
acad2018 2023-04-21 06:44:14


The United Kingdom and the United States of America might both be English-speaking countries, but there are actually many words which are spelled differently in each place.


Some experts say that the reason for this is that in the UK, we tend to keep the

spellings of the words which have derived from other languages like French and German while in the US, they tend to opt for spellings based on how the word is pronounced.


In today's English lesson, we're going to go through 25 words which are spelled differently in the UK and the US and then we're going to discuss the differences.

在今天的英语课上,我们将学习 25 个在英国和美国拼写不同的单词,然后我们将讨论它们的区别。

Interestingly, many of the American spellings of these words are becoming more and more accepted into British English.


Why do you think that could be?


Let me know down in the comments.


A pattern we often see in British versus American English spellings is the "our" ending which is "or" in the US.

在英式英语拼写和美式英语拼写中我们经常看到的一个差异是 our 结尾,在美式英语中是 or 结尾。

For example, the word "color" in British English is spelt C-O-L-O-U-R, that's in British

English, but in American English, we have C-O-L-O-R.

例如,单词 color,在英式英语中的拼写为 C-O-L-O-U-R,而在美式英语中的拼写是 C-O-L-O-R。

Similarly, "behaviour". In British English, it's B-E-H-A-V-I-O-U-R, but in American English, they drop the U, so the word with the same meaning is B-E-H-A-V-I-O-R, simple.

同样还有 behaviour。在英式英语中,它是 B-E-H-A-V-I-O-U-R,但在美式英语中,它们去掉了 U,因此相同意思单词的美式拼写是 B-E-H-A-V-I-O-R,简单。

Let's have a look at another example of this with this same rule.


We have the word "flavour". In the UK, we have F-L-A-V-O-U-R, but as you might have guessed, in the US, it is F-L-A-V-O-R.

单词 flavour。在英国,它是 F-L-A-V-O-U-R,但也许你已经猜到了,在美国,它是 F-L-A-V-O-R。

Which one do you prefer?


Interestingly, with this pattern, most of these words originate in Latin which did have the "or" ending.

有趣的是,符合这种模式的大多数单词起源于拉丁语,并以 or 结尾。

However, this translated into "our" endings once those words were used in the French language.

然而,当这些词用于法语的时候就变成了 our 结尾。

The English language then borrowed those words from France and keeping that "our" ending until eventually, American English simplified the ending back to "or".

然后,英语从法国借用这些词并保留了 our 结尾,直到最后,美式英语把这一结尾简化成 or 结尾。

Another example with this pattern is the word "neighbour" which is in British English, N-E-I-G-H-B-O-U-R, but in the US, they spell it N-E-I-G-H-B-O-R.

这个模式的另一个例子是单词 neighbour,在英式英语中是 N-E-I-G-H-B-O-U-R,但在美国,他们把它拼写成 N-E-I-G-H-B-O-R。

And we have "humour". British English, can you guess? H-U-M-O-U-R, and American English, H-U-M-O-R.

还有 humour。英式,你能猜出来吗?H-U-M-O-U-R,美式,H-U-M-O-R。

Before we move on to another pattern, I want to let you know that today's sponsor, italki, have a limited time offer for a free trial lesson for any new students.


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Let's move on to a new pattern and that's the "re" British English ending which often turns into an "er" ending in American English.

我们继续说下一种模式,那就是英式英语中的 re 结尾,在美式英语中,它通常变成 er 结尾。

Again, this is a result of English words originating in the French language but has been changed to better suit American pronunciation.


The first example of this would be the word "theatre", something very close to my heart.

这种模式的第一个例子是单词 theatre,这个词非常贴近我的内心。

In British English, it would be spelled T-H-E-A-T-R-E, "theatre".

在英式英语中,它的拼写是 T-H-E-A-T-R-E,theatre。

Notice that "re" ending.

注意 re 结尾。

However, in American English, the R and the E switched around to make the spelling T-H-E-A-T-E-R, "theater/?θi??t?/", or "theater/?θi??t?r/".

然而,在美式英语中,R 和 E 被调换过来,变成 T-H-E-A-T-E-R,theater/?θi??t?/,或 theater/?θi??t?r/。

And the same thing happens in the word "metre".

单词 metre 也是一样。

In British English, we have M-E-T-R-E, but to better suit American pronunciation, that becomes M-E-T-E-R in the US.

在英式英语中,它是 M-E-T-R-E,但为了更符合美式发音,在美国,它变成了 M-E-T-E-R。

Can you think of any others?


Well, another one would be "litre", another measurement.

嗯,另一个例子是 litre,另一种测量单位。

In the UK, we spell it L-I-T-R-E, but in the US, it would be L-I-T-E-R, of course.

在英国,它是 L-I-T-R-E,但在美国,当然了,它是 L-I-T-E-R。

Another common word is the word "centre".

另一个常见的词是单词 centre。

In the UK, C-E-N-T-R-E.


This is because it comes from the Latin word "centrum", meaning stationary point.

这是因为它来自拉丁词 centrum,意思是驻点。

So, we kept that "r" in its place next to the "t" and just add it on an "e".

我们保留了 r 在 t 旁边的位置,然后只加上一个 e。

But in the US, its spelt C-E-N-T-E-R.

但在美国,它是 C-E-N-T-E-R。

And lastly on our list for "re" to "er" endings, there are more on this list, but I can't go on forever, is the word "fibre".

最后一个以 re 变成 er 结尾的单词,属于这种模式的单词还有很多,但我不能一直讲下去,那就是 fiber 这个单词。

We all need our fiber every day in our diet.


So, in British English, this is spelt F-I-B-R-E, and in American English, I hope you're, I hope you're figuring out where this is going, it's F-I-B-E-R, nice and simple.

在英式英语中,它的拼写是 F-I-B-R-E,而在美式英语中,我希望你们已经知道了,它的拼写是 F-I-B-E-R,好记又简单。

So, I think we're getting the hang of this one now.


So, let's move over to a new pattern which is words that have an "e" ending in British English, but that "e" is completely dropped in American English.

那么,让我们继续说一个新模式,即在英式英语中以 e 结尾的单词,但这个 e 在美式英语中完全被去掉了。

The British English version often also has a double consonant, but the American spelling has dropped that second consonant and the "e" as well.

在英式拼写中经常有双辅音,但美式拼写把第二个辅音和 e 都去掉了。

Can we think of an examples?


Well, here's the first one.


"Programme". In British English, P-R-O-G-R-A-M-M-E, but in American English, they've made it simple P-R-O-G-R-A-M.

Programme。英式,P-R-O-G-R-A-M-M-E,但美式是 P-R-O-G-R-A-M。

There are some circumstances, however, such as when it's used in a computing context that it's widely accepted to use the American spelling in British English, too.


Another one of these particular types of words would be the word "tonne", so the measurement, a tonne, a tonne in weight, an elephant weighs a tonne.

这种特殊模式的另一个例子是单词 tonne,测量单位,一吨,重一吨,一头大象重一吨。

In British English, it's spelled T-O-N-N-E, but an American simply T-O-N.

在英式英语中,它的拼写是 T-O-N-N-E,而在美式英语中,只是简单的 T-O-N。

Many of these examples are becoming accepted into British English spelling too, probably due to the ease and simplicity of spelling it this way.


"Tonne" is a prime example of that and so is this next one another measurement "gramme".

Tonne 是一个典型的例子,然后下一个就是测量单位 gramme。

In British English, "gramme" is traditionally spelled G-R-A-M-M-E, but it's far more commonly written using the American spellings now, which is G-R-A-M.

在英式英语中,gramme 传统上的拼写是 G-R-A-M-M-E,但现在使用美式的拼写,G-R-A-M 更常见。

Another word which follows part of this rule is "annexe".

另一个遵循这个规则的词是 annexe。

In the UK, that's traditionally spelt with an "e" on the end, so that's A-N-N-E-X-E, but in the US, that "e" is dropped, and it becomes A-N-N-E-X, which again is commonly accepted in UK spellings nowadays.

在英国,传统上的拼写在结尾带一个 e,那就是 A-N-N-E-X-E,但在美国,那个 e 被省略了,变成 A-N-N-E-X,现在它在英国已经被广泛接受了。

And lastly for this pattern, we have the word "judgement".

这种模式的最后一个例子是单词 judgement。

If we remove the "-ment" suffix, this "e" pattern still applies.

如果我们不看 -ment 后缀,它依然符合结尾带 e 的模式。

In British English, we spell it J-U-D-G-E-M-E-N-T, but in American English, they drop that "e" and it just becomes J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T.

在英式英语中,它是 J-U-D-G-E-M-E-N-T,但在美式英语中,他们把 e 去掉,变成 J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T。

Another pattern is that words which end in "ce" in British English often end in "se" in American English.

另一种模式是在英式英语中以 ce 结尾的单词,通常在美式英语中以 se 结尾。

We can see that in the word "defence" which spells D-E-F-E-N-C-E in British English and then from the American spelling, you can just simply switch the "c" for an "s", so it's written D-E-F-E-N-S-E.

我们可以看到单词 defence,在英式英语中的拼写是 D-E-F-E-N-C-E,在美式拼写中,c 变成了 s,变成 D-E-F-E-N-S-E。

Another word which follows this pattern is "licence." In the UK, we have L-I-C-E-N-C-E, but in the US, we have L-I-C-E-N-S-E.

另一个遵循这个模式的单词是 licence。在英国,它是 L-I-C-E-N-C-E,但在美国,它是 L-I-C-E-N-S-E。

"Offence", British English, can you guess, O-F-F-E-N-C-E, but in the US, O-F-F-E-N-S-E.

Offence,英式,猜出来了吗,O-F-F-E-N-C-E,但美式是 O-F-F-E-N-S-E。

And lastly in this particular pattern, we have "pretence".

这个特殊模式的最后一个例子是 pretence。

In British English, P-R-E-T-E-N-C-E, but in American English, P-R-E-T-E-N-S-E.

英式: P-R-E-T-E-N-C-E,但美式:P-R-E-T-E-N-S-E。

The last pattern we're going to look at today is when single consonants in British English become double consonants in American English.


In British English, the word "enrol" is spelt E-N-R-O-L, but in American English, they put an extra "l" on the end, so they spell it E-N-R-O-L-L.

在英式英语中,单词 enrol 的拼写是 E-N-R-O-L,单在美式英语中,他们在其后面加上一个 l,因此它的拼写是 E-N-R-O-L-L。

Similarly, "fulfil" is spelt F-U-L-F-I-L in the UK.

同样,fulfil 在英国是 F-U-L-F-I-L。

These ones always confuse me.


But in the US, they add an extra "l", F-U-L-F-I-L-L.

但是在美国,他们加上一个 l,F-U-L-F-I-L-L。

Another example of this rule would be the word "instalment".

符合这条规则的另一个例子是单词 instalment。

In British English, we spell it I-N-S-T-A-L-M-E-N-T, so that "l" in the middle of the word is singular.

在英式英语中,我们的拼写是 I-N-S-T-A-L-M-E-N-T,单词中间的 l 是单数。

But in American English, they use a double "l", so it's written I-N-S-T-A-L-L-M-E-N-T.

但在美式英语中,他们用了两个 l,因此,其写法是 I-N-S-T-A-L-L-M-E-N-T。

The same will apply to the word "skilful".

单词 skilful 也是同理。

In the UK, S-K-I-L-F-U-L, but in the US they double up the "l" in the middle of the word, maybe to reflect the root word "skill" and they write S-K-I-L-L-F-U-L.


K-I-L-F-U-L,但在美国,他们双写了单词中间的 l,也许是为了显示词根 skill,他们写成 S-K-I-L-L-F-U-L。

Wow, I wish they just made it all the same, don't you?


It's very confusing.


Anyway, we've had a few examples of a word with a singular consonants in British English becoming a double consonant in American English.


But there are also words where the pattern is flipped and in the UK the word has a double consonant and the US has the single consonant.


How can we keep up?


One example of this is the word "counsellor".

这种模式的其中一个例子是单词 counsellor。

If you need to see a counsellor, which is written with a double "l" in British English, C-O-U-N-S-E-L-L-O-R, but it's singular in American English, C-O-U-N-S-E-L-O-R.

如果你要见顾问,在英式英语中是双 l,C-O-U-N-S-E-L-L-O-R,但在美式英语中是单 l,C-O-U-N-S-E-L-O-R。

And the

last of our 25 words on the list to follow this pattern is "dishevelled" which is how I feel after trying to figure out all these differences, "dishevelled".

按照这个模式列出的 25 个单词中的最后一个是 dishevelled(凌乱的),这是我试图弄清楚所有这些差异后的感觉,dishevelled。

In British English, this is spelt D-I-S-H-E-V-E-L-L-E-D, but in American English they remove one of those "l"s and spell it D-I-S-H-E-V-E-L-E-D.

在英式英语中,它是 D-I-S-H-E-V-E-L-L-E-D,但在美式英语中,他们把其中一个 l 去掉了,变成 D-I-S-H-E-V-E-L-E-D。

So, there we have 25 words which are spelled differently in British English and American English.

那么,这些就是我们学习的 25 个英美拼写有差异的单词。
下一篇:英特国际少儿英语老板跑路 或因资金链断裂
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