赖世雄 职场口语从头学,英语面试标准模板来啦!跟着大师学英语

acad2018 2022-12-03 06:44:04


Andrea: Hello, Mr. Johnson. It's nice to meet you. I appreciate you

meeting with me.

Mr. Johnson: My pleasure. Please have a seat.

Andrea: Thank you.

Mr. Johnson: Ms. Moore, I would like to start by learning more about you.

Would you please tell me about your background?

Andrea: I graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in

advertising. Also, I volunteered at a neighborhood language

center for new i妹妹igrants for two years. These experiences

have equipped

me with both marketing knowledge and

co妹妹unication abilities.

Mr. Johnson: Excellent. Co妹妹unication is highly valued in this industry.

How would you describe your personality?

Andrea: I would describe myself as motivated, attentive to detail, and

co妹妹itted to teamwork. I am a collaborator and I can also

work independently.

Mr. Johnson: Good. In this organization, employees must work both in a

team and on their own. You have a degree in advertising.

Why did you choose it as a profession?

Andrea: I find it fascinating when words and images come together to

convey a strong and effective message. For me, it is almost

like a form of art. My view is that it takes a combination of

creativity and branding in order to produce successful ad


安德里亚: 您好,强森师长教师。很欢快见到您。很是感激您拨空与我碰头。

强森师长教师: 这是我的侥幸。请坐。

安德里亚: 感谢。

强森师长教师: 摩尔密斯,我想先从多领会你一点起头。可以请你奉告我你的布景吗?

安德里亚: 我结业于西北大学,具有告白学位。此外,我在临近办事新移民的说话中间当了两年志工。这些履历让我同时具有了营销常识和沟通能力。

强森师长教师: 太棒了。咱们这一行十分器重沟通。你会怎样描写本身的个性呢?

安德里亚: 我会说本身是一个踊跃、注意细节和忠于团队的人。我长于与人互助,但也能自力功课。

强森师长教师: 很好。在咱们这个组织里,员工必需能团队互助也能个体事情。你有告白的学位。那你为甚么会选择告白来当本身的专业呢?

安德里亚: 我觉适当文字和影象连系在一块儿,转达强烈且有用的信息时,那是件至关使人憧憬的事。对我来讲,这几近就像是一种艺术的显现。我认为必需要连系创意和品牌建立,才能缔造出乐成的告白鼓吹。

Unit 2 学术履历 Academic Activities

Mr. Johnson: Can you tell me about your academic background?

Andrea: Yes. I believe my four years in college have equipped me

with the technical know-how and knowledge needed for this

industry. For example, my Decoding Advertisements class

taught me the principles of making a successful ad, and the

Brand Positioning course allowed me to practice building a

brand. Most importantly, I've learned how to set and achieve

goals for an ad campaign.

Mr. Johnson: In addition to your academic training, your résumé shows that

you participated in several extracurricular activities. Please tell


about them.

Andrea: The most inspiring activity I participated in was a Youth

Outreach Program. We visited elementary schools in China

and performed language exchanges. We also organized games

and activities with the students. I gained a lot of experience

in organizing and hosting activities. Moreover, this experience

developed my cross-cultural co妹妹unication ability. I believe

this is crucial when launching an international campaign.

Mr. Johnson: Very well. You worked at a publishing company as an intern for

a year. Explain how that experience relates to this advertising


Andrea: Working in the advertising industry requires keeping up to

date with current trends. The internship gave me a unique

insight into events happening worldwide.

强森师长教师: 你可以奉告我你的学术布景吗?

安德里亚: 好的。我信赖在大学四年的求学竣事后,我已具有了这个财产所需的科技专业技术和常识。举例来讲,在解析告白学


强森师长教师: 除学术练习以外,你的经历上也显示你曾加入过很多课外勾当。请和我分享你的课外勾当履历。

安德里亚: 我加入过最开导人心的勾当是青年外展办事规划。咱们参访中国的一些小学,并举行说话互换。咱们也和学生一块儿策动了游戏和勾当。我从中得到了很多策动和主持勾当的履历。不但如斯,我也经由过程这个履历来成长我的跨文化沟通技能。我信赖在举行跨国鼓吹勾当时,这会是很首要的能力。

强森师长教师: 很是好。你曾在出书社当过一年的练习生。请阐明这个履历和咱们的告白职缺有甚么联系关系。

安德里亚: 在告白业事情必要与时下潮水并进。这个练习履历让我对全世界产生的事务能有怪异且深入的看法。
上一篇:赖世雄 生活口语从头学,标准美式生活口语,英语口语必备!
下一篇:赵丽颖 出身农村被骂土包子,英语口语不好,难道就活该被群嘲吗
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