
acad2018 2022-11-29 21:44:07


英语四级白话测验中必要进修一些高分句,那末今天举世青藤小编就来给大师说一说英语四级白话测验高分句都有哪些,但愿能给列位考生带来帮忙,祝福列位考生都能获得得意的成就。万一咱们卡壳了咋办,这个时辰咱们必定要岑寂,禁止住本身要说“阿谁,阿谁……”的感动,这个时辰咱们最直接的做法就是来上一句“How about you?”直接让你的partner把话题接曩昔。

或,为了显示咱们正在寻思,可以说几句“I mean,I mean”“You konw”如许会使本身显得很专业。

另有很首要的一点,怎样抢话呢?抢话?没错,科场上不免碰着一个比力奇葩的partner,一向叽里呱啦说个不绝,这时辰你该怎样办呢?等他说完?NO!一共3分钟,原本就说不了几句。 这时辰你可以在他卡克或一句话将近说完的时辰,来一句“May I interrupt you?”然后直接说本身的概念就行了。

不让我措辞,不存在的。同时,咱们也要注重,这个部门是必要和partner互助完成的,以是咱们要给对方接话,措辞的机遇,“Do you agree with me?”

“What aboutyou?”就是让对方接话的不错选择。 另有,在对面表达概念的时辰,咱们可以在符合的时辰接几句“Yeah”之类的语气词,同时咱们把话接过来的时辰可以在起头说以前先说个“well”,如许不会很僵硬。 以是,咱们要接话的句子就酿成了:

1. Yeah,I couldn't agree more.

2. Yeah,I'm agree with you.

3. Yeah,You're right./That is right.

4. So,What do you think?/What about you?

5. Well,As far as I'm concerned… 语气词可以按照那时的环境举行选择。


1 当你说着说着英文,可是脑筋里忽然一片空缺,你最佳用哪些词来缓冲?

Sort of 例句 The city is sort of busy and hard for me to survive. Like… 例句 When I feel bored during the way to the airport, the thing I usually do is to read, like, read a novel or magazine. You know 例句 San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, you know, it locates near the sea.

2 当你感觉一小我或事变很好很奥妙,可是你又不想用good, interesting,amazing来暗示的时辰,你还可以用甚么?

caring adorable thoughtful awesome 例句 Brook is a caring/awesome/adorable/thoughtful girl. decent classy 例句 Oh,

I think the sofa you bought is so decent/classy. have a blast funky trendy 例句 Have a blast in New York, you know, it is full of funky stuff and the girls there, say, are really trendy.

3 当你感觉一个事变很糟,可是你又不想用bad, annoying来暗示的时辰,你还可以用甚么?

suck freak out lousy drive me crazy Screw it up. Not make sense. trash It makes my blood boil/up. I wouldn’t bet on

it. Couldn’t be worse. It bothers me. Let it slide.

4 当你想暗示你出格喜好/不喜好做某事,除like/dislike,你还可以用甚么?

I’m keen on… …is my cup of tea. …appeals to me. I’m into… I’m crazy about… I’m enchanted by… I can’t bear… I can’t stand… I think sth. is a drag. sth. sucks. I don’t care for/about…

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