
acad2018 2022-11-28 21:44:05


This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack.

如今是 Logan Fell 为您做现场报导, 接下来是来自 Mystic Falls 的消息。又是一个可骇的野兽攻击的事务。

2. be /feel responsible for 为…卖力

Police are certain that forensic evidence will confirm that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks.


3. all over 遍及,处处

It' s all over the news.处处都是这些动静。

4. believe it or not 非论你是不是信赖

5. in a stable condition 环境不乱

The hunter is ina stable condition. 猎人如今的环境很不乱。

6. known as 人称…,被认为

The news guy, also known as logan "Scum" Fell.

他,阿谁播消息的, 人称人渣 Logan Fell。

7. loan to借给

she will

loan it to the founder' s council for their heritage display.

她会把戒指借给开创人理事会, 供他们在遗产展现会上展现。

8. press pause 按暂停

Maybe we should press pause.或许咱们应当按一下暂停键(叫停)。

9. be honored to侥幸…

I would be honored to accompany you能陪伴你去我很侥幸

10. Here you go.给你

11 Gee. 哇,暗示赞叹

Gee.It’s hot.哇,真热。

12. deep-rooted 根深蒂固的

Worry is a symptom of a deep-rooted fear.


13. keep a secret 守旧机密

When have you ever kept a secret in your life?


14. go through 细心查抄;经由过程

I’m going through Stefan' s homework. 我在查抄Stefan 的功课

15. dumb down 低落,简化

This country sure has dumbed down in the last hundred years.


16.be in no position to 没有资历….

You are in no position to question me. 你没资历诘责我。

17.the upper hand上风,占优势

It would help get you the upper hand.它能帮你占优势。

18. get rid of解脱

And you' re gonna need it if you want to get rid of him.


19. stuff 工具

I' m here for my mom. I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff.


20. make a difference 有影响

Would it make a difference if I told you I actually like Vicki?

若是我奉告你我真的喜好 Vicki 有效么?

21. vs.=versus 与…比拟

Delicate flower vs. naughty vixen柔嫩的小花仍是顽劣的恶妻

22. Tough call.艰巨的决议。

23. ish (非正式)有点儿

You seem happy-ish. 你看起来挺快活

Ara you busy?-Ish.你忙吗?有点。

24. stop sb from doing 阻拦或人干某事

as soon as 一…就…

But don' t let that stop you from telling me whatever it is . you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked in the door.



25. What if …怎样样?

What if I tell you in the morning? 来日诰日早上说可以么?

26. none of one’s business 不关…的事

His past relationships are none of my business.


27. drive sb mad 把或人逼疯

draw attention 引发注重

I think it' s better if we don' t draw attention to ourselves.


28. Here' s to history repeating itself. 汗青行将重演。

29. count on 期望

I wasn' t counting on it.我可没期望它

30. take no for an answer 接管否认答复

Sorry, I' m not going to take no for an answer.


31. by accident 可巧

They weren' t there by accident.他们不是可巧呈现在那的

32.would rather 甘愿

I' d really rather you just left me alone.


33. Never you mind.不关你的事。

34. Hypothetically speaking假如说

Hypothetically speaking, if allowed, How would you make things right?


35.the headline reads 头条写到

the headline

reads “Deadly beast captured. All is well in Mystic Falls.”


36. pack away 整理

She claims it' s packed away in her parents' things.

上一篇:英语口语能力如何提升 方法之一养成广读的习惯
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