考研英语阅读 《经济学人》读译参考 Day1856_words_the_This

acad2018 2023-04-18 18:44:14







TEXT 1856



This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Karen Hopkin.Some words imitate the sounds made by the things they describe, like “buzz” or “hiss” or “zip.”For you language lovers, that’s called onomatopoeia.But what if the the way a word sounds could evoke some other feature of an object, like its shape?Well, a new study suggests not only that it can but that the same word can do so across multiple languages.The findings are in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.The researchers were interested in studying the evolution of language ...Both the ancient origins of language going back hundreds of thousands of years ago or even millions of years ago and also the ongoing evolution of modern languages.Marcus Perlman, a lecturer at the University of Birmingham in the U.K.He says that, a century ago, linguists insisted that the words we assign to various objects and actions are essentially arbitrary and that words don’t necessarily resemble or sound like the things

to which they refer.




There’s nothing doggy-sounding about the word dog or feline-sounding about the word cat.That makes sense because different languages have different words for the same thing.One person’s pup is another one’s perro.But there’s a lot of evidence now suggesting that the arbitrariness doctrine is proving to be false.Onomatopoeia is a case in point and so is sign language, which makes frequent use of gestures that resemble their referents, like tracing the tracks of tears as a symbol for crying.To further explore

this connection between words and their meanings, Perlman and his colleagues turned to something called the bouba/kiki effect.




What it is about is that when you see two shapes—one looks like a cloud or like a flower, kind of roundish, and the other one is more spiky, maybe looks more like a star—and when you’re asked to say which one is bouba, you will be more likely to point to a rounded one and, for kiki, to a spiky one.Aleksandra Cwiek of the Leibniz-Center General Linguistics in Berlin.She says that if you were to look at the words bouba and kiki, which are totally made up, one possible explanation for the effect could be the appearance of the letters.The shape of b-o-u-b-a, the shapes of those letters kind of evoke the sense of roundness. These letters are round.But what happens when you don’t see the words but hear them?And does it matter what language the listener speaks?So we thought it would be a wonderful idea to just study bouba/kiki across the world.


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