
acad2018 2023-04-22 12:44:03


36 Commonly Used Phrasal Verbs with GIVE in English 英语中常用的与GIVE连用的短语动词

Learn common phrasal verbs with GIVE with meaning and examples in English. 通过GIVE学习常见的短语动词,其中包含英语含义和例句。

List of useful phrasal verbs with GIVE. 与GIVE有用的短语动词列表。

Give away

Meaning: Make a gift of (something) 作为(某物)的礼物Example: I didn’t like that book, so I gave it away. 我不喜欢那本书,所以我把它送人了。Give away

Meaning: Formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom; often by her father 正式把新娘交给新郎;经常被她的父亲Example: Who give away this woman to this man in Holy matrimony? 谁在神圣的婚姻中把这个女人给了这个男人?Give away

Meaning: Unintentionally reveal a secret, or expose someone 无意中泄露了一个秘

密,或者揭发了某人Example: He gave himself away with a stupid lie. 他撒了一个愚蠢的谎。Give away

Meaning: Concede an advantage in weight, time, height etc. 在体重、时间、身高等方面保持优势。Example: Despite givingaway twenty pounds in weight, the challenger found a knock-out blow in the second round. 尽管减掉了20磅的体重,挑战者还是在第二轮比赛中被击倒在地。Give back

Meaning: Return, restore 返回,恢复Example: Give me back my book! 把我的书还给我!Give back

Meaning: Contribute money, goods or, especially, services for charitable purposes, as if in return for one’s own success We organize this 为慈善目的捐献金钱、商品,尤其是服务,就好像是为了回报自己的成功,我们组织了这个活动Example: Thanksgiving dinner at the old-age home to giveback to the community. 感恩节晚餐在敬老院回馈社会。Give forth

Meaning: Emit or release something 释放Example: The chimney gave forth a cloud of grey smoke. 烟囱冒出一股灰色的烟雾。Give forth

Meaning: Give off an emanation 散发出气体Example: The

roses give forth a very heady scent at this time of the year. 每年的这个时候,玫瑰散发出令人陶醉的香味。Give in

Meaning: Collapse or fall 崩溃或跌倒Example: The roof gave in under the weight of the snow. 屋顶在雪的重压下塌了。Give in

Meaning: Relent, yield, surrender or admit defeat 让步,屈服,投降或承认失败Example: I finally gave in and let him stay up to watch TV. 我终于让步了,让他熬夜看电视。Give in to

Meaning: Allow a feeling or desire to control you 允许一种感觉或欲望控制你Example: If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not to give in to it. 如果您感觉有吸烟的冲动,请尽量不要让它吸烟。Give in to

Meaning: Criticise harshly or punish someone for something. 严厉批评或惩罚某人某事。Example: She would not give in to these men. 她不会屈服于这些人。Give it up for/to

Meaning: Applaud. 鼓掌。Example: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the star of our show, Amy Jones! 女士们,先生们,请放弃我们演出的明星Amy Jones!Give of oneself

Meaning: Devote oneself unselfishly

to a task, especially to give time and energy 无私地投入任务,特别是给予时间和精力Example: Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers who have given of themselves to make this project a success. 感谢所有致力于使该项目取得成功的志愿者。Give off

Meaning: Emit; to produce and send forth 发射; 生产和发送Example: The substance was giving off smoke. 该物质正在冒烟。Give out

Meaning: Issue; to distribute 问题; 分发Example: Can you help me to giveout the new books to the class, please? 你能帮我把新书送到课堂上吗?Useful phrasal verbs with GIVE. 有用的短语动词与GIVE。

Give out

Meaning: Break down, get out of order, fail 崩溃,混乱,失败Example: So your old car finally gave out, did it? 你的旧车终于报废了,是吗?Give out

Meaning: Complain, sulk, chastise 抱怨,生闷气,惩罚Example: You shouldn’t give out to your brother like that. 你不应该那样对你弟弟。Give over

Meaning: Entrust (something) to another 委托(某物)给另一个人Example: She gave the deeds over to the solicitor. 她把契约交给了律师。Give over

Meaning: Devote or resign to a particular purpose or activity 为某一特定目的或活动献身或辞职Example: He gave himself over to a monastic life. 他献身于修道院生活。Give over

Meaning: Give up; abandon; desert; stop 放弃;放弃;沙漠;停止Example: Giveover with your nonsense, will you! 不要再胡言乱语了,好吗?Phrasal verbs with GIVE – “Give up” meaning and example. 带有GIVE的短语动词 - “放弃”的意思和例子。

Give up

Meaning: Surrender (someone or something) 投降(某人或某事)Example: They gave him up to the police. 他们把他交给了警察。Give up

Meaning: Stop or quit (an activity, etc) 停止或退出(活动等)Example: They gave up the search when it got dark. 当天黑时,他们放弃了搜索。Give up

Meaning: Relinquish (something) 放弃(某事)Example: He gave up his seat to an old man. 他放弃了对一位老人的座位。Give up

Meaning: Lose hope concerning (someone or something) 失去希望(某人或某事)Example: They gave him up for dead. 他们让他死了。Give up

Meaning: Abandon (someone or something) 放弃(某人或某事)Example: I gave up my faith years ago. 几年前我放弃了我的信仰。Give up

Meaning: Admit defeat, to capitulate 认输,认输Example: OK, I give up, you win. 好吧,我放弃了,你赢了。Give up on

Meaning: Lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone. 对某事或某人失去信心或不再相信。Example: Most of the teachers gave up on her years ago. 很多老师几年前就放弃了她。Give up on

Meaning: Stop feeling hope. 停止感觉希望。Example: At that point, I hadn’t completely given up on the marriage. 那时候,我还没有完全放弃婚姻。Give way

Meaning: Yield to persistent persuasion 屈服于持久的劝说Example: The mother gave way to her crying child. 母亲让位于哭泣的孩子Give way

Meaning: Collapse or break under physical stresses 在物理压力下崩溃或破裂Example: After years of neglect, the rusty old bridge could giveway at any time. 经过多年的忽视,这座生锈的旧桥随时都可能倒塌。Give way

Meaning: Give precedence to other road users 优先考虑其他道路使用者Example: At the crossing, cars must give way to pedestrians. 在十字路口,汽车必须让位于行人。Give way to

Meaning: Be replaced by something better, cheaper, more modern, etc 被更好、更便宜、更现代的东西所取代Example: The storm gave way to bright sunshine. 暴风雨让位于明媚的阳光。Give way to

Meaning: Allow a vehicle to pass in front. 允许车辆在前面通过。Example: Let’s give way to traffic coming from the right. 让我们让位于来自右边的交通。Give way to

Meaning: Surrender to strong emotions 屈服于强烈的情绪Example: Flinging herself on the bed, she gave way to helpless misery. 她把自己扔在床上,让位于无助的痛苦。Give yourself up

Meaning: Surrender to the police or authorities 向警察或当局投降Example: The gunman gave himself up to the police. 枪手向警方自首。
上一篇:英语中什么是形容词 图文详细讲解它的类型和有用的语法规则!
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