如何提升你的英语口语 仅仅靠背单词有用吗

acad2018 2023-03-13 06:44:04


Someone may suggest that you should master at least 3000 ~ 5000 words if you want to improve your spoken English.


So you set yourself the ambitious goal of memorizing a lot of new words every day.


Although learning the common words in a language can be an effective way to your spoken English, it's not the whole story.


You need to focus on phrases, sentences, but not just words.


What are


Phrases are words that naturally fit together in a language. They work as a

whole to express a particular idea.

(Phrases 短语,就是语言中自然组合在一起的词。他们作为一个整体来表达一个特定的想法。)

For example, 'Nice to meet you' and 'Good to see you again' are some of the common phrases used in spoken English.

(例如“Nice to meet you.”和“Good to see you again”都是英语口语中的一些常用短语。)

When we are learning a language, we tend to learn these phrases as a whole, instead of learning English word by word.


Why do phrases help us to learn a language faster?


When we learn phrases in a foreign language instead of single words, we are more likely to store and recall what we have learned so we can use it exactly when we need to.


This will allow you to develop your confidence and fluency in your new language faster and

help you reduce the number of mistakes you make.


This is why learning phrases are so important when it comes to language learning. They can help us break away from memorizing grammar rules and instead using our new language skills.


Of course, we can't ignore words altogether because they can be a secret weapon when we want to improve our language skills.


For example, we could use the common phrase, “What do you think of my suit?” and switch the noun 'suit' for a large range of other words such as 'car', 'haircut' or even 'food'.

(例如,我们可以使用常见的短语“What do you think of my suit?”这里的名词“suit”就可以换成其他词,例如“car”、“haircut”甚至“food”)

Similarly, you could switch the word 'my' for another word such as'your', 'her' or 'their' and even further. The possibilities are endless.


Phrases help you to build your fluency.


Learning phrases becomes even more important once you move out of the beginner levels and start learning more complex language such as idioms or expressions in spoken English.


If we had already learned this expression as a phrase, we would be more likely to understand what was meant and achieve higher levels faster.

上一篇:如何才能更好的辅导孩子学习 怎样在家陪孩子学好英语
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