grown-ups concerned withmatters ofconsequence , you may find it hard to distinguishinstantly right from?wrong at a glance; you may lose yourvirtues?such as integrityand jump to conclusions?without enough?evidence;?you may be tempted?to lay aside?your dreams and devote yourself instead?to arithmetic in?playing bridge and?golf. How to handle these subtle and gradual changes? ?



The author of The Little Princeno doubthave a sayin this question. After seeing a picture of a boa constrictor swallowing?its prey?whole without chewing, he pondered over it deeply and drew a snake digesting an elephant. However, most grown-ups seeing his masterpiece?titled “digestion” didn’t approve?of his career option, which was?disheartening and tiresome. That’s why he made commitment?to teaching us memorable?hints to be an Adult. ????


To give an example, he thought we should stick to?our career options, including a librarian, an?ambulance driver, or a pilot in an airline; we should

cherish varied experiences we’re presented with: becoming a boarder, sitting a major exam, commuting?to work, giving a presentation?in suit and necktie, forming bittersweet bonds with others, doing householdroutines, or signing an organ donation?agreement. ?


(选背:He also thought,like a musical symphony, life has?high and low moments, and somewhere in between?are those moments we call “bittersweet”. Whatever our choices are, we should?cherish and embrace these moments. After all, each step we take is one more step forward to?becoming a stronger and better person.



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