商务英语 订单与合同 Order and Contract

acad2018 2023-03-05 12:44:01


After a quotation or an offer from the seller is agreed upon and confirmed by the buyer, an order will be issued accordingly.


It should be noted that an order is just to show the wish to buy, and like the non-firm offer, it is not legally binding unless it is accepted and confirmed by the seller, usually in the form of a sales confirmation(S/C) or a sales contract.

(需要注意的是,订单只是表示购买的意愿,和虚盘一样,只有卖方接受并确认,通常以销售确认 书或销售合同的形式确认,才具有法律约束力。)

While a purchasing order is often countersigned by the buyer to make it an official order(or purchasing contract), a sales confirmation is always countersigned by the seller to make it legally binding.

(采购订单通常由买方签署, 使之成为正式订单(或采购合同),而销售确认书则由卖方副署,使之具有法律约束力。)


the buyer’s name, address, and contact(买家的姓名、地址、通讯等信息);

the order number and the date(订单号及日期);

the description of the

goods, item numbers, quantity, unit prices, total amounts(商品 描述、产品编号、数量、价格、总量等);

package and shipping marks(包装及配送信息);

delivery terms, the time of shipment, and the port of destination(发货条款、运送时间、到货港口);

terms of payment(支付条 款);

insurance and arbitration(保险及仲裁).


Confirming an order helps to establish goodwill by reassuring the customer that the order has been received.



mentioning the date of the order(订单时间);

including the order or invoice number(订单 号及发票号);

explaining the date and method of shipment(运送日期及运送方式);

acknowledging the method of payment(确认支付方式);

expressing appreciation for the order and assuring the customer that it will be fulfilled (表达对买家的感谢,承诺交易一定会成功).


①We hope this order will reach your quality standard so that we can receive your repeated order very soon.(我们希


②The order you placed is now being produced, and will be loaded next month.(你方所下订单,现在已开始生产, 预计下月可以装船。)

③Due to the lack of raw materials, I’m afraid we are unable to meet with your requirement for such a big order quantity.(由于原材料供应不足,恐怕我们没有能力满足你们所需的巨大订货量。)

④Upon receipt of your issued L/C at sight, we will contact the shipping company immediately.(一旦收到你方开具 的即期信用证,我们将立刻与船运公司联系。)

⑤After receiving the 30% advance payment, we will arrange production without delay.(你方 30%预付款到账后, 我们将立刻安排生产。)

⑥Due to the rise of labor cost and the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate, our profit margin now becomes very small. (由于劳动力价格上涨和人民币汇率变化,我们的利润空间已变得很小。)

⑦We have large orders on hand, and will only work with producers who can guarantee timely delivery.(我们手头有 大量的订单,我们只与能保证及时交货的生产商合作。)

⑧We are pleased to receive your order and

guarantee that this order will be shipped immediately.(我们很高兴收到 您的订单,并保证此订单将立即发货。)

⑨The order you placed before the Chinese New Year is now being produced, and will be loaded next month.(你们 在春节前下的订单现在正在生产中,下个月将装船。)

⑩We acknowledge the receipt of your order.(我们确认收到你方订单。)

If we had got your samples earlier, we would have placed big orders.(如果我们早一点拿到你们的样品,我们 会下大订单的。)

You must guarantee the air shipment before Christmas.(你必须保证圣诞节前空运。)

This is our customer’s urgent order, so please rush it.(这是我们客户的紧急订单,请尽快处理。)

We hope to receive your faxed sales confirmation with signature within 3 days.(我们希望在 3 天内收到你方签 字的传真销售确认书。)
上一篇:唱唱启蒙英语 读了全英文幼儿园,但1年后不得不重新做英语启蒙
下一篇:商务英语之如何用英语回复投诉 非常实用的干货
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