
acad2018 2022-11-11 06:44:04


我信赖不少人碰着老外,微笑半天,就憋出一个hello, 想一想都感觉为难啊。今天涛子来先容一些经常使用又好记得高频句子。逼格刹时晋升有木有啊。

Are you kidding me?= You must be kidding me. 跟我开打趣嘛

Back in a moment! = Be right back! 顿时回来

Cut the crap = come to the point 空话少说/有话直说

Do not give me that. 少来这套

Give me a break. = Leave me

alone! 饶了我吧

Do not let me down. 别让我绝望

I just made it. 我做到了。

You did a good job. 你做的很好

Wish you have a bright future. 祝你有个夸姣出息

It is no big deal. 没有甚么大不了的

It is a piece of cake. 小菜一碟

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦

It is none of your business. 没你甚么事

Speaking of the devil. 说曹操,曹操就到

I promise =

you have my word. 我包管

The walls have ears. 隔墙有耳

Just wait and see. 等着瞧

Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同

I do not want to give a shit. 我压根不在意

You are a big zero in my eyes. 你甚么都不是。

Who cares. 谁关切啊

You deserve a better one. 你值得更好的

What can I do for you? = May I help you? = Is there anything I can do for you? 必要帮忙吗?

Do me a favour. = Give me a hand. 帮个忙

I am just browsing. 我只是随意看看。 这句话经常使用于逛商铺时,答复伙计的问话。

Have a try = give it a try 试一试

Have a break = take a break = have a rest 苏息一下

What is new today? 今天有甚么新颖事?

How are you

doing today? 今天过得还行吗?

That was close. 好险。经常使用于躲过一劫!好比汽车从你身边飞过,差一点撞到你。你便可以这么说!

Do you mind if I close the window? 你介怀我关上窗户吗?这个句式do you mind if+各类动作

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