2020考研 研究生复试常见英语口语问答(附答案)

acad2018 2022-09-24 12:44:00










Tell me a few things about yourself?Why did you change your major?(为啥考研/跨考都能用这个谜底)What is the best university in your opinion?What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?Where do you come from?Could you tell me something about your family?What kind of professor do you like best?How does the TV set change in China? Compared to ten years ago, and how will it develop?更多.....(建议保藏本文)

Tell me a few things about yourself?

Good morning dear professors,

I am glad to be here. My name is XX. I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Chongqing, this beautiful mountainous city. My major is International Trade and I graduated from JBBK University.

I am planning to pursue my master degree of Journalism and Co妹妹unication here. I’m an optimistic person and I am energetic. The main reason why I choose Co妹妹unication as my major is that I am curious about the operation behind the media. I hope I can make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.

Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview.

Why did you change your major?

The main reason why I choose Co妹妹unication as my major is that I am curious about the operation behind the media. Take one point for example, The Wandering Earth, which is a successful science fiction movie and it may become the second highest box office hit in Chinese movies’ history. So why is it so successful? Besides the movie is good, its marketing co妹妹unication is also important. I want to know how it works. I think study Co妹妹unication will help me understand it.

What’s more, nowadays, in order to enhance our competitiveness and to adapt to this rapid development society, people attach great importance to diversified professional abilities.


I want to accumulate as much practical experience as possible. Participate in different marketing promotion projects, working with different people. I want to develop my comprehensive ability in this field.

I might be a manager in an advertising company. I’m ambitious and I hope I can achieve my goals. Like my advertising works have been made some achievements. In addition, in 10 years, I will be over 30, so I should be married and even have a baby already.


My favorite season is autumn. It’s a pleasant time of the year because of the temperature. In Chongqing, su妹妹ers are hot. You may sweat a lot. Autumn is more moderate; the weather is mild, and everyone is thrilled when the su妹妹er is finally over.


My favorite weather is sunny, because it's warm and I enjoy the sunshine. I can hang out with my friends or play sports. Not to mention that the sun is the source of light, and no one is able to live without sun.

最喜好的都会/Where do you come from? Please describe it briefly. / What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

My hometown Chongqing is my favorite city. I was born and raised in here almost my whole life. It is surrounded by many mountains and many buildings are built on the mountains. Take one point for example, 洪崖洞, which is famous for its night view. It is built on hillside and on riverside and it has wonderful lighting view in the evening. What’s more, the delicious foods of Chongqing, especially spicy foods has always be an attraction to me. Such as hot pot, Chongqing spicy noodles. In short, people who enjoys life can live happily in Chongqing.

Could you tell me something about your family?

There are three of us at home. My mother is considerate and thoughtful, she works as accountant for a company. My father got retired from his work a few years ago. Now he likes to hang out with his friends to go fishing. We live in XX, actually it is 5 kilometers away from here.

What kind of professor do you like best?

I think the best professor would be who is both good in personality and learning and who can guide me not only in how to do research but also in how to be an excellent people.

What impressed you most when you were at university?

I think it would be the days when my friends and I studying for this postgraduate entrance test. We usually get up at 6 am and go to the library studied for almost 14 hours. It is not just us, there are hundreds of students working so hard for this test. This kind of diligent really impress me.

What is the best university in your opinion?

I think the best university would be which is inclusive and open. It can offer many opportunities to students and it has a diverse value to guide students. Just like CQU’s value: Hard working, thrifty, diligent and patriotic. Good value is worth remembering for a lifetime.

What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?

I think friendship means support and understanding. Such as, friends should be someone supports you when you are in trouble or tell you the truth when nobody do. So I guess I want to make friends with someone is honest and friendly. We can face the challenges and deal with it together.

What are your spare time interests?

I used to play table tennis with classmates in my spare time. Now after graduation, I am enjoy hiking alone and it is good time for me to clear my mind.

Why did you choose our university?

I was born and raised in Chongqing, CQU has always had a high reputation in my mind. And theacademicatmospherehereisfantastic, there are always have a number of students in the library who are eager to learn. What’s more, CQU is famous for the teachers’ professionalism and responsibility, I believe I can form a comprehensive view of Co妹妹unication for future profession after

three years study here.

What do you think of the popularity of English in China?

I think it's the inevitable. I mean the world is getting closer and closer, so it's inevitable that the world begins to use a co妹妹on language. That means you can get a larger range of knowledge if you understand English.

How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges?

I think that we should pay more attention to the higher education. That means the government should put a great deal of money on the improvement of the facilities in the university, and allocate more funds on the academic research. We should attract better professors to enhance the quality of education. Moreover, I think there should be more opportunities for long-distance learning programs from various universities around the world so that many Chinese can get the

benefit of overseas education without traveling so far to other countries.

What was your favorite story in your childhood?

It is an interesting question. Let me see. In my childhood, the story “the wolf is coming ” impressed me. It’s about a little shepherd who always told a lie that the wolf was coming so at last his sheep were all bitten by the wolf. This story will affect me all my life. It reminds me that we should be honest and reliable.

What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?

I remember that when I was young, one day I went out by myself and got lost. When I was helpless, an old man gave me a favor and sent me home. It impressed me deeply. And I often tell to myself that I should try my best to help others.

What do you do during the spring festival?

I usually spend the time with my parents. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV to welcome the New Year. I also like to try and contact my school friends and see how they're doing and what they're up to. We give presents each other and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New Year.

What role do you think music play in our life?

I think music a kind of cure to us. When you hit the bottom in your life, the music will lift you up, give you the courage to face the challenges. Such as We Will Rock You, it makes you feel powerful. What’s more, if you just break up with someone, there will be love songs to comfort you, to tell you are not alone. Therefore, I think music plays an important role in our life.

How does the TV set change in China? Compared to ten years ago, and howwill it develop?

Ten years ago, Chinese TV set’s manufacture mostly depended on foreign technique, so if the people had enough money they would like to buy imported TV, because Chinese TV was really not so good in quality. However, now Chinese TV set is not only low in price and good in quality, deeply loved by Chinese people, but also is exported to many foreign countries and gain high evaluation. From this we can see that today the manufacturing technique of Chinese TV set has made great progresses and even formed its own characteristic, such as digital TV set. And I think in the future ten years, web TV will be developed gradually. Internet will be brought in to the TV, or endow TV the function of Internet, and people can even use TV to get on line.

what kind of person you dislike?

I dislike the person who has the following shortcomings. He often deceives others and speaks of other’s evils or boasts of his own merits. In addition, he makes more friends with those who can offer help. The friendship often breaks up if the friends are of no use to him. I am sick of this kind of person.

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