英语口语提升 每天5分钟实用英语交流对话

acad2018 2023-04-24 06:44:14


——旧电脑太慢了,经常卡 My old laptop is too slow and it’s always laggy.

你知道这个叫什么吗?Do you know what this is called?

——它叫做床头柜 It’s called a night stand.

我可以试穿吗?Can I try it on?

——当然,更衣室就在后面 Sure, the changing rooms are at the back.

你要去干什么?What are you going to do?

——我得去遛狗 I have to take the dog for a walk.

你的狗是什么品种?What kind of dog do you own?

——我有一只泰迪 I have a toy poodle.

我能坐这里吗?May I sit here?

——当然,这个座位没人 Sure, it’s vacant.

请问这个座位有人吗?Excuse me, is this seat vacant?

——有人,我朋友刚去洗手间了 No, my friend just went to the restroom.

你现在忙吗?Are you busy right now?

——是的,我手上很多事情 Yes, I have a lot of things on hand.

你开的什么类型的车?What sort of vehicle do you drive?

——我有辆皮卡 I own a pickup truck.

你什么时候买的这车?When did you buy this car?

——我12年买的,但发动机还很好 I bought it in 2012 but the engine is still very good.

你很快就回来吗?Are you coming back soon?

——是的,我下周一回来 Yes, I’ll be back next Monday.

你昨晚去哪儿了?Where were you last night?

——我去杰森的生日派对了 I went to Jason’s birthday party.

派对怎么样?How was the party?

——很有意思,我们过得很愉快 It was so fun and we had a great time.

冰箱里还有通心粉吗?Is there any pasta left in the fridge?

——是的,还有很多 Yes, there is a lot left.

你看起来很沮丧,发生什么事了?You look upset. What happened to you?

——我昨晚在酒吧钱包丢了 I lost my wallet at the bar last night.

你晚上想吃披萨吗?Do you want to have pizza for dinner?


别的 Again? I want something different for a change.

最近的餐厅在哪里?Where is the closest restaurant?

——那边有家餐厅,但我觉得不太好 There is a restaurant over there, but I don’t think it’s very good.

最近忙什么呢?What’s up?

——没忙什么 Not much.

你周末过得怎么样?How was your weekend?

——挺好的 Pretty good.

你渴吗?Are you thirsty?

——是的,有点 Yes, a little bit.

你想喝点什么吗?Do you want something to drink?

——茶就挺好的 Some tea would be great.

你喝奶茶吗?Do you drink milk tea?

——不,我不喝 No, I don’t.

我们明天要去海滩,你要一起吗?We’re going to the beach tomorrow. Do you want to join us?

——好呀,我会带些零食和饮料 Sure, I’ll bring some snacks and drinks.

我要带冲浪板去海滩吗?Should I bring my surfboard to the beach?

——好主意,别忘记带防晒霜和太阳镜 Good idea, and don’t forget the sunscreen and sunglasses.

你想吃什么零食?What would you like to have for a snack?

——请给我几片苹果和薯片 Some slices of apple and chips, please.

你在看什么?What are you looking at?

——我在看那边的红色汽车,很酷 I’m looking at the red car over

there. It’s cool.

你在看什么节目?What are you watching right now?

——我在看一个访谈节目 I’m watching a talking show.

你知道这个是什么吗?Do you know what the thing is?

——我也不知道 I don’t know it, either.

你明天会在办公室吗?Will you be in the office tomorrow?

——是的,我会在 Yes, I will.

你认识戴夫吗?Do you know Dave?

——不认识,没见过 No, I’ve not met him.

你最喜欢的歌手是谁?Who is your favorite singer?

——我是泰勒·斯威夫特的粉丝 I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift.

你儿子今年秋天要上大学了,是吧?Your son is going to college this fall, isn’t he?

——是的,他要学计算机科学 Yes, he’s gonna study Computer Science.

这些钥匙是你的吗?Are these your keys?

——是的,是我的 Yes, they are mine.

你明天下午要做什么?What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?

——我还不确定,可能去图书馆 I’m not sure. Maybe go to the library.

你今晚要不要和我们出去玩?Would you like to hang out with us tonight?

——不好意思,我不想去 Sorry, I’d rather not.

你什么时候去的密西根?When did you go to Michigan?

——我三年前去的 I went there three years ago.

你去过旧金山吗?Have you ever been to San


——我没去过,但是我姐姐去过。她在那边工作过两三年 No, but my sister has. She worked there for a couple of years.

你真的会说粤语吗?Is it true that you can speak Cantonese?

——是的,确实如此 Yes, that’s true.

你怎么学的?How did you learn it?

——我是自学的 I’ve been studying by myself.

她多高?How tall is she?

——她有5英尺4英寸高 She’s 5’4’’. (five foot four)

你知道在哪能找到取款机吗?Do you know where I can find an ATM?

——就在这家银行的背面 It’s just behind the bank.

药店在哪?Where’s the pharmacy?

——在杂货店旁边 It’s next to the grocery store.

你有几个孩子?How many children do you have?

——我有两个孩子,都是女孩 I have two children, two girls.

你会讲几种语言?How many languages do you speak?

——我会讲两种语言,普通话和英语 I speak two languages, Mandarin and English.

市政厅离这有多远?How far is the City Hall?

——大约三公里 About three kilometers.

这个多少钱?How much does it cost?

——每个18块5美金 It’s $18.50 each.

这个好吃吗?How does it taste?

——很好吃 It’s very delicious.

你什么时候离开?When are you leaving?

——我周三早上走 I’m leaving on Wednesday morning.

你要去哪里?Where would you

like to go?

——我要去福特大街上的星巴克 I’d like to go to the Starbucks on Ford Street.

今天天气怎么样?What is the weather like today?

——下午会很热 It’s going to be very hot in the afternoon.
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