
acad2018 2023-03-05 15:44:07


1. We ______ your name and address ______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn.

A. arelearning...from,
B. havelearned...from,
C. havecometoknow...of,
D. havebeengiven...from

2. A. With your permission, we will keep your resume on file for other openings for which you might be better suited.B. Yours was one of 60 responses to our advertisement for the position of Vice President of Production.C. While your credentials are impressive, there were a number of candidates.D. Thank you for your interest in Crimson Steel Company. E. Their backgrounds more nearly meet our needs for this position.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:DBCEA

3. A. Unluckily, however, I am fully occupied and cannot meet you on November 13. B. Looking forward to seeing you again.C. Indeed, we have a lot of ideas to exchange, and I am convinced we will have an even better co-operation.D. I am delighted to know that you will come to Toronto and visit our company.E. My schedule is more flexible from

November 15 to 18. I wonder if you can manage to meet me during these days. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:DAECB

4. A. Several complaints have been received from customers that information took 2-3 days to reach them.B. Please double-check the addresses of people you send property details to.C. Please make sure in future that details of properties are sent out by first class post on the day we receive the request.D. We have a good reputation for efficiency and we mustn't lose it.E. Last week 3 letters were sent to the wrong address.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:ABEDC

5. We would like to go ______ into your proposal for an agency in Guangzhou.

A. further,
B. far,
C. morefar,
D. ahead

6. There is ______ for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target.

A. nothingfrustrating,
B. nofrustrating,
C. nothingmorefrustrating,
D. nomorefrustrating


Please send us a quotation ______ ?the regular supply ______ your refrigerators.

A. of...for,
B. for...with,
C. with...for,
D. for...of

8. Please do your utmost to ______ the shipment.

A. speed,
B. addto,
C. expedite,
D. promote

9. Please make us a firm offer, ______ the best possible shipment.

A. indicating,
B. whichindicate,
C. toindicate,
D. beingindicated

10. A. They are not what we want, having a dull finish instead of a bright one.B. We are sorry to say that you will have to take them back.C. Thank you for your shipment of brass beds ordered by us on October 13, but much to our regret we have to inform you that they greatly disappoint us. D. Please send us the kind we ordered and let us know what disposal to make of these as soon as possible.E. We have received many complaints from our buyers. They state that the beds are not attractive enough. We are, however, making efforts to persuade our buyers to accept them, but it seems that the dull finish has made them quite unsalable in the market.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:CAEBD

11. A. We hope the cookies wilt be distributed among potential customers as soon as possible.B. We are delighted to know that you are willing to try our Copenhagen Butter Cookies.C. Looking forward to your comment soonest. D. At your request, we are arranging the delivery of 50 boxes of the above-mentioned product, which is supposed to arrive at your city in two weeks. E. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other request.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:BDEAC

12. A. In addition, we have confidence in the medical value of the herb Liangmianzhen.B. We would be grateful if you could send us a catalogue of your products.C. We used to purchase toothpaste from other sources.D. We are interested in buying a large quantity of Liangmianzhen toothpaste advertised in the July Issue of China Today. E. Now we may prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:DBCEA

13. It is best way to receive the business card with ______ when making presentation.

A. therighthand,
B. thelefthand,
C. therightorlefthand,
D. bothhands,
E. 夏

14. A. This leaves a debit balance of $ 880. B. We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st June. C. We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June.D. Thank you for your letter of the 18th June and your payments of $ 603 on the 4th June. E. We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:DACBE

15. ______ our efforts, we have persuaded our clients to accept your offer.

A. Resultin,
B. Resultfrom,
C. Asaresultof,
D. Witharesultin

16. The letterheads vary considerably in style, ______ they all give similar information

A. or,
B. therefore,
C. but,
D. otherwise

17. Steve has been invited to _____ an exposition.

A. travel,
B. stay,
C. present,
D. attend

18. Competition ______ to the technical transformation and restructuring of these industrial production.

A. contributes,
B. causes,
C. helps,
D. promotes

19. I am sure that this quality is superior ______ that one.

A. from,
B. to,
C. than,
D. for

20. Send this form to ______ requests it.

A. whomever,
B. whoever,
C. whom,
D. who

21. A. If you have any questions, please let us know.B. I am pleased to tell you that we are able to provide you with 300 GL980 heat exchangers and 1,000 XCO-450 air dryers. C. Thank you! D. Enclosed are the price list and the payment terms. E. Your prompt reply would be appreciated. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:BEADC

22. We are glad that we have _______ an agreement on this matter.

A. come,
B. got,
C. reached,
D. arrived

23. A. In consideration of the very pleasant business relationship we have had with your firm for more than 15 years, B. We hope that our concession will result in a considerable increase of your orders and assure you that we shall always endeavor to execute them to your complete satisfaction.C. We shall, therefore, in future draw on you at 60 d/s, documents against acceptance (D/A), and trust that these terms will suit your requirements.D. We have received your letter of 15th April in which you ask for an extension of our terms.E. we have decided to agree to your suggestion.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:DAEBC

24. Please allow us to apologize ______ putting you so much trouble.

A. for,
B. of,
C. with,
D. by

25. A. The goods are urgently required, so prompt delivery will be most appreciated.B. We thank you very much for your letter of February 15 with patterns and price lists.C. We have chosen three qualities (456, 890 and 134) for which we enclose Order No. 777.D. You will soon hear from your bank.E. We have instructed our bank to open a letter of credit (L/C) for the amount of this order.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:BCDEA

26. We have made _______ that we would accept D/P terms for your future orders.

A. clear,
B. itclear,
C. thatclear,
D. itisclear

27. We would like to know ______ you can guarantee delivery within one month after receipt of order.

A. and,
B. if,
C. then,
D. which

28. We would make you the following offer, subject to your reply ______ us not later than November 25th.

A. reach,
B. reaching,
C. reaches,
D. beingreached

29. It ______ that we very much appreciate the support you have extended to us in the past.

A. isnecessary,
B. isimportant,
C. goeswithoutsaying,
D. goeswithoutdoutful

30. A. My schedule is more flexible from November 15 to 18. B. Unluckily, however, I am fully occupied and cannot meet you on November 13. C. Looking forward to seeing you again. D. I am delighted to know that you will come to Toronto and visit our company. E. I wonder if you can manage to meet me during these days. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:DBAEC

31. Unless data can be assembled ______, we will lose business to our competitors.

A. quicker,
B. morequickly,
C. morequick,
D. muchquickly

32. We shall appreciate ______ us FOB Sydney.

A. youquoting,
B. yourquoting,
C. youtoquote,
D. yourbeingquoted

33. We hope that it will not ______ you from doing business with us in the future.

A. provide,
B. tell,
C. deter,
D. mislaid

34. It has come to my ______ that we have an ______ bill of $ 10,000 with your company.

A. attentionoutstanding,
B. acknowledgeunpaid,
C. attentionrest,
D. acknowledgeoutstanding

35. I’m sure we can work out a ______ arrangement to handle the repair of the system.

A. satisfied,
B. satisfactory,
C. satisfy,
D. satisfying

36. Today we write to ______ your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.

A. pay,
B. give,
C. invite,
D. drive

37. ______ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it.

A. Nowthat,
B. Sothat,
C. For,
D. Because

38. Can I be of any _____?

A. assist,
B. assisted,
C. assistance,
D. assistant

39. We should be grateful ______ you would tell us ______ they are reliable for a credit up to US $30,000.

A. if...whether,
B. whether...if,
C. if...that,
D. whether...that

40. After ______, the teller told Mrs. Babar the balance in her account.

A. check,
B. checked,
C. beingchecked,
D. checking

41. We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms ______ the ones in the last agreement.

A. like,
B. as,
C. with,
D. to

42. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer ________.

A. indemand,
B. demanded,
C. ondemand,
D. fordemand

43. I hope you ______ able to accept this invitation.

A. tobe,
B. were,
C. willbe,
D. being

44. We are convinced that after the visit you will be ______ more about our cooperation in future.

A. confident,
B. confidence,
C. interest,
D. interesting

45. A. You have found the right range hood manufacturer. As a leading enterprise in our industry, we constantly translate high-tech technology into satisfactory products for our customers. And our products is hugely popular in most parts of Asia and Australia. B. Enclosed is the catalogue of our products.C. It’s a great pleasure to receive your letter of January 3, 2016. D. Looking forward to your order soon. E. A special offer we supply for each user is two free nets every year. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:CAEBD

46. If your prices are competitive, we are confident ______ the goods in great quantities in this market.

A. tosell,
B. inselling,
C. inbeingsold,
D. tobeselling

47. You can find _______ for black tea here.

A. areadymarket,
B. beneficial,
C. greatlypopular,
D. sellingfast

48. These products are made to _____, to satisfy consumer demand.

A. meetaneed,
B. change,
C. enterthemarket,
D. develop

49. We cannot see any possibility of business _______ your price is too high.

A. since,
B. while,
C. thought,
D. that

50. Yesterday the manager, along with the office secretary and accountant, ______ invited to the conference .

A. was,
B. were,
C. is,
D. are

51. You have not ______ in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.

A. respond,
B. repliedto,
C. responded,
D. answer

52. We confirm that we agree ______ your suggestion made in your last letter.

A. to,
B. at,
C. in,
D. that

53. ________ on time for the appointment is very important.

A. Youare,
B. Youtobe,
C. Yoube,
D. Yourbeing

54. It took more people to build the canal _____ it takes to operate it today.

A. to,
B. than,
C. that,
D. as

55. I think the firm’s difficulties are ______ bad management.

A. since,
B. asaresultof,
C. because,
D. dueto

56. A. Accordingly, this upgraded product carries with it a price increase to $1258.5 per item EXW. B. and these are not always reflected timely in our advertisements, which are prepared some months before they appear in the press. C. There has been an upgrade of the SX99, now renamed the SX99GT, which significantly enhances its performance and reliability.D. Prices of equipment and specifications are constantly changing,E. We thank you for your interest in our products.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:EDBCA

57. We think we can promise that the shipment will be ready ______ the end of August.

A. for,
B. to,
C. by,
D. towards

58. A. If our staff is at fault, you may rely on our correcting the error, or making a generous allowance if you choose to take the goods. B. We have closely examined the sample taken from our last consignment and find it in no way different in quality from the TP-415 that we have here in stock . C. We can only surmise that there must be mistakes somewhere. D. Thank you for your attention. E. In order to settle the matter, we should be pleased to send a representative to conduct an inspection.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:BEACD

59. It is important that you ______ the necessary insurance.

A. covering,
B. covered,
C. hascovered,
D. cover

60. The shipment arrived late; ______, several items were damaged.

A. further,
B. moreover,
C. therefore,
D. or

61. A. Best regards. B. Please inform us of the train they will take. C. We are delighted to know that Mr. Thomas Searle and Mr. Evans hatch are planning to visit our factory on 27 May, 2016. D. Miss Chen Fengyi is to meet Mr. Searle and Mr. Hatch at the factory’s conference room at 2:00 on the afternoon of 27 May, 2016.E. We’ll arrange Mr. Feng Xiaoyu to meet them at the railway station. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:CBDEA

62. At your request, we’ll _____ the L/C opened for your account two weeks ago.

A. adjust,
B. corrected,
C. established,
D. amend

63. We are ______ the products at the children of well-educated and young professionals.

A. selling,
B. targeting,
C. buying,
D. marketing

64. I understand that Mr. Wood is the ______ officer of the bank.

A. principle,
B. principal,
C. pricipled,
D. pricipality

65. ______ the rich resources of herbal medicine in your country, we hope we can establish long term business relations with you.

A. Interestingto,
B. Interestedin,
C. Interestedto,
D. Interestingin

66. We accept, as an exception, your order ______ business with you.

A. withaviewtobegin,
B. withaviewtostart,
C. withaviewtoclose,
D. withaviewtoinitiating

67. We were told that the consignment would be sent ______ to reach the final destination by mid November.

A. soas,
B. inorder,
C. intime,
D. as

68. A. Thank you. B. He told me you charge $50 an hour. C. Before scheduling an appointment with you to discuss the importance of my business, I asked your secretary about your legal fees. D. I will appreciate an explanation of my bill. E. I was therefore very surprised to receive a bill for $200 when I spent no more than one hour with you. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:CDEBA

69. As agreed upon in our negotiation, payment ______ L/C

A. by,
B. will,
C. areby,
D. istobemadeby

70. ______ subsequent amendments please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms.

A. Havingavoided,
B. Avoid,
C. Beingavoided,
D. Toavoid

71. A ______ for middle management personnel is typical in this country.

A. $40,000-a-year-salary,
B. salaryof$40,000-a-year,
C. $40,000a-year-salary,
D. salaryof$40,000ayear

72. Companies have to _____ new and exciting?ideas.

A. comeupwith,
B. lookout,
C. lookforward,
D. putoff

73. We find your term satisfactory and would like to order the ______.

A. follows,
B. follow,
C. following,
D. followed

74. I hope all staff can _____ the visitor programme.

A. takeout,
B. getinvolved,
C. takeup,
D. takepartin

75. If the goods you require are out of _____, it means they are not available.

A. discount,
B. stock,
C. credit,
D. profit

76. Because of the confidential nature of the deal, I was not ______ to announce it.

A. supposed,
B. happy,
C. prevented,
D. reluctant

77. This is a new product but it is gaining ______ popularity in the world market.

A. manymore,
B. betterandbetter,
C. increasinglysteady,
D. steadilyincreasing

78. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may ______.

A. happen,
B. cause,
C. produce,
D. open

79. We shall be glad if you will ______ that the L/C is amended without delay.

A. payattention,
B. seetoit,
C. notice,
D. assure

80. The visitor has an ______ with Mr.Hanson.

A. appointment,
B. reservation,
C. meeting,
D. suggestion

81. Our new billing system totals all balance, gives weekly reports and ______.

A. printsstatements,
B. statementsareprinted,
C. printedstatements,
D. statementsprint

82. Something about these insurance claims ________.

A. appearquestionably,
B. appearsquestionably,
C. appearquestionable,
D. appearsquestionable

83. A. We have enclosed a catalogue of all the specifications and varieties of our products.B. Our products are always very popular in Europe and Japan. With your help, we are hoping to penetrate the huge market in China.C. We are awaiting the opportunity of cooperating with you.D. With a long history and high reliability, this Company has established a good reputation at home and abroad.E. It's so nice to receive your letter dated 1 July 2000. Thank you for your interest in our products. Our products include facade boards of fiber cement with natural surface, polyurethane-coated fiber cement board and late-coated fiber cement boards.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:EACBD

84. A. We hope that you have not been inconvenienced, and that you will enjoy your purchase for a long time to come. B. Thank you for your very courteous letter. C. We are sending you another one at once-- doubly well packed, this time, to make sure it reaches you safely.D. It was apparently damaged during shipment. E. We are sorry the TV set arrived in poor condition. 将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:BEDAC

85. At our meeting earlier this month, Mr. Sharp ______ that he would approve the consignment contract.

A. indicated,
B. issued,
C. arranged,
D. remitted

86. The technical support engineers are trained to give efficient service ______ which you can depend.

A. by,
B. on,
C. with,
D. at

87. We hope you will ______ our complaint.

A. fullysettle,
B. fullsettle,
C. befullysettled,
D. havefullysettled

88. A hundred dollars ______ to pay for a computer.

A. arenotmany,
B. arenottoomuch,
C. arenotmuch,
D. isnottoomuch

89. We are now enclosing a pricelist for all the items you ______ in your letter under reply.

A. required,
B. inquiredabout,
C. said,
D. informed

90. We would appreciate _______ us a bid for the construction project.

A. yousend,
B. yoursending,
C. youtosend,
D. ofyoursending

91. In ______ of quality, our make is superior.

A. terms,
B. term,
C. connection,
D. connections

92. We will soon increase our production to ______ the full capacity of the plant.

A. get,
B. obtain,
C. meet,
D. reach

93. In this case, the buyer ______ cancel the contract.

A. could,
B. mayhaveto,
C. hastherightto,
D. reservetherightto

94. Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, ______ do considerable import business with you.

A. wearepossibleto,
B. itispossibleforusto,
C. weareableto,
D. thereisthepossibilityforusto

95. A. Thanks and best regards.B. Kindly note the price should be USD 90 + 15% and a good view. C. We would be obliged if you would arrange the hotel accommodation for Mr. William Ghost on July 13, 2016 at Shangri- La Hotel in Shanghai.D. We appreciate your early confirmation.E. Please advise us of your confirmation before tomorrow.将以上五个句子重新排列,语序为:CBEDA

96. From now on, the Chinese products enter ______ competition ______ foreign products in the international market.

A. in,with,
B. to,alongwith,
C. into,with,
D. on,over

97. We ______ be obliged if you will furnish us with the following information.

A. should,
B. will,
C. could,
D. might

98. Before I left the corporation, I ______ six years’ experience as the chief accountant.

A. had,
B. hadhad,
C. have,
D. havehad

99. Please ______ payment in full three months from today.

A. make,
B. license,
C. remit,
D. indicate

100. _______ heavy orders, we cannot advance shipment of your order.

A. Because,
B. Forthat,
C. Owingto,
D. Thanksto
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