
acad2018 2023-02-04 06:44:08






1. 动物Animals

Do you have any pets, if so, what are they?

What is your favourite animal and why?

What does this animal look like and what does it like to eat?

Are animals well looked after where you are from? Why?

2. Routines 日常活动

Do you have certain routines that you follow, if so, what are they?

Do you have friends or family that follow similar routines?

What do you like about your routine?

How would you feel if something in your daily routine was changed?

3. Books 书籍

What is your favourite book and why?

What is your least favourite book and why?

Is there a library

in your hometown?

What information can you learn from reading books?

4. Cleanliness 清洁

Why is cleanliness important?

How often do you think one should clean?

What types of things should be cleaned?

How clean do you think this room is?

5. Clothing 服装

What do you like to wear?

Where do you buy your clothing and what colors do you choose?

What type of clothes do you not like wearing?

What type of clothing do your friends wear?

6. Culture文化

Which culture do you belong too?

How do people greet each other?

What type of customs and traditions do you practice?

Are you interested in learning about other cultures? Why?

7. Exercise 运动健身

Do you usually exercise, if so, how often?

What activities do you do while exercising?

Do people in your country do a lot of exercising?

What can happen if people do not exercise?

8. Family 家庭

How many siblings do you have?

What are their names and how old are they?

Where are your parents originally from?

Who are your extended family members? (cousins, aunts, uncles etc.)

9. Fears 恐惧

What is your biggest fear and why?

How does having this fear make you feel?

Do you know people that share the same fear?

How can you work through your fears?

10. Feelings 感觉

How are you feeling right now?

How do you feel when someone hurts your feelings? Why?

How do you feel when someone makes you happy? Why?

Why is it important to think about other people’s feelings?

11. Food 食物

What is your favourite food and why?

What is your least favourite food and why?

What is a typical food from your home country?

What is a food you would love to try?

12. Goals 人生目标

What is a goal that you have?

How do you plan

to reach this goal?

Do you need help achieving your goal?

Do you think it’s important to set goals? Why?

13. Hobbies 兴趣爱好

What hobbies do you like to do?

What do you like about the hobbies you do?

Is there anybody in your family you share a hobby with?

When did you start practicing your hobby and how long do you spend practicing?

14. Holidays 假期

What is your favourite holiday and why?

What is your least favoruite holiday and why?

How do you spend most of your holidays?

Do you do anything special with your family on holidays, if so what?

15. Hometown 家乡

Where is your hometown?

Do you live in a city or rural area?

Do you like living in your hometown? Why?

How do people get around in your hometown?

16. Household Items 家居用品

What household item do you use the most and why?

How does it work?

How often do you use your household items?

Why are household items useful?

17. Jobs 工作

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

Do a lot of people do this job in your country?

What type of jobs do people in your country have?

Do you think everyone should work? Why?

18. Manners 礼仪

Who taught you about manners?

How often do you use them and why?

Why are using manners important?

How do you feel when someone isn’t using manners?

19. Movies 电影

What is your favourite type of movie and why?

What is your least favourite type of movie and why?

Do you go to the cinema to watch a movie?

Do you watch movies in different languages? Why?

20. Music 音乐

What is your favourite song and who sings it?

How much time a day do you spend listening to music?

What genre of music do you like best? Why?

What kind of music is preferred where you are from?

21. School 学校

What do you do in a typical day at school?

What is your favourite subject and why?

What is your least favourite subject and why?

What do you like about your teachers?

22. Seasons 季节

Can you name the four seasons?

What clothes do you need to wear in each season?

What season do you like best and why?

What season do you like least and why?

23. Sleep 睡眠

How time do you go to sleep and what time do you wake up?

How many hours of sleep do you usually get a night?

Do you think you get enough sleep? Why?

If you don’t get enough sleep, how do you feel?

24. Shopping 购物

Do you like shopping and why?

What do you usually shop for and where do you go shopping?

Who do you go shopping with?

Are their many shops in your hometown?

25. Sports 体育运动

What sports do you like and dislike? Why?

What sport is popular where you live?

Why are sports important?

Who do you play sports with?

26. Television 电视

What is your favourite T.V program and why?

Is it an international T.V program?

What is the T.V program about?

How often do you watch this T.V program and who watches it with you?

27. Time 时间

How important is time to you?

How much free time do you usually have?

Who do you spend your free time with?

If you had more free time, what would you do with it?

28. Transportation 运输

How do you travel to get to school?

How long does it take you to get to school?

What other types of transportation have you used?

How often do you use public transport?

29. Travel 旅行

Where have you traveled too?

Who do you usually go traveling with?

What languages do you use when traveling?

What is your favourite tourist attraction?

30. Weather 天气

What is the weather outside today?

What is the weather normally like where you live?

How can the weather effect your feelings?

What kind of weather is your favourite and why?

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