
acad2018 2023-01-29 06:44:01


课型 知识(词汇课、语音课、听说课) 技能(阅读课、听力课、口语课)

教学过程 1.Warming-up/Lead-in 1.Warming-up/Lead-in

2.Presentation 2 Pre- learming

1)Step 1: 3.While- learning

2)Step 2: 1)Step 1:

...... 2)Step 2:

3. Practice 4 Post- learming

4. Production 5.Summary and Homework

5. Summary and Homework




Step1:热身(Warming-up ):将学生的注意力集中到课堂上来。时间:30 秒左右


(1)唱歌、听歌(song):常用英文歌曲推荐:Bingo Head / Shoulders Knees and Toes/ One Little Finger/ Old

MacDonald Had A Farm/ I Can Sing a Rainbow / Where is Thumbkim/ The Wheels on the Bus / Ten Little Indians/

Merry Christmas

(2)绕口令(tongue twister):绕口令可展示自己的才能,可提前准备几篇绕口令。如“can”的绕口令,“OK, now

class, Let's enjoy a tongue twister together, so please stand up and move your tongue with me, so one

two three. Go! Can you can a can as a caner can can a can? Wow, great! All of you can speak it very fluently.

I' m very proud of you.”

(3)游戏(play games):常用的热身游戏有:a. pass the balloons:传气球,pass 其他的也可以,如:

flowers/books/pens 等 b. play on the see-saw:跟老师做一些动作,老师举左手,学生举右手,或者相同的方

向等。c. fast reaction:快速反应,如老师说一个指令,学生马上要做出这个动作等。

(4)猜谜语( guessing game ):猜谜语:提前准备好谜语,可以说“It's a very sweet fruit, and it's orange,

its very tasty. I like it very much, so can you guess what's this?”

(5)咏唱(chant):有节奏感的歌曲,如 Teacher, teacher, what can you see?I can see a bird singing in the

tree. Bird, bird, what can you see?I can see a fish swimming in the sea.Fish, fish, what can you see?I

can see a frog looking at me.

Step 2:导入(Lead-in)。时间:1 分钟左右。


图片导入:最万能的导入,如:I will show my students some pictures of animals in this part, my

students should read this pictures/watch the video first, and then...

教具导入: 假装手里有教具,如:Oranges/apples/a small watermelon will be took to my class in this step.

My students will watch it and answer my questions: What’s this in English?

What kind of fruits do you


情景导入:很好用的一种方法,如:Ok, guys, listen carefully, I will set a situation for you. Imagine

that..You can imagine this: ...

歌曲导入:唱一首歌,这里的唱歌要和本节课的话题有关。导入和 warming-up 相区别,warming-up 只要能活跃气

氛的歌曲就可以,如:I will play a song/ sing a song for my students this time.


"Boys and girls, let's see a picture on the PPT. What can you see in this picture? Yes! I heard some

one said there are a lot of people in a big house. Great! Who are they? Yes, It's me! She is my mom,

he is my father. I have a happy family, we love each other. So how about your family? How many people

are there in your family? Today our topic is Family”.




(2)两人、四人小组活动,教学方法中有 Group work method。



a.比如讲具体的单词课,讲到介词时不知道如何呈现,如讲 in、on、at 等位置词,可以说,“OK, Look at the


this is‘on'.”让学生明白这个位置关系即可,不会的可以用图片讲。

b.多媒体新授就是用 PPT、video 等展示。





Step 3 Presentation




d.教师做总结 。



Step 4 Practice






Ok, guys, this time, we are going to listen to a tape, this listening material is from your book. But,

before listening, I'd like to show you some pictures. Here on the blackboard. Do you know what's this,

yes! I's a TV. What can you find in the TV? Linda, you please. Wow, you can see a reporter! Great! Any

different ideas? Ok, I heard some of you said you can find the logo of weather. Exactly! You are very

careful. So, guys, after discussing the pictures, can you guess what's the topic of this listening material?

Ok, I heard Lily said, it may talks about weather. So, this time, lets listen to it carefully.

听力课(听中): While-istening

For the first time, you should listen to the tape extensively, then, tell me whether your prediction

is right or not. For the second time, you should listen to it carefuly, and answer my two questions.

The first one is“What's Wu Yifan's favorite weather?" and the second one is“Why does John like sunny

day?" Are you ready? Let's start! (2)技能型课程 Step3: Pre-Learning

a. 阅读课/听力课:第一步 泛读/泛听,从整体上感知所学内容;第二步 出几道简单的题检测效果。

b. 口语课:讲单词或句型,为学生扫除口语交流障碍。

Step4: While-Learning

a. 阅读课/听力课:精读,突破教学的重难点。

b. 口语课:模范说/师生说/生生说。




Ok, gulys, please look at me. I will do a gesture for you, you should watch me carefully, and then, tell

me what I am doing. Let's start! How about this one. Yes! I heard most of you said I am reading books.

Good, so this time, please look at the blackboard and read after me. Read books. How about this time.

Wonderful! I'm playing ball, that's play basketball. Billiant! Read after me. Play basketball. Ok, the

last one. Can you guess? um... yes! I heard Jenny said I'm playing ball too. But I play the ball with

my foot right? not hands. So, this is football Exactly!

三、练习巩固(Production / Post-Learning)




1.小组竞赛(group competition):竞赛机制是小学课堂最常使用的,分组后,谁答对了给一颗小星星,再答对再


2.模仿表演( imitation show),让学生模仿,比如让学生模仿些语音、动作。模仿只是一种形式,需要通过模仿



3.角色扮演(role play):创设情景,让学生进行扮演角色,在扮演的过程中会涉及到对话,让学生“说话”。

4.绘画比赛(drawing competition):做法:可以让学生画今天所学习的主题,然后用今天所学的知识说出所画的内


5.跷跷板(play on the see-saw)、照镜子(look at the mirror):相同的动作就是照镜子,相反的动作是跷跷板。

6.对话练习(make conversation):比较简单,比如“OK, you should make conversation"。


Ok guys, at the beginning of the class, I will divide you into 4 groups, group A, group B, group C, group

D. ( group A is Apple, group B is Banana, group C is watermelon, group D is Orange.) The group which

has a good performance can get more points.

Ok, now, listen to the first question carefully:“__ ”, which group wants to have a try? .

Wow, Group A is the fastest! Ok, group A please. Any other ideas? No? Yes! I think group A have the correct

answer. I will draw a flower for you. Congratulations! 四、小结作业(Summary and Homework)



(2)老师自己总结:“来,看黑板,今天我们已经学过了...” 【例】教师引导学生小结:

“How time flies! Before we end our lesson, let's see what we have learnt today. Who would like to share

your ideas? Um.. yes, Angela you please. Great! Angela said we have learnt ... of course, we also leared...

Exactly! Thank you."



(2)亲子作业:小朋友比较喜欢做。可以与父母分享( You should share what you learn today in your parents in





1.“Here are your homework today. The first one is ... The second one is ....

2.“I hope all of you can practice the new knowledge, so, here is your after-class tasks. The first one

is ... The second one is ... You will share your task next class."
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