
acad2018 2024-09-18 18:44:05





1. A: How would you like the goods to be stored?
拓展:'hau wud ju laik ðə gʊdz tu bi stɔrd? (你希望货物如何存储?)

B: I prefer the goods to be stored in a dry and well-ventilated warehouse.
拓展:'ai prɪˈfɜː ðə gʊdz tu bi stɔrd ɪn ə draɪ ænd wel ven.tɪ'leɪtəd 'weə.haʊs (我希望货物存储在干燥通风的仓库里。)

2. A: How should we transport the goods?
拓展:'hau ʃʊd wi træn'spɔːt ðə gʊdz? (我们该如何运输货物?)

B: You can transport the goods by air, sea or land, depending on the urgency and the distance.
拓展:ju kæn træns'pɔːt ðə gʊdz baɪ eər, siː ɔː land, dɪ'pendɪŋ ɔn ðə 'ɜrdʒənsi ænd ðə 'dɪstəns (根据紧急程度和距离,您可以选择空运、海运或陆运。)


1. A: We have received the purchase order. When can we expect the delivery?
拓展:wi həv ɪ'ʃiːvd ðə 'pɜːtʃəs 'ɔː.də. 'wen kæn wi 'eks'pekt ðə dɪ'lɪvəri? (我们已经收到了采购订单,请问我们何时能够交货?)

B: According to our production schedule, the goods will be shipped within two weeks.
拓展:ə'kɔrdɪŋ tu ɔːr prə'dʌk.ʃən skedʒuːl, ðə gʊdz wɪl bi ʃɪpt wɪðɪn tuː wiːks (根据我们的生产计划,货物将


2. A: We have found some quality issues with the goods. What should we do?
拓展:wi həv faʊnd səm 'kwɑːləti 'ɪʃ.juːz wɪð ðə gʊdz. 'wʌt ʃʊd wi duː? (我们发现货物存在一些质量问题,我们该怎么办?)

B: Please provide us with detailed information and we will investigate the matter promptly.
拓展:pliːz prə'vaɪd ʌs wɪð dɪ'teɪld ˌɪnfə'meɪʃən ænd wiː wɪl ɪn'vɛstɪɡeɪt ðə 'mætər 'prɔmptli (请提供详细信息,我们将尽快调查此事。)


1. A: Could you please arrange for the goods to be delivered to our warehouse?
拓展:'kʊd ju pliːz ə'reɪndʒ fɔː ðə gʊdz tu bi dɪ'lɪvərd tu ˌaʊə 'weə.haʊs? (请安排将货物送到我们的仓库。)

B: Certainly, we will make the necessary arrangements for the delivery as per your request.
拓展:'sɜː.tənli, wiː wɪl meɪk ðə 'nesə'seri ə'reɪndʒmənts fɔː ðə dɪ'lɪvəri æz pər jɔːr rɪ'kwɛst (当然,我们会按照您的要求做必要的交货安排。)

2. A: Can you assist us with inventory management?
拓展:kæn ju ə'sɪst əs wɪð ɪn'vəntəri mæn'ɪdʒmənt? (你能帮助我们进行库存管理吗?)

B: Yes, we can provide you with our inventory management services and assist you in optimizing your stock levels.
拓展:jes, wiː kæn prə'vaɪd ju wɪð aʊər ɪn'vəntəri mæn'ɪdʒmənt 'sɜː.vɪsɪz ænd ə'sɪst juː ɪn ˈɑːptɪˌmaɪzɪŋ jɔːr stɑːk 'lɛvəlz (是的,我们可以为您提供库存管理服务,并协助您优化库存水平。)

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