
acad2018 2023-03-01 21:44:06




Unit 1(12个单词)


·do英 [du] / aux.She can do a lot of hard work.(是的,我喜欢。)·left英 [left] / n.左;向左In Britain cars drive on the left.(在英国,汽车靠左行驶。)·right英 [rat] / n.右;向右You can use green marks under right answers.(你可以在正确答案下面用绿色标记。)·*litter英 [lt(r)] / v.乱丢垃圾Don''t litter.(不要随地扔东西。)·*touch英 [tt] / v.触摸Don''t touch the exhibits.(请勿触摸展品。)·*move英 [mu:v] / v.移动He came to help us move.(他是来帮我们搬家的。)·*camera英 [kmr] / n.照相机This camera is too dear.(这架照相机太贵了。)·worry英 [wri] / v.担心Don''t worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself.(你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。)·cry英 [kra] / v.哭I started to cry because I cut my finger.(我因为割破手指哭了起来。)·food英 [fu:d] / n.食物I thought the food was very tasty.(我觉得这食物很可口。)·smoking英 [smk] / n.吸烟No Smoking!(禁止吸烟!)·parking英 [pɑ:k] / n.停放(车辆)I managed to find a parking space.(我终于找到了一个停车位。)Unit 2(12个单词)


·how much英 [hau mt] / 多少How much are

they?(它们多少钱?)·toy英 [t] / n.玩具The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。)·please英 [pli:z] / int.请,劳驾Can I use your glue stick,please?(我可以用你的胶棒吗?)·fifty英 [ffti] / num.50My parents are over fifty years old.(我的父母过五十岁了。)·thirty英 [θ:ti] / num.30The chef was thirty years old.(主厨三十岁了。)·*robot英 [rbt] / n.机器人In the future,we all will have robot assistants.(未来,我们会有机器人助手。)·sixty英 [sksti] / num.60My grandmother turned sixty years old today.(我祖母今天60岁了。)·ninety英 [nanti] / num.90Will you live to ninety years old?(你会活到90岁吗?)·forty英 [f:ti] / num.40Congratulations on turning forty years old!(祝贺你满四十岁!)·seventy英 [sevnti] / num.70Seventy years is a long time.(七十年是很长的一段时间。)·eighty英 [eti] / num.80The old man is over eighty.(这位老人已年逾80。)·hundred英 [hndrd] / n.百I got one hundred percent!(我考了一百分!)Unit 3(11个单词)


·study英 [stdi] / n.书房The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)·whose英 [hu:z] / pron.谁的Whose wallet is this?(这是谁的钱包?)·computer英 [kmpju:t(r)] / n.计算机I could do all my work on the computer.(我所有的工作都能在计算机上完成。)·*CD英 [si: di:] / n.激光唱片;光盘You can bring the CD to school.(你能把激光唱片带到学校来。)·*glasses英 [''glɑ:sz] / n.眼镜She took off her glasses and rubbed them hard.(她摘下眼镜使劲擦着。)·watch英 [wt] / n.手表Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)·TV英 [ti: vi:] / n.电视They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.(他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面孔了。)·children英 [tldrn] / n.儿童The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩耍。)·photo英 [ft] / n.相片We must take a photo!(我们一定要拍张照片!)·*radio英 [redi] / n.收音机This radio set is unconventionally shaped.(这个收音机样子很别致。)·mobile phone英 [mubail fun] / n.移动电话My mobile phone is extremely useful.(我的手机非常有用。)Unit 4(15个单词)


·come in英 [km in] / 进来;进入May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)·living room英 [livi ru:m] / n.客厅Your living room is so nice!(你的客厅真漂亮!)·*bedroom英 [bedru:m] / n.卧室I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)·sleep(sleeping)英 [sli:p]([''sli:p]) / v.睡觉Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一会儿。)·*bathroom英 [bɑ:θru:m] / n.浴室;洗手间She''s in the bathroom.(她在浴室里。)·wash(washing)英 [w]([w]) / v.洗How was the weather there?(那里的天气怎么样?)·come out英 [km aut] / 出来Oh, look. The sun''s come out.(喂,瞧,太阳出来了。)·fish(fishing)英 [f]([f]) / v.钓鱼I like to fish from a boat.(我喜欢在一个小船上钓鱼。)·kitchen英 [ktn] / n.厨房She started cleaning the kitchen.(她开始打扫厨房。)·cook(cooking)英 [kk]([kk]) / v.烹调;做饭I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)·dinner英 [dn(r)] / n.晚餐I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.(我为几个密友办了晚宴。)·write(writing)英 [rat]([rat]) / v.写There''s no time for me to write a letter to him.(我来不及写信给他了。)·drink(drinking)英 [drk]([drk]) / v.喝;饮Children should not drink fruit juices straight.(儿童不应该喝纯果汁。)·play(playing)英 [ple]([ple]) / v.玩耍Come and play!(一起来玩吧!)·*paint(painting)英 [pent]([pent]) / v.绘画This paint mixes easily with water.(这种颜料容易与水混合。)Unit 5(13个单词)


·our英 [a] / pron.我们的These are our toys.(这些是我们的玩具。)·math英 [mθ] / n.数学He studied math in college.(他上大学时专业是数学。)·English英 [gl] / n.英语I can speak English very well.(我英语讲得很好。)·subject英 [sbdkt] / n.科目These are my new subjects.(这些是我的新科目。)·*classroom英 [klɑ:sru:m] / n.教室Maybe he is in the classroom.(他可能在教室里。)·playground英 [plegrand] / n.操场We also have a big playground.(我们还有一个大操场。)·their英 [e(r)] / n.他们的This is their whole family.(这是他们一家子。)·library英 [labrri] / n.图书馆The one student are looking for some books in the libray.(一个学生正在图书馆里找一些书。)·music英 [mju:zk] / n.音乐Put some upbeat music on to complement my moves!(放点欢快的音乐,配合着我的舞步!)·art英 [ɑ:t] / n.艺术Mona Lisa is a piece of art.(蒙娜丽莎的画像是一个艺术品。)·Chinese英 [tani:z] / n.语文;中文This is a beautiful traditional Chinese decoration.(中国结是一种漂亮的传统中国装饰。)·science英 [sans] / n.科学Science has greatly improved human life.(科学已经极大的改善了人类的生活。)·P.E.英 [pi:''i:] / n.体育We have maths,PE and computer class.(我们有数学、体育和计算机课。)Unit 6(2个单词)
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