英语句型转换 肯定句变否定句变法规则,不会的赶紧看看

acad2018 2023-04-24 12:44:15



肯定句变否定句变法规则 :

一 、有 be 动词( am 、is 、are )和情态动词( can 、could 、may 、must 、shoud 、 will 、 would 等)时,直接在be动词和情态动词后面加 not ,some变为any,and 变为 or ,too 变为either ,其


例如 :

①、I am a student. – I am not a student.

②、Amy is a good girl.–Amy is nota good girl.

③、These flowers are very beautiful.–These flowersare not very beautiful.

④、I can swim.–Ican't( can not ) swim.

⑤、There are some books on the table.–There are not anybooks on the table.

⑥、Jack is a doctor , too.–Jack is not a doctor , either.

⑦、I was a student ten years ago.–I was nota student ten years ago.

注 :⑴、 some 、and 用于肯定句中,any、or用于否定句和疑问句中。

⑵、was 是 is 和 are 的过去式,were 是 are 的过去式。

二、没有 be 动词( am 、is 、are )和情态动词( can 、could 、may 、must 、shoud 、 will 、 would 等)时,在动词前面加 don't 、doesn't 、didn't ,动词恢复成原型,some变为any,and 变为 or ,too 变为either ,其他的照抄。

例如 :

①、I like math.–I don't likemath.

②、Jack likes math, too.–Jack doesn't like math , either.

③、They like bananas and apples.–They don't like bananas orapples.

④、Lily gets up at six

every morning.–Lily doesn't getup at six every morning.

⑤、His father likes playing football.–His father doesn't likeplaying football.

⑥、I went fishing yesterday.–l didn't gofishing yesterday.

注 : ⑴、当句子是一般过去时态时,在动词前加 didn't ,动词恢复成原型。

⑵、当句子是一般现在时态时,主语是第三人称单数时,在动词前加 doesn't ,动词恢复成原型;主语不是第三人称单数时,在动词前加 don't。



1、He is my father.

2、This is a cat.

3、These are his books.

4、David can swim.

5、Stand up.

6、There are some books and two pencils on the desk.

7、We come from Henan.

8、Millie has breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.

9、My parents like watching TV at night.

10、I often play basketball with my friends.

11、His brother likes swimming and running.

12、My mother and I visited my grandparents last week.

13、I have many friends here.

14、Tom went to Beijing last summer vacation.

15、Jack likes playing football after school , too.

答案 :

1、He is not my


2、This is not a cat.

3、These are not his books.

4、David can't swim.

5、Don't stand up.

6、There are not any books or two pencils on the desk.

7、We don't come from Henan.

8、Millie doesn't have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.

9、My parents don't like watching TV at night.

10、I don't often play basketball with my friends.

11、His brother doesn't like swimming or running.

12、My mother and I didn't visit my grandparents last week.

13、I don't have many friends here.

14、Tom didn't go to Beijing last summer vacation.

15、Jack doesn't like playing football after school , either.
下一篇:英语听力想提高,坚持多听就够了 名师坦言 还要背对听力单词
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