兰桂姬 英语语法大全

acad2018 2023-02-23 12:44:01


i want to buy(第二个动词为不定式)a gift

常用后接不定式的动词:Decide.Learn.want.hope/wish. Refuse. Manage.would like. Pretend. Offer. Promise. Choose.plan.agree. Ask. Help

I haven’t decided where to go/what to do/how to do.../which to choose/where to go..

We(主) want(谓) them(宾) to help me.--不定式做宾语补足语

接不定式不带to的动词(四看三使二听一感觉:look at, see,watch, notice.let. Make.have.hear. Listen to. Feel. 例:i hear him sing every night / let him go/mum made me go to bed early.

Cindy used a brush to painta picture of a park.--不定式作目的状语。

定冠词 the

There is a big tree in front ofthe classroom(无法确定的前面-树在教室外)./there is a big desk in the front ofthe classroom.(能确定的前面-桌子在教室内)

用法:1 特指:the photo was of her grandpa. 2.上文出现,下文再次提到: there was an accident on the road. Two men were hurt in the accident. 3双方共知的turn down the radio, please. The baby is sleeping. 4独一无二的: the sun is shinning brightly.

乐器名词前必须用定冠词,体育运动名词前不用冠词。Play the piano/ play basketball.

用在受介词短语修饰的名词前wash your hands when you touch the food on the table/ keep the taps in the bathroom clean.

名词后如有介词短语加以限制,则具有特指意义,此时须用冠词:the pencil on the table is short...

发音规律:在辅音音素前,读 the United States the useful book. 在元音音素前读i the umbrella the old doctor the honest man.



一般情况加-s: school-schools; elephant-elepants

以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾:box-boxes; watch-watches.

辅音字母以y结尾: bluberry-blueberries;

以o结尾:规律1:完整的名词以“辅音+O”结尾,后面加-es => echo-echoes回声 potato-potatoes 规律2:完整的名词以“元音+O”结尾,后面要加s => radio-radios收音机 kangaroo-kangaroos袋鼠 底层逻辑:关乎发音问题(自然拼读)名词变复数不管后面加什么,不管读s,z还是iz,在原单词基础上加上尾缀,实际上原单词发音基本上不变。如果土豆potato+s的话,potatos后面的tos中的o在2个非重读音节t,s的中间,这种情况下,o是不能发出其原来的音的,只能发,这样就违背了原单词发音不变的原则,为了解决这个问题那么万能的e就出来了,如果加上es就是potatoes,oe这个发音本身就是,不受弱化发音的影响。而规律1的情况原单词结尾本身就含有元音的字母组合后面直接加s也不会导致发生音变如radio和kangaroo。规律3: 非完整的单词复数(外来词,缩写词等)如photos(原词是photographs),pianos(原词是pianofortes)

以f(e)结尾:变v+es => thief- thieves; wife-wives

不规则变化: man-men,foot-feet,child-children,mouse-mice, german-germans,单复数同形:chiness,japanese。

常以复数形式出现:clothes, trousers,shoes,noodles,

This pair of shoes isred.

集体名词 people,police;

How many people are there in your family?

不可数名词:air, earth,water,pollution,food,advice不能用不定冠词a/an修饰 a cup of flour/two spoons of sugar/ some syrup/ a glass of milk.

专有名词 proper name: the coronavirus

名词所有格:加s或 ’s, children’s/ teachers’/lucy and lily’s mother(lucy和lily共同的母亲是一个单数)/lucy’s and lily’s mother(lucy和lily各自的母亲是2个母亲复数)


人称代词:主格i,we,you,he,she,it,they,宾格me,us,you,him,her,it,them; 物主代词:形容词性物主代词 my,our,your,his,her,its,their;名词性物主代词 mine,ours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs;


The other特指两个或两部分中的另一个或另一部分,可接单数或者复数名词,表示两个中“一个……另一个……”,常用结构式为:one...the other...

1.He has two brothers,one is a teacher, the other is a docter.

2.There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the other students don’t.

The others特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”相当于the other+名词复数,指剩余的全部。

There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the others don’t.



We learn chinese,English,math and other subjects.


1.Some students are doing homework,but others are talking loudly.

2.A lot of people are in the park, some are singing,others are dancing.


I don’t like this one,please show me another.注意:another+名词单数=one more+名词单数


1.I want to have another apple =I want to have one more apple.

2.We need another ten chairs=We need ten more/other chairs.

It is important to do...---it是形式主语。


No nets are requiredfor this type of fishing/each picture should be made a little different from the one before it--被动语态(the passive voice) Be+P.P 用的原因1 强调,2礼貌 3 引用信息(it is reported...

一般现在时:am/is/are + PP 一般过去时:was/were + PP 一般将来时: will be + pp

情态动词被动:情态动词+be+pp 现在完成时: have/has + been+pp 现在进行时:am/is/are +being+PP

不及物动词,连系动词没有被动(此类动词无动作承受者) SARS took placein 2003/ it seems impossible to the foreigners 常见连系动词:feel. Look. Taste.sound.smell.

主动中省略to的不定式(make,have,let,see,hear),在被动中要还原to:we saw the workers build the hospital...=>the workers were seen to build the hospital...

短语中的介词不能漏=> the doctors and nurses have taken good care of the patients/ the patients have been taken good care of by the doctors and nurses.(of和by分属于不同的意群)/ people all over the world are praying for china/ xiaoming is unhappy,because heis laughed at very oftern.

an 放在元音因素开头的单词前面 the在元音因素开头的词前发zi的音 in the eveninga set of 跟复数 a pair of trousers 一条裤子two pairs of trousers两条裤子 a glass of juice 一杯果汁 two glasses of juice some可数和不可数名词都可以修饰 birds in the tree 外来的 apple on the tree长出来的 at table在就餐 at the table在桌子旁 orange橘子可数,橘汁不可数 glass杯子可数,玻璃不可数 room房间可数,空间不可数 on the bed在床上 in bed睡觉 主系表 表感官sound smell taste feel the food smells terrible 表变化 turn become get go come the food went bad 弹西洋乐器play the piano 其他不用the eat well不能用have well, have/take medicine no修饰可数名词单数-not a,修饰不可数和可数名词-not any, food泛指食物是不可数,表食物种类是可数 milk is a good food,三餐前不加冠词,chicken小鸡是可数 鸡肉时不可数,fruit水果总类不可数,水果种类是可数,for+某餐+sb like固定句式 for lunch i like eating ,on sale 促销,正销售,for sale待售 at a good price 商店-shop英国 规模小 store美国规模大,clothes只有复数形式 many修饰,in表穿戴时+颜色,衣服,辫子,帽子,眼镜 i will take it 买,拿,get,you are welcome回答感谢 That's all right回应抱歉等 in跟泛指年月季节和周 on是具体的某个早中晚,have/hold a party,take/make a trip,a round trip往返旅程,because of跟名词 动名词,代词引导状语从句,hour还可指不确定的某一时间和时刻 at this late hour在这么晚的时候,还可指固定的时刻 office hours are from 7am to 6pm,subject有学科的意思 who are you waiting for=whom are you waiting for ,whom是who的宾格,study English on通过 the radio,two sets套 of books,over是不接触的正上方反义是under,above是不接触的上方不一定是正上方,反义是below,bread 不可数 ,three thousand不加s,thousands of成千上万要加s,hundred也一样,3+2=5three and two is five,减用minus,乘用multiply,除divide,序数词 twentieth,fortieth,thirteenth,hundredth,twenty fourth,draw-drew-drawn素描,be good at=do well in, tell story,tell sb sth,tell sb to do sth,say this word, speak a little Chinese,be good with对什么有办法,善于应付什么的,be good to 对xx友好,call sb at+电话号码,get dressed表穿衣服的动作 he can get dressed,be dressed in表穿着的状态,early同时具有adj和adv的用法,two pieces of work两份工作,exercise可数时作练习,习题,体操,不可数时作运动,锻炼,sometimes有时,some times一些次数,sometime某个时候,some time 一段时间,具体时间几点几分只能用what time提问不能用when,年月日期时只能用when ,take the subway地铁,he sometimes takes a bus,every day每一天名词性短语作状语 everyday形容词,每天i study everyday English every day,what do you think of = how do you like你认为xx怎么样? one 11-year old, a four-day trip, be afraid to do/doing后者强调害怕做某事产生的后果be afraidthat...beafraid of sth,look like指外貌,be like既指外貌也指性格,离开某地 leave+地点,动身去某地 leave for,dream of/about梦想…,arrive in大地方/at小地方,listen to music,be honest rather clever诚实比聪明更要紧, dress sb给xx穿衣服,put on 穿的动作,wear穿的状态,practice my English 跟名词和practice playing violin跟动名词 ,它本身也可作名词,too many people, too much homework,much too fat太胖,many/much-more-most,i can't relex either(too用于疑问和肯定句不能用于否定句)feel感受:how do you feel about all these changes. 摸起来-系动词(用法和sound,smell等一样) the silk feels very soft. Be strict with sb对某人要求严格,be strict in sth对某事要求严格。 remember to do记得要去做(未做),remember doing sth记得做过(已做)。 keep + 宾语+形容词,副词,现在分词,介词短语,have to客观的不得不,must主观的不得不。 must i stay here after school? Yes, you must. No,you needn’t/you don’t have to. Mustn’t表示禁止, don't have to表示不必, let's do sth 肯定回答 OK/SURE/All right/ good idea 否定回答 no,let’s/sorry,i... 表示提建议的句型:shall we do..? why don’t you do...? why not do...? what/how about doing...? let’s do.../ would you like to do ...? kind of = a little/a bit/a little bit all kinds of flower各种各样的 different kinds of animals不同种类的, she sleeps all day(whole day) , friendly是形容词... to对xx友好。 how are you getting along with your new classmates? Get lost = be lost = lose one’s way in+名词构成的短语:in need, in trouble,in fact,in deed(确实,实在)cut down trees. Be made of由xx制成可见原材料the desk made of wood be made from看不见原材料salt is made from sea water. newspaper是可数名词,news是不可数名词,paper纸张不可数,paper试卷论文是可数, washing the dishes= do the dishes, do the washing洗衣服, drink一般为不可数,如果是饮料种类或份数时 为可数名词,drink tea不可数, wish sb to do sth i wish to visit sanya, i wish you to go, wish sb sth祝愿某人某事, wish+ that从句表示难以实现的愿望, hope to do sth, hope +that从句可以实现的愿望。 any other 任何别的,任何其他的 tom runs faster than any other boy(单数) in his class, any other+单数= the other+复数。Other 另外的常与复数名词和不可数名词使用other teachers,other information.

Others=other+复数名词(不是全部) the others= the other+复数名词(全部其余的人或物)some of the pens are red, the others are black只有红色和黑色; some of the pens are green,others are blue除了绿色和蓝色可能还有其他颜色。another另一个 泛指众多中的一个,i got two pens: one is red, the other is green; i got 3 pens,one is red,another is white, and the third is green.

现在进行时:重读闭音节辅音结尾动词双写辅音字母+ing,putting,以不发音的字母结尾去掉字母+ing-making,以ie结尾的重读开音节单词变ie为y+ing dying,tying,lying,there is rain=it is raining=it is rainy,fine weather晴天,take a message捎口信,could i 开头的句子回答用,yes,you can,dry使干燥,don't cry dry.your eyes, vi,变干vt,the wet will dry,have a good time/fun/enjoy(in)doing sth, on(a)vacation,they are on a vacation, they go on a vacation ,现在进行时表将来,按计划或安排将要发生的动作-go, come,start,leave,arrive,he is leaving guangzhou tomorrow.和always连用表达某种感情色彩,赞扬,不满,厌烦,he is always helping others,he is always losing his key,感官动词

没有进行时态see,hear,sound,taste,表感情,态度,心理状态的动词没有进行时态like,want,believe,hope,love,hate,副词和介词across和go搭配使用,across from在xx对面,相当于on the other side 或opposite,cross=go across ,花费 sb人 spend in doing,cost前面是sth物,it takes sb some time to do,often用法一般用一般现在时,he often helps others,there be后面用两个以上主语时be动词单复数形式以最近的主语来变,there is a Apple and two pears,there is some money,there are some living things in that planet, there are a lots of sheep,高tall指人或建筑物,high指抽象的空间位置和程度的高,山,may be作谓语,maybe作状语,she may be a teacher,maybe she is a teacher, 修饰可数名词 肯定用 a few/few,修饰不可数用a little/little,she has a few.friends,she has few friends, a pair of glasses is there,medium build指身高,what size would you like 询问尺码 ,the number of 跟名词复数但谓语用单数is,a number of跟名词复数但谓语用复数are,都表示许多xx, blow it out in/at one go一口气吹完,be popular with受到xx欢迎,would you like some coffee?yes

please/no,thanks,would you like to go with me?yes i would like或 love/i would like或love to but i am busy,im afraid not,are there any……?肯定回答是yes there some……,否定回答是no there isn't any……都可修饰可数和不可数名词,milked a cow挤奶,worry作vi时要搭配about,don't worry about him=don't be worried about him,hear强调听到了结果,hear sb do听到某人做了,hear sb doing 听到某人正在做,一般过去时,过去发生或过去经常习惯性地发生, 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词改y为i+ed,单复同形fish,sheep,deer,Chinese,japanese,对xx厌烦 be tired of...,熬夜 stay up late,

八年级英语quite a few 不少,相当多,修饰可数名词,quite a little修饰不可数, seems to be/seemed to be/seemed that...似乎,好像,看来,try doing尝试做某事,try to do是尽力做某事 different from,不同,difference between差异,anything用于否定句和疑问句,something用于肯定句和表示邀请和请求的语句中,would you like something to drink,hardly ever几乎没有,从来没有,ever,曾经,从来,how often do you watch tv? twice a week/once询问次数和频率,how soon 多久以后询问, maybe he is ill,so he may be at home,

but比however语气更强烈,but不需要逗号直接引导分句,though=although不能和but连用,i can both speak and.write chinese well / both of the movies are good, 赢得第一win first place. my mother told me a good friend is like a mirror真理格言现在时, make sb do动词原形,可理解为省略to的不定式, 主将从现,主情从现,reach for sth伸手够某物,the weather is becoming hoter and hoter , the taller of the two students,两个中较高的那个学生,

Play a role in doing... the story is made up编造,make oneself up给某人化妆,make up the medicine组成, take... seriously重视,认真对待, mind doing..介意... would you mind (my) opening the window?肯定回答certainly not/not at all/ 否定回答i wish you wouldn’t, hope to do sth/hope + that从句, i hope/wish to see you tomorrow(wish表示明天可能来不了),i wish you to come tomorrow(只有wish有wish sb to do sth的结构)i hope you to come(这是错的),i hope to find out ... can't stand waiting any more不能忍受, i can’t stand the hot weather, happen发生 出现(偶然发生),an accident happened yesterday/what happened to you? Take place发生,举行(计划)happen碰巧 i happened to see him on my way home/ it happened thati saw him on my way home. Be famous for 因..而出名, be famous 作为..而出名, be famous to为...所熟知。 appear on TV/in a film/in a play/ on the stage/ he became mad结果/ the milk went bad不太好的结果/ the leaves turn yellow in autumn颜色,天气/the boy grew stronger and stronger. 表可能:Can无肯定,could,may无疑问,might, he was alwaysready totry his best.

动词不定式作宾语 we decided to visit out grandpa/she wants to buy a new.../they all agreed to gowith him, think/find/ feel +it+形容词+动词不定式 i主find谓 it形式宾语 difficult宾补to do the job well

动名词和不定式的区别:stop doing sth停止做某事 stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事,forget doing sth,forget to do sth, send 邮寄,送,send for 派人去请。 be able to可接各种时态/ can/could。 Promise to do/ promise +that/promise sb sth.make a promise, keep one’s promise, break one’s promise, at the beginning of ...在xx开始,in/at the beginning起初, take up a hobby学着做,开始做,占用, take off起飞,脱下,take away拿走,take after长得像,take down 记下,相当于write down, to questioned the idea of making resolution, what’s the meaning of...?What does...mean? What do you mean by...? discuss sth with sb, 一般将来时 be going to(事先计划,主观上将要发生) +动词原形, look at the black clouds,it is going to rain. Play a part in ...参与..在..中发挥作用, human区别于动物,person无性别的人,people通常作复数来讲,man(kind) 作人和人类的时候不能加不定冠词a
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