英语发音教学 04 R音 R sound

acad2018 2023-04-23 12:44:07


Have you ever wondered whether you're using the right consonant sounds in the right words when you speak in British English? Have you ever wished that you can pronounce consonant sounds accurately?


Well, in this video I'm gonna show you exactly how to pronounce one of the five most commonly mispronounced consonants and its most typical spellings, so here we go. This video is about the /r/ sound, the letter R.

在这段视频中,我将向你展示如何准确地发出五个最常发错的辅音中的一个和它最典型的字母(组合)。那么,我们开始吧。本集视频关于字母 R 的发音/r/音。

And you make this sound with the lips relaxed open, the tip of the tongue curling up towards the upper gums but not touching them and this is a voiced consonant. And it's most typical spelling is R as in "rang", double R as in "married", WR as in "wrong" and RH as in "rhubarb".

当你发出这个音的时候,嘴唇放松张开,舌尖向上卷起,靠近上牙龈,但不要碰到它们,这是一个浊辅音。其最典型的字母(组合)是“rang”中的 R,“married”中的两个 R,“wrong”中的 WR,还有“rhubarb”中的 RH。

Althoufh, be careful because not every written R is pronounced in British English. We tend only to pronounce Rs that are followed by vowel sounds.

但是,要注意,在英式英语中,并非每个 R 都发音。我们往往只会发后面跟着元音的 R 音。

Here are some practice words: broken, worried, wrong, rap, rhythm. Now, if you'd like to master another of the most commonly mispronounced consonant sounds, then click here and it'll take you to another YouTube video.


But if you'd like to perfect this particular consonant and you want to massively improve your confidence and fluency in English then click here and download this free 5-day eCourse. With just five minutes a day for

the next five days, you'll get to the heart of the top five mispronounced consonants.


You'll get loads of practice words, drawings of the lips and the tongue positions, twenty-five minutes of audio plus a secret bonus. And you can even download it to your mobile so that you can practice while you're on the go.


So, if you really want to improve your clarity, then download this free five-day eCourse right now. So if you enjoyed this video, then click LIKE so that you can find it easily again and consider subscribing to this channel because I post weekly videos here every Tuesday at 8:30 GMT London local time, that's 8:30 in the evening p. m.



And so, I hope to see you again next week.

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